Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4323

When Locke returned to the wizard world, the women who came to meet him were sharafa, Keira and so on.

At present, the wizard civilization has already embarked on the journey to the pan star domain after the purple Temple burning soul world. For example, Locke\'s daughter Bev and some other level 5 and 6 strong wizards in the wizard world are now fighting in that star domain.

In addition, there are quite a number of powerful wizards in the world who follow Locke to join the war with the silent bone gathering civilization.

Therefore, there are only a few senior wizard world strongmen such as Sarah FA and Vivian, the witch leader of the north.

"This stellar war fortress is good. After the technical analysis is completed, you can take it to the Mamet alliance to use as Bev\'s car." Locke said to sharafa.

Locke has always been really good to her two daughters. Lisa has a dead descendant femton to provide shelter, and Bev has now won a stellar war fortress.

Only Odin, Locke\'s son, didn\'t get any high-level combat power from Locke these years.

The only thing Locke has given Odin in recent years is the world-class treasures he used in the past, such as Thor armor and Thor gun.

It\'s not that Locke values women over men, but Locke believes that his son should be honed more than giving each other high-level power directly.

Locke\'s words made Sarah FA turn around and focus on the stellar war fortress behind him.

She didn\'t show any special emotion. After nodding slightly, sharafa said, "let\'s go to the city of the sky first. Master Douglas is waiting for you there."

"OK." Locke replied.


City of sky.

Compared with more than 100000 years ago, the city of the sky in the new era is more towering, and it also highlights the wisdom and erudition of the magician civilization caster.

A light blue magic barrier appears outside the sky city, and countless regular light spots and energy circuits flicker above the sky city.

The first impression is mysterious and beautiful.

Thousands of towering buildings appear in every corner of the city of the sky.

More than half of these buildings with wizard civilization style are the storage places of various libraries and classics, which contain the wisdom crystallization of wizard civilization that can not be measured by wealth.

The other half are various types of alchemy laboratories and small heavy industries.

Although the business alliance kapec and other large forces in the wizard world have contracted the production functions of various large magic guides such as space fortress.

However, as the holy land of casters in the wizard world, the city of the sky is still a pioneer in the development of various types of magical elements and alchemy.

And as Locke arrived at the city of the sky this time, he found that compared with the rigorous and quiet atmosphere in the past, the city hovering in the sky of the wizard world gradually had more vitality and popularity.

A commercial street covering a large area leads directly to the inside and outside of the sky city.

There are countless kinds of alchemy shops and magic bookstores. In the past, such shops with commercial elements could not appear inside the city of the sky.

Not that it will affect the image of the city of the sky.

But in the past, in addition to its status as a crystallization of wizard civilization caster, the city of the sky was also the private plot of Douglas, the top caster in the wizard world.

The emergence of these commercial element shops and the large flow of middle and low-level magicians will inevitably interfere with master Douglas\'s experimental research.

Seeing the situation in front of him, Locke couldn\'t help looking at sarafa.

"Douglas intended to give up the city of the sky as the wealth of the whole wizard civilization."

"Including the astrological holy tower and the eternal holy tower, master Douglas has also moved out of the city of the sky, leaving only one arcane holy tower as a beacon for the inheritance of wizard civilization wisdom and magic." Said sharafa.

Sarah law\'s answer made Locke respect Douglas again.

Compared with Locke, who led the wizard civilization corps to constantly fight against the ectopic side, master Douglas has made little efforts in recent years, but his contribution to the wizard civilization is not much lower than Locke.

The city of the sky is a place where Master Douglas has devoted a lot of effort. Donating the city of the sky directly is enough to see the style of master Douglas.

So that for a moment, Locke had the idea of donating his Xinggang directly.

However, this is only an idea after all, and has not yet become a reality.

Locke\'s Starport can\'t be compared with master Douglas\'s sky city. The sky city has a good position in the minds of the majority of spell casters in the wizard world. On the contrary, Locke\'s Starport is somewhat vulgar.

In an alchemy experimental site in the middle of sky city, Locke met master Douglas and old lady may.

It is very close to the arcane holy tower in the center of the sky city. Just look up a little, you can see the towering arcane holy tower.

But when Locke arrived at the alchemy experimental site, the first thing that attracted his attention was not the rebuilt arcane tower.

But in the center of the alchemy experimental site, the height is only 200 meters. Next to the towering arcane holy tower, there is an ordinary magic tower that looks like a stunted little brother.

"Is that what master Douglas has achieved in recent years?" Looking at the magic tower in front of him, Locke couldn\'t help asking when he felt that the magic tower did contain some power of unspeakable hidden rules.

At this time, in the alchemy experimental site, in addition to Douglas and Mrs. may, there is also a group of magicians above level 4 with more than 20 people.

This is a group of old guys with white beard, including the youngest one, whose life span is probably more than 100000 years.

Fighting is not the specialty of these old guys. Alchemy and research in the field of rule theory are what they are best at.

Locke used to know that there were many top alchemy laboratories in sky city.

Including the most advanced space fortress in the wizard world, more than 70% of the components were initially completed by these alchemy laboratories to make technological breakthroughs and study how to mass produce.

Obviously, master Douglas gathered the top alchemists in the city of the sky and even the whole wizard world.

At the edge of the test site, several piles of parts that have been turned into white bone fragments are the white bone tower that Locke got from the battlefield of the silent bone convergence civilization.

I don\'t know what master glass and others have learned from it. Locke even saw the figure of the guardian of the moon.

"Here you are, Locke. Come here." Seeing Locke, master Douglas was very happy and greeted Locke very cordially and kindly.

The pillow came just as he was dozing off. Douglas was about to test the magic tower for the 1864th time.

No one is more suitable to be the test carrier of the magic tower than Locke, who has the eternal soul.