Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4311

Kandana planetary belt.

The fierce war has lasted here for 200 years, and the solid defense front originally built by the silent civilization has been completely screened under the continuous bombing of the galent Federation and the repeated charging of various civilized legions.

What about the nearly 2 billion dead creature legions? No matter how strong the white bone shell is, it will also be burst by the energy beam of the federal warships, including many defensive dead fortresses of the silent bone convergence civilization in this civilized war, which do not reflect the expected role.

If it were a general large-scale world civilization, it would have collapsed thousands of miles in the indiscriminate bombing of this level and the charge of the Legion of multi-ethnic civilizations.

However, because it is a large world civilization with a large amount of cannon fodder and fear of death, the fragmentation of the kandana planetary belt does not mean that the jiluogulian civilization will usher in a great defeat.

When countless legions of civilizations rushed into the kandana planetary belt and broke out close combat with those undead creatures, the war rhythm and performance opportunity of the silent civilization began to appear.

Although the silent civilization did impress many strong foreign civilizations, including Locke and moraya, in this civilization war, the fragmentation and final occupation of the kandana planetary belt.

It also seems to explain the final direction of the war.

Under the intentional propaganda of the galent Federation, the vast majority of the anti light Protoss alliance members who participated in the civilized war expressed optimism about the civilized war.

Only a few people, including Locke, did not think that the outcome of the war was as clear as it was on the current battlefield.

"What is your Federation going to do with the endless death clouds in the lonely and convergent star domain, and the specific number of death planes that have not been explored so far?" When the kandana planetary belt was broken, Locke found the federal five-star general trichi pan baesa and asked.

The victory of the kandana planetary belt has indeed boosted morale and demonstrated that this civilized war may eventually lead to victory.

But Locke knew that the galent Federation could raze the kandana planetary belt with warships and cannons, but they couldn\'t raze the whole lonely star field.

The Federal Energy spar is not endless.

In the words of the Federation itself, what they shoot out is not energy beam, but money, which is the federal currency pursued by the federal people all their life.

Based on the information of galent Federation, it is impossible to completely annihilate an entire large star domain.

Maybe one day they will become the top scientific and technological civilization like the Atlantis civilization, which can have this ability, but it is definitely not now.

Faced with Locke\'s inquiry, trichi pan baesa took out a star map.

Their federation has long predicted and analyzed the civilization war. For Locke\'s question, trichi pan baesa pointed to dozens of lonely and convergent star domain element nodes on the star map and hundreds of dead stars with proven coordinates.

"The use of black hole weapons or annihilation beams to destroy all these energy nodes and death planets will inevitably reduce the concentration of death clouds in the whole silent and convergent star domain and create preconditions for our victory."

"Destroy all these death planes?" Locke took a surprised look at triche pan baesa, and soon understood the old man\'s intention.

The wizard civilization launched a civilization war to plunder resources and expand itself. Therefore, for those occupying the position, the common practice of the wizard civilization is to beat the indigenous creatures of the standard as slaves, and all kinds of rare minerals are transported back to the wizard civilization.

Except in a few cases, the wizard civilization will destroy those occupied planes. Most of the time, these planes will be used as a resource world to continuously deliver new blood and resource wealth to the wizard civilization.

The galent Federation is not. They want these death planets to have no effect.

As for the resources and wealth bred in these dead planets, the galent Federation does not need to pursue the concept of sustainable development like the wizard civilization. If the whole planet is blasted, the galent federation can still send mining ships in the sky to mine these broken star fragments.

Even deeper, the galent Federation is not sure they want broken planets more than regular and complete planes.

For example, the "star core" produced after the fragmentation of each regular complete plane is an important energy source for the Russian lobas class war fleet of the galent Federation.

It is still unknown how many cores the galent Federation will eventually acquire by exploding all death attribute planes of the whole silent bone convergence star domain.

However, it is certain that with these star cores and rare resources, the galent federation can at least maintain the supplement of high-level combat power after the war, or even go higher and higher.

Locke, who wanted to understand these things, immediately approved trichi pan baesa\'s war plan.

Galent Federation wants to destroy all death attributes in the silent bone convergence star domain. It happens that Locke, who practices the avenue of destruction, has no reason to oppose it.

The wizard civilization cannot understand how the galent federation can create so many incredible scientific and technological products, but the galent Federation also does not know so much about the wizard civilization embarking on the practice system.

If Locke, as the master of the late eighth level, is one of the few unsolved mysteries of the star world that galent federal scientists cannot understand.

Similarly, how Locke completed his promotion by absorbing the power of destruction is something that federal scientists can\'t explain with "science".

The astral world is so vast that a single individual and civilization spend their whole life and can\'t untie all her veil.

Under the support of common interests, the wizard civilization represented by Locke and the galent Federation will cooperate more closely in the next civilization war.

Just before he was about to lead his troops to break through the kandana planetary belt, Locke suddenly received several unexpected messages from the rear of the wizard civilization.

"Why are you here?" Locke frowned and looked at Lilith, the level seven dark Summoner in front of him.

Yes, Lilith arrived in noumenon this time, not simply sent a separate person to come.

Therefore, Locke\'s expression is quite dignified at this time, which is different from what Locke agreed with her before.

"It\'s natural for me to come and have a look at the war against a large world civilization with death attributes such as the silent bone convergence civilization."

"I have to say that the half of the master\'s corpse and the fragments of the two white bone towers you sent back last time really brought me too many surprises and surprises." Lilith, the seventh level dark summoner, didn\'t seem to see Locke\'s dark face and said to herself.

And the words are full of excitement. The caster of the wizard world with the same abnormal brain has smelled the strong death attribute factor on the civilized battlefield.

Every caster in the wizard world is a "madman". Obviously Lilith is a "madman" among the "madmen", so she can reach this height.

"Who is in charge of the brain eater star domain and the purple Temple inflammatory soul world group?"

"What if the tower world and the false word civilization make any small moves?" Locke asked with a headache. He found that he couldn\'t control Lilith.

"Don\'t worry, the phantom Riel is watching over there."

"Moreover, I\'ve brought you some good news this time. The dragon mother danilis has completed the transformation of the dominant realm. She is now in the purple flame soul world." Said Lilith.


I have posted the figure map of the knight\'s journey on the gongcong number. You can see it after searching "d I love Xiaodou" on the Huixin gongcong number and paying attention to Xiaodou.

I sent many pictures of Lilith in previous periods. I don\'t know if everyone still remembers her.