Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4307

After meeting with old man triche pan baesa, Locke jokingly asked him, "you take care of so many federal affairs, why don\'t you try to run for president?"

Indeed, the functions of five-star general trichi pan baesa during the civilized war not only covered the military field, but also had great influence in the political field.

For example, in this meeting with Locke to discuss a more in-depth topic of civilized cooperation, it was not the federal president who came to Locke to talk, but the old man who played a guest role directly.

Locke doesn\'t know whether old man trichi pan baesa also has great influence in the federal economic field, but judging from his power in the political and military fields, it\'s obvious that his involvement in the federal economy will not be too bad.

Sure enough, in the face of Locke\'s joke inquiry.

After thinking for a moment, old man trichi pan baesa solemnly replied, "if I want to run for president, I must first amend the Federal Constitution."

It\'s not that old man trichi pan baesa doesn\'t want to be the federal president, but that he has already been.

This is a top man who first transferred from the military to politics, and then returned to the military after the expiration of the president\'s term of office.

From the original major, to the later federal president, to today\'s five-star general.

Trichi pan baesa has gone through a long road that everyone in the Federation may not be able to go through in his life, and created an inaccessible myth in the history of the Federation.

If the life of old man trichi pan baesa is recorded as a biography or novel, it will definitely be sold out in the whole Federation.

Unfortunately, there are too many energy and privacy of invisible people in the top figures of the Federation like him. No chaebol or publishing house dares to meddle in the life of trichi pan baesa.

The old man\'s answer obviously stunned Locke.

Then Locke, who wanted to understand this, nodded, then turned and left the stellar war fortress.


Half of the dominant wreckage is Locke\'s first harvest in the battle of civilization.

Locke himself was not interested in the master wreckage. After much consideration, he decided to transport the half master wreckage together with the fragments of the two white bone towers back to the wizard civilization.

The harvest of Locke and wizard civilization in this civilization battle made moraya, the seventh level reader of the civilization of the rose imperial dynasty, jealous.

Just as the front-line battlefield was coming to an end, this level 7 scholar of rose Dynasty civilization who had had some dealings with Locke came to Locke from the next star field to "catch the autumn wind".

A bunch of long light red hair with two braids. The first feeling of moraya, a level 7 reader, to Locke is still rebellious and non mainstream.

This is a top strong person of rose imperial civilization with extremely noble blood. However, when she arrived at cardiga from Zelong star domain next door, Locke did not see the cultivation of rose imperial civilization aristocrats contained in her.

"Did you dye your hair?" When he met moraya, Locke was at the abdominal entrance of femton, a dead man.

The strong breath of death element and the power of rules are not a problem for Locke, but moraya, a level 7 reader, condenses a translucent mental shield on the body surface.

It\'s just that she has the strength in the early stage of level 7. It\'s not so easy to get close to the powerful level 8 regular creatures like dead femton.

In addition to the strong death attribute environment around the dead descendants, the breath and pressure brought to moraya by this powerful level 8 creature is not ordinary.

Although she was choked by the smell of femton, moraya nodded and said in a normal look and tone as much as possible, "it\'s just that she changed her hair color by using energy factor. It\'s no big deal."

The top followers of the rose imperial civilization often have one thing in common, that is, they all have royal blood more or less, and they are all women.

This is a feature of the rose Dynasty civilization reader system, which is similar to the Dragon warlock in the wizard world.

In short, compared with the efforts and diligence acquired the day after tomorrow, it is their blood that really determines their future achievements.

Therefore, the rose imperial civilization will develop its unique imperial system, and this is also the only humanoid world civilization with women\'s status far greater than men.

Those who have pure royal blood often have beautiful light gold or white gold hair, which is also an important feature of the civilized royal members of the rose Dynasty.

The two queens Locke had met in the past, as well as his friend Mishra and others, all had blond hair.

Moraya\'s hair used to be golden, at least when he went deep into the demon world with each other.

Changing the hair color to light red is moraya\'s resistance to the traditional dogma of the rose imperial civilization.

Especially after her niece Misra failed to fight for the throne of queen, moraya disdained all kinds of bad habits of the rose imperial civilization.

Of course, moraya is a level 7 reader. In the whole rose Dynasty civilization, she can play as she wants.

Even because the seven level reader openly changed his hair color, some unusual sports and customs were produced in the civilization of the rose Dynasty.

When moraya came to Locke this time, naturally she didn\'t talk about her hair color with him.

Suppressing the heavy pressure brought by the dead femton, moraya took a deep breath and said, "on behalf of the rose Dynasty civilization, I want to talk about some details of cooperation with your wizard civilization."

No matter how rebellious moraya is, her status as a level 7 thinker doomed her to be completely bound with the rose imperial civilization.

Molaya may be upset that her niece Mishra failed to succeed as Queen, but she can\'t change the fait accompli.

Including the real queen\'s successor, the woman named alinia, from the perspective of blood, they are also relatives.

It\'s just not as close as Mishra.

"Represents the civilization of the rose dynasty?" Locke looked back at moraya in surprise.

But Locke was busy now. After thinking about it for a while, he continued, "well, we can talk later, but now I have something to deal with first."

Locke replied that if he was a normal person, he should know how to avoid suspicion and said to come back to Locke for discussion later.

But moraya is not a normal person. This woman doesn\'t know what "knowledge" is.

Locke\'s busy work also aroused moraya\'s interest. In particular, they were in the abdominal cavity of femton, a level 8 creature. Their curiosity about higher-level dominant creatures also made moraya want to know what Locke was doing.