Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4312

Daenerys, the dragon mother, finally took this step. For Locke, it was both unexpected and reasonable.

However, other news about the breakthrough with the dragon mother danilis is that Locke\'s apprentice in Xianyu also completed the promotion of the road of domination not long ago.

Two thousand years ago, the civilization of the fairy kingdom did not complete the conquest and occupation of the Enze Star Kingdom, so the golden monkey who stayed next to the sage Nuwa did not return to the wizard world with Locke.

Moreover, compared with the wizard civilization that was still in the "peaceful period" at that time, it was obviously a battlefield in the immortal region with war, which was more suitable for the practice of golden monkey\'s destructive power.

Locke also asked whether the golden monkey was willing to follow him back to the wizard civilization. The golden monkey\'s answer was that it wanted to kill the enemy who opposed it in the battlefield of grace star domain, and then return to the wizard world.

The enemy that the golden monkey refers to is chatai, one of the three heavenly arrogants of the Enze mainland.

I don\'t know that with the golden monkey\'s promotion to dominate, this new talent of Enze mainland, who has the combat power of the top desperate, has fallen, but led some of Enze mainland\'s survivors to flee to the unknown stars.

The golden monkey\'s breakthrough made Locke feel a lot happier. After all, he was the only apprentice who inherited his path of destruction.

In addition to the promotion of the golden monkey far away from the immortal region, the news that the golden monkey promotion came along with the news that many quasi Saint peak friars in the immortal region have entered the realm of saints.

The big day Tathagata Buddha group and Guanyin Bodhisattva of Buddhism have stepped into the level of saints one after another.

Quasi Saint level scattered cultivation and pressed the Taoist to enter the saint level.

Xuandu, the only disciple of level 8 sage Lao Tzu, has entered the sage level.

In addition to the above four masters who have entered the seven levels, such as Kong Xuan of the Phoenix nationality and Duobao Taoist who has stopped teaching, although they have not entered the realm of domination, they have shown great potential to promote domination on the civilized battlefield.

Moreover, the young talents and excellent seeds of Xianyu are far more than these. The existence of the intercepted Zhao Gongming, the elucidating Erlang God Yang Jian, the great God Nezha of the three altar sea society, the earth Tibetan king Bodhisattva of Buddhism, and Fu Xi of the demon family are all the existence that have great potential to impact the dominant territory in the future.

In comparison, although there are many potential seeds of wizard civilization, it is still a lot worse than Nuo Da\'s immortal region.

Tathagata, Guanyin and xuandu all entered the realm of saints. As Locke, who had previously dealt with these beings or the saint Taoist court behind them, immediately congratulated them and gave them a gift in the name of personal and wizard civilization.

Only the casual monk Lu Yadao Locke has no friendship with him. He just knows that the casual monk is not very popular in the immortal region, especially with the apostate.

Today, there is no leader of Tongtian sect, and his disciples have not changed to the realm of saints for the time being.

Seeing that the apostasy, which once came to Korea, will usher in decline, as a friend of the apostasy and Tongtian cult leader, Locke is a little sorry, but he still sighs helplessly.

To put it bluntly, the prosperity of apostasy stems from the strength of Tongtian sect leader.

When the pillar fell, the future of the whole interception was somewhat unpredictable.

Similar to the interception of religion, there is also the elucidation of the emperor at the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty of Yuqing.

In the era of many saints in Xianyu, hermeneutics is also facing the embarrassing situation of talent fault.

The new generation of disciples such as Nezha and Yang Jian are indeed outstanding, but they still have to sharpen and practice in a short time if they want to be promoted to saints.

In contrast to Buddhism, although the saints were killed in the war of civilization, two Saint level Buddhas and Bodhisattvas were born, which all proves that the great prosperity of Buddhism is coming!

The existence of such saints as the scattered land pressure Taoist, the ancestor of the blood sea Styx River and the great immortal of Yuanzi in Wuzhuang Guanzhen will also mark the rewriting of the powerful situation of Buddhism and Taoism in the past.

The future of Xianyu will be more brilliant and full of variables.

After all, there is pressure only when there is competition.

In the past, Tongtian sect leader and Yuanshi Tianzun took so much care of their disciples that they lacked the courage to fight and struggle in adversity compared with those monks who came from "wild roads".

As an old friend of Tongtian leader, Locke will try his best to help cut off teaching.

However, the immortal region and wizard civilization are far apart after all, and Locke\'s help is only the second. If the truncated disciples want to reproduce the peak, they have to work hard by themselves.


A series of messages from Xianyu digested Locke, who was in the quiet battlefield of civilization.

And also from Lilith, Locke learned that the battle of Xianyu in Enze star domain was almost over. Maybe it won\'t be long before his apprentice golden monkey will return.

"You arrived at the front line of the war rashly this time. Neither I nor the galent Federation were prepared."

"If you can tell me in advance, I\'m not sure I can pull some more oil and water from the Federation." Although his face looked better, Locke still said to Lilith.

However, Lilith is not in charge. She doesn\'t know how expensive daily necessities are.

Locke considers the gain and loss from the perspective of wizard civilization, while Lilith focuses more on her own way of truth exploration.

Therefore, Lilith not only didn\'t say anything about Locke\'s stomach, but urged Locke to say, "I\'ve felt the rich atmosphere of death elements in this battlefield. Is the war in this planetary belt over?"

"Are we going to go deep into the silent bone gathering star region to fight? Take me to the front battlefield quickly. I\'m sure there will be some unexpected gains!"

Lilith\'s answer made Locke sigh. Locke really didn\'t know what to say about the level seven magician who was in an excited state.

Lilith\'s arrival was unexpected and helpless for Locke.

But for the galent Federation, it is definitely a surprise and joy.

The Federation did not promise to give Locke and wizard civilization more employment remuneration, but five-star general trichi pan baesa verbally promised to give Lilith, the Seven-level master of wizard civilization, the priority to choose the spoils on the battlefield.

The "booty" referred to here includes all the captured by the Garrett federal fleet and the civilization of members of the anti light Protoss Alliance on the battlefield.

The price is neither big nor small.

Although Locke himself felt that she could continue to strive for some benefits from the galent Federation, Lilith herself was very satisfied.

Lilith arrived at the front line of the civilization battlefield, which also attracted great attention and attention, as well as the dead masters of the civilization on the other side of the front.

On the other side of the endless and broken starry battlefield, facing Lilith, a level seven magician who exudes incomparably strong death and dark law fluctuations, almost every dead Master of a lonely civilization feels a heavy pressure.