Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4306

Soon, Locke learned what triche pan baesa called the "gift".

It was a corpse several kilometers long, pulled and pulled by more than 20 of the Federation\'s top ships, floating quietly in the starry sky.

Standing inside the stellar war fortress, through the window, Locke was extremely satisfied with the "gift" floating in the starry sky outside.

Unlike the galent Federation, which is not very interested in the body organization of this dominant creature, the Knights and magicians of wizard civilization are more enthusiastic about it.

Whether it is extracting precious elements from the body of the master to make potions or magic props, or directly taking them out to practice corpses and synthesize animal materials, it is also a rare treasure for a large world like wizard civilization.

Needless to say, Locke clearly felt that there were a large number of master souls in this master\'s corpse.

In the face of the kindness shown by old man trichi pan baesa, Locke smiled and replied his thanks.

But before Locke\'s smile dispersed from his face, the old man made another request from Locke.

Sure enough, when dealing with large world civilizations such as the galent Federation, you never want to take advantage.

Trichi pan baesa didn\'t put forward any exaggerated ideas. He just made a list for Locke.

"Because of the continuous civilization war, the exploitation and acquisition of various resources in our galent Federation have been greatly affected."

"I hope Knight Locke and the wizard civilization behind you can provide some help to our Federation." Trichi pan baesa said sincerely.

"Of course, the acquisition of these resources is not free." The old man added.

Locke did not immediately agree to the plea of old man trichi pan baesa, but took the list and looked at everything on it.

The powerful mental power of the dominant creatures is enough for Locke to read the list of nearly one million materials in an instant.

One third of this list has no problems, but the other two-thirds have some \'problems\'.

Half of the "problems" referred to here are valuable materials requested by the galent Federation, which are not on the export list of wizard civilization.

For example, Xi crystal, which is also popular in the wizard civilization, is not on the export list in the past.

Because both the Zerg and the Norman Federation have a great demand for this non renewable resource.

This type of resource is not enough for wizard civilization to use, and it will not be exported casually.

The other half of the "problem" does not involve too precious resources.

Only for this part of resources, galent federal hopes to reduce the cost by a certain proportion based on the export price in the past.

Specialized in technology.

Locke is the supreme knight, but he really can\'t forcibly intervene in this topic involving the trade cooperation between the two large world civilizations.

Facing the sincere face of five-star general trichi pan baesa, Locke finally just nodded and said, "I will inform the wizard alliance to give you concessions as much as possible and try to meet the resource transaction content on this list."

"But the specific transaction details will still be negotiated with your galent Federation by the wizard alliance." Locke replied.

Locke\'s answer obviously satisfied old man trichi pan baesa.

This is a trade in which each gets what it needs. Locke and wizard civilization have obtained half of the dominant corpses, and the galent Federation has obtained the resources they want.

After a little politeness, Locke immediately talked with trichi pan baesa about the next process of civilization war.

In this counterattack, the galent Federation recaptured three medium-sized star domains and five small star domains, including kadiga star domain, Zelong star domain and mosinagan star domain.

This is almost all the star fields lost by the galent Federation in the previous war. Now, there are only one middle and one small star fields left in the federal star field still occupied by the lonely civilization.

And look at the current momentum of the war, whether the two star regions can be recaptured is just a wave of charge by hundreds of millions of galent federal ships.

Recapturing the lost star domain was not the main purpose of the galent Federation\'s civilized war.

Those occupied star regions have been submerged by the tide of death for a long time, except that the kadiga star region and Zelong star region closer to the Federation can be quickly controlled by the Federation and burst into new vitality in the post-war recovery and reconstruction work.

Several other star regions, it is no exaggeration to say, have been completely reduced to dead regions.

Even if the galent federation can reduce the concentration of death elements in those star regions, it is obviously not proportional to the pay and final harvest.

Therefore, the current consensus reached by the federal high level is definitely not just to recover the lost land, but that they should counter attack into the lonely and bone gathering star domain, and completely occupy and eliminate this dead civilization that has caused great harm and loss to them.

This is one of the reasons why the galent Federation will spend a lot of money to pull the wizard civilization, the rose Dynasty civilization and many other small and medium-sized world civilizations into the chariot.

In the stellar war fortress, five-star general trichi pan baesa mainly discussed this issue with Locke.

Why only discuss with Locke, not with the small and medium-sized world civilization leaders within the anti light Protoss alliance, it is because they are in a class that can not reach the height of Locke and trich pan baesa.

Including the rose Dynasty civilization with a large world civilization level, it was also kicked out by the galent Federation unknowingly.

It is not that the civilization of the rose Dynasty is too weak, but that compared with the wizard civilization and the galent Federation, a large world civilization that has embarked on the mecha and minder system, its development is too slow.

The star world is like this. Being backward will be beaten. Being weak is the original sin.

Unless the rose Dynasty civilization can have eight levels of dominant combat power, they will never be able to stand at the same height as the galent Federation and other civilizations.

From a certain point of view, the civilization of the rose imperial dynasty is no different from that of the myriad flower psychic world and the purple chayan soul world to the wizard civilization.

The communication between Locke and trichi pan baesa lasted for three months.

That is, at this time, another small star region, which was still at war, announced its recovery.

It seems that the jiluogulian civilization also knows what a powerful multi civilization coalition they are facing. It is not so much that they have been beaten back to the jiluogulian star domain as that they are deliberately shrinking and actively retreating.

This civilization war is far from over. As Locke who has personally experienced the characteristics of the sea of death, he knows what kind of enemy the galent Federation is facing.

As for whether the galent federation can complete the war plan and eliminate this powerful evil neighbor, it is not easy to make a hasty conclusion.

Locke can only say that this process must be difficult and accompanied by a high price.