Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4308

Without her consent, moraya followed her into femton.

When Locke saw this, he just glanced at moraya and didn\'t say much.

If it is other masters, Locke may express some dissatisfaction.

But moraya, after all, had fought side by side with herself in the demon world star domain. With this comradeship, it didn\'t involve any core secrets anyway, and Locke let go.

At this time, in addition to moraya, Locke was accompanied by a group of necromancer magicians, as well as his daughter Lisa and other Zerg members.

The battle of domination, which lasted more than 500 years, was nothing to Locke, but there seemed to be something wrong with femton.

It\'s not a big problem, but Femton seemed to have had enough, and some other substances were born in his body.

At this time, the strong death attribute power factor is filled inside and outside femton\'s body. It\'s ok if it\'s normal.

But Lisa, who replenished femton\'s body with Zerg cannon fodder, found silk unusual.

"The average death element concentration here is 20 times that of the past, and the death element concentration in some extreme parts has even reached between 500 and 2000 times."

"Our Zerg worker bees smell some unusual energy factors and don\'t know whether they are good or bad, so we need your father\'s help to have a look." In the process of moving deeper into femton\'s body, Locke\'s second daughter Lisa explained nearby.

After nearly ten thousand years of transformation and development, femton\'s body is very different from the past.

I still remember that during the desperate world, Locke entered femton for a period of time.

The inside of this guy\'s body was a forbidden area for non undead creatures at that time. The extremely rich death factor and all kinds of corrosive mucus were enough to melt the bones and flesh of level 6 creatures.

Apart from the ugly parasites that had adapted to femton\'s body at that time, other creatures could not survive in femton for too long.

But today, after countless modifications of the Zerg, although there are still countless dangers in femton\'s body, at least in terms of appearance and rule attributes, it is much more peaceful than in the past.

At this time, Locke and others walked in a cavity in femton\'s abdomen. Femton\'s huge body made Locke and others seem to walk in an open square.

Those meat walls with strong death factors are slowly covered with a layer of purplish Zerg bacterial blanket mucus.

It\'s less than how the star Zerg did it. Millions of Zerg lived and inhabited in it, but they didn\'t bring any discomfort to femton.

Instead, it helped femton deal with a lot of its criticized personal hygiene.

Several huge Zerg buildings, hundreds of meters away, are scattered in the "square" in front of Locke.

In fact, these flesh and blood buildings with sharp fangs and a certain pulse are also some kind of insects and animals.

When necessary, these buildings will climb out of the Zerg fungus blanket, wave huge sickles and tusks, join the battlefield and become part of the Zerg army.

Among the magicians in the world who came with Locke on this trip, the strongest is a level 5 peak necromancer.

And this guy is a Santa Mata owner from the east coast. Strictly speaking, he is also Locke\'s old neighbor.

But at this moment, the old man with few hair lost didn\'t want to make friends with Locke, the supreme knight. Instead, he was very obsessed and crazy, lying on the meat wall of femton\'s cavity, carefully taking tweezers and other experimental equipment to collect everything he saw.

If he could choose, the old man wished he could live in femton, too.

Femton\'s class was so high that the old man, as a necromancer, couldn\'t see the principle of various incredible means femton had at the regular level.

So this guy can only retreat from exploring the mysteries of the field of rules to studying femton\'s body composition and its death element environment.

The old man still knows himself very well, but it\'s a pity that Locke didn\'t let him study femton this time.

Including the mysteries of death that the old man wanted to study but couldn\'t understand, it was solved by Lilith, who dominated the territory thousands of years ago.

"Did you find anything?" Locke asked the Necromancers beside him.

These necromancers were still immersed in the records of various environments and rules in femton, and none of them answered Locke\'s questions.

Of course, it is also possible that they are simply unable to answer Locke\'s questions.

After all, the strongest of them is just a level 5 necromancer.

Slightly disappointed with the performance of these necromancers, Locke suddenly missed Lilith and the fat Rogge who left him a good impression.

Although Locke himself doesn\'t know much about the laws of the dead spirit system, as an eighth level creature, Locke has an extremely sharp sense of smell for energy elements.

After greeting femton, who was sleeping soundly, Locke didn\'t follow the established path in femton\'s body, but came to a meat wall.

Purplish bacterial blanket mucus and some fine blood vessels filled the meat wall. Then Locke surprised others present.

The power of destruction condensed into a knife and directly cut this body tissue of femton.

Then he said hello to the people behind him, and Locke took the lead.

He kept walking through femton\'s body, and it was still this way of forcibly opening up the road, which really caused a trace of discomfort to the big guy.

However, femton\'s huge body is there. As long as Locke doesn\'t cut a gap of more than 1000 meters, it\'s just a "small injury" with a diameter of more than ten meters, which is nothing to femton at all.

Compared with the "square" before, under the guidance of Locke, the concentration of death elements in femton\'s body space is even higher.

And with the continuous progress of Locke and his party, the unusual things discovered by Zerg worker bees and Lisa finally gradually appeared in front of Locke and others.

"What the hell is this?"

"Death attribute element spar made in vivo?"

"And it\'s the one with the highest quality!"

It should have reached the area near the back of femton\'s lower abdomen. Looking at the death attribute element spar in front of him, Norton, a level 5 peak necromancer, opened his mouth and exclaimed.

Not only was he a level 5 necromancer, Locke was also startled by the "wonders" in front of him.

In front of femton\'s body tissue, especially the ends of blood vessels, there were dense death element spars hanging like fruits.

The quality of these element spars has reached above the first level energy essence. Even Locke found many energy rich points, where the element fluctuation is afraid to reach above the fourth level.

In terms of wealth alone, femton is just the death crystal revealed in front of him. I\'m afraid he has created more than 500 million magic coins for Locke.

And femton\'s size is so huge, who knows how many death stones this big guy has condensed.

And Locke had a hunch that femton must have swallowed countless death elements in the sea of death in the past 500 years.

In other words, the wealth created by femton for Locke and wizard civilization is renewable as long as it has been involved in this civilization war.