Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4310

Strictly speaking, the border between the galent Federation and the jiluogulian civilization should be the border between the Mesopotamian civilization and the jiluogulian civilization.

Since the creatures of the Mesopotamian civilization are naturally spiritual bodies and do not have too many flesh and blood elements in the body composition, the silent bone convergence civilization and this scientific and technological civilization were also old neighbors for many years, but there was no major conflict between the two sides.

In other words, many of the reasons for all these wars came from the invasion and conquest of Mesopotamian civilization by the galent Federation.

Compared with the snail like spiritual bodies of Mesopotamian civilization, it is obviously a humanoid civilization. The galent federation can arouse the interest of silent civilization.

When Locke and the wizard civilization Corps arrived at the border, looking at the open and boundless deep starry sky, Locke couldn\'t help asking the three-star general Lina, who was responsible for contacting and communicating with him, "what about the spiritual bodies of Mesopotamian civilization? Why don\'t you see much in this starry void?"

Locke\'s inquiry made Samsung general Lina fall into a moment of silence.

However, before Locke waited long, Lina replied in a more euphemistic way, "as a foreign civilization hostile to the galent Federation, there will be no soil for their survival in many nearby star regions."

Although Lina said very civilized, Locke heard another meaning from it. The Federation implemented racial discrimination against the spiritual bodies of Mesopotamian civilization Extermination.

So don\'t look at the cruel and bloody things done by the silent civilization in the hinterland of the galent Federation. In fact, any defeated civilization will not be much better for the defeated civilization.

In this regard, the wizard civilization is a little more inclusive than the galent Federation.

At least in the face of brain eaters and underworld creatures who also caused great disasters to the wizard civilization, the wizard civilization did not exterminate these two races, but belittled them as slave creatures or experimental specimens.

Among the hundreds of millions of slave creatures under the wizard civilization, the underworld creatures constitute an extremely important part.

Strong physique and tenacious spirit doomed the underworld creatures to be more useful than other slave creatures produced by small and medium-sized planes.

The inborn super mental power of the brain eaters also makes many magician world casters choose a complete living brain eater as the first exotic specimen in their anatomy class at the beginning of embarking on the road of truth exploration.

Today, there are only two types of Mesopotamian spiritual civilization still alive in the galent Federation.

One is to stay at the federal zoo. After taking off their bright coats, they have become ugly and foolish "primitive animals" in the eyes of the federal people.

The other is imprisoned in the most rigorous laboratory in the Federation, and these spiritual bodies are often the top scientists in the past of Mesopotamian civilization.

The federation needs these spiritual bodies of Mesopotamian civilization to contribute their wisdom and intellectual wealth in their minds and contribute to the prosperity and development of the Federation.

What Locke doesn\'t know is that the neutron star bomb that flaunted its prestige in the war not long ago contains not only the wisdom of federal scientists, but also the painstaking efforts of many spiritual bodies imprisoned in the laboratory.

Of course, even if Locke knew the fate of these spiritual bodies of Mesopotamia civilization, he would not have half compassion.

Locke is not a great saint. These spiritual bodies of Mesopotamian civilization were prepared to bear this heavy price when they dared to invade the wizard world.

Therefore, after hearing from the three-star general Lina that the spiritual bodies in the Mesopotamia region were almost likely to be slaughtered, Locke just nodded slightly and did not even change his face.

The galent Federation does not need slave creatures. They just need to kill all the native creatures of defeated civilizations and make room for federal citizens.

Moreover, due to the frequent wars of civilization in recent years and the deep disasters in the rear.

While the federal population of galent has been declining sharply, the federal government has made new efforts Taiwan has adopted a large number of policies to encourage fertility, which has prevented the total federal population from plummeting.

The average growth period of 40 years ensures the supply of federal troops. Even those federal humans as long as they grow up to about 20 years old can hold laser guns and charge combat power, which makes the galent Federation stick to the present in the civilized war.

And over time, the gallant Federation will show more racial toughness and advanced civilization, proving that they can survive the hard war and have the potential to enter the top civilizations.

On this front called the "kandana planetary belt", Locke saw the Legion of silent civilization.

The death legion, driven out of many star regions by the galent Federation and his allies, has regained its foothold here.

Extremely rich and can not see through the deep gray and white death cloud, which is a major feature of the silent bone gathering civilized death Corps on the civilized battlefield.

Although the long white cloud makes people unable to touch the details of the silent and bone gathering civilization, from the perspective of dominant creatures, Locke can easily find that under the death cloud, there are billions of dense undead creatures.

Obviously, the previous strategic retreat and contraction of troops have given the silent civilization more time and space to regroup its forces.

There are more undead legions than those on the battlefield of kadiga. This time, the lonely civilization plans to fight with the galent federal army on the border.

The large-scale civil scuffle with a total force of more than 3 billion is definitely an extremely rare war in the whole star world.

In terms of the number of creatures participating in the war, the total number of troops of both sides on the Xianyu battlefield that Locke participated in not long ago is only one billion, which is not as exaggerated as the battlefield here.

Of course, the exaggeration of the total number of creatures participating in the war is also related to the fact that the silent bone convergence civilization has a large number of low-level undead creatures, and the galent Federation has a large number of warships and fighters.

Although it is difficult for the bright Protoss and Xianyu, as the top civilization, to gather such an exaggerated number of lower legions on the civilized battlefield, it is undeniable that both angels and Xianyu friars are far better than a dead creature of the lonely civilization or a standard fighter of the galent Federation in terms of individual combat ability.

"Shua! Shua! Shua!"

"Boom!" "Boom!" "Boom!"

When Locke and the wizard civilization Corps arrived at the forefront of the battlefield, the routine bombing of the silent civilization front by the galent Federation had begun.

Countless columns of crimson, white or purple light cut through the entire interstellar space. Even the dark and deep starry sky has now been rendered colorful.

This is the normal war rhythm of the galent Federation, and Locke is no longer a stranger.

It can be predicted that when the federal fleet and the wizard civilization Legion enter the lonely civilization position, they will see endless white bone powder and dead creatures everywhere.

This degree of firepower suppression, the wizard civilization with alchemy equipment such as space fortress and magic guide cannon, is indeed a little worse than the galent Federation.