Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4300

The thick death cloud keeps rolling. Under the influence of special laws, the death cloud that was originally shot through tends to gather gradually.

In this process, Locke did not sense the power fluctuation of any dominant creature.

This shows that what gathers the clouds of death is not the dominant individual of the silent civilization, but something else.

Through the boundless battlefield, through the visual gap caused by the explosion of neutron star bombs, Locke found the target he was looking for.

It was a white bone tower with a height of about kilometers. No wonder the galent Federation tried everything to push down these things.

As long as these white bone towers exist, it is difficult to remove the heavy cloud of death that covers the front line of the whole civilized battlefield.

Now the wizard civilization Legion under Locke has arrived in the belly of the civilization battlefield and collided with the undead Legion there.

The cooperative war with the galent Federation also reflected its advantages and convenience at this moment.

Through the baptism of countless waves of energy beams of federal warships, those undead creatures stationed at the front of the front have long been screened.

At this time, they directly exchanged fire with the undead Legion in the middle abdomen, and the galent federal fleet continued to provide long-range fire support in the starry sky.

This is definitely the most comfortable civilization war fought by the wizard civilization Legion.

There are slave biological cannon fodder in front, and federal warships and countless fighters provide support above. Knights and magicians in the wizard world only need to easily harvest their opponents\' lives in the same level confrontation.

On the other hand, this is also the most classic example of mutual cooperation between two civilizations of different systems in war.

Wizard civilization makes up for the shortcomings of galent Federation in close combat and individual combat, and galent Federation provides incomparable firepower suppression for wizard civilization.

Just those energy beams pouring into the center of the battlefield like a rainstorm in the starry sky are no worse than any forbidden spell magic in the wizard world.

When the casters release the forbidden spell, they still need a long time to chant and cast the spell.

However, the galent federal fleet only needs to press their weapon launch button.

This is an overwhelming war with a flat overall situation. The bottom line set by the federal five-star general before the war is to destroy 40 white bone towers.

Judging from the current pattern of war, trichi pan baesa seems to have set fewer goals.

At the forefront of the civilized battlefield, Locke\'s number one horse, kakarot, has been on fire with his opponent.

It was a skeleton master wearing a crown. Judging from the power and authority of the master level, it was undoubtedly a seven level peak master.

What\'s more, the crown worn by the seven level peak skeleton master is quite dazzling.

Although I haven\'t been in close contact with the master, I don\'t know the power of his crown.

But just from the perspective of the rules and authority emanating from the crown, it is a top world-class secret treasure that does not lose to Locke\'s twelve products to destroy Black Lotus.

In addition to the battlefield of kakarot, another battle on the flank of kadiga star domain is also quite intense.

There is also the breath of a seven level peak dead Master, and at this time, it is a galent federal Russian lobas level war fleet and several first-level war fleets that are facing the dead Master.

The rare battle of dominant biological against scientific and technological civilization warships is also displayed in front of Locke.

When dealing with the endless warship sea of the galent Federation, the seven level master of the lonely civilization did not condense the body, but also appeared in the form of regular nebula.

Just as Locke can incarnate the destruction storm sweeping through everything, the master of the seventh level peak of the lonely civilization incarnates a dark cloud with no end in sight.

It can be seen that the silent civilization has roughly figured out the details of the galent Federation.

Both the startled master Locke saw before and the seven level peak undead master who attracted Locke\'s attention in the distance like to turn themselves into regular nebulae.

This is the smartest way to fight against the galent federal warship sea. Once those huge federal fleets are swept into their own star clouds, the threat of the federal fleet to the dominant creatures will be greatly reduced.

Because the galent Federation will find that their doomsday weapons have no target at all.

Everything around them is transformed by the body and rules of the dominant creatures. It can be said that everything they see can be regarded as the hostile master.

Of course, the doomsday weapons and countless energy beams of the galent federation can still damage dominant creatures.

Without a targeted target, it simply destroys everything within sight.

No matter how powerful the rules are, they will be broken one day. This means of incarnating the rules nebula is not completely immune to the attack of the federal fleet.

It can only be said that compared with gathering in the shape of noumenon, the operation mode of incarnating a whole Nebula can disperse the attack of federal warships to the greatest extent.

For the plight of the federal Russian lobas war fleet, Locke had no idea of helping them out.

Although the seven level peak undead master is enough for Locke, what he wants to see is the strongest existence on this battlefield.

Standing on femton\'s back, Locke continued to move towards the deepest part of the cloud of death.

The extremely ferocious breath of level 8 masters is also obvious at the moment, which makes the two undead masters who originally tried to block the way dare not come forward after weighing their weight.

King to King, general to general.

Only level 8 masters can cope with level 8 masters.

Needless to say, these are still two level eight creatures. Even the most powerful dead emperor and Dark Lord among the level seven undead masters, they must not have the idea to touch the bad luck of Locke and dead femton.

Constantly moving deeper into the battlefield, Locke\'s move not only brought great pressure to the seven level masters of the lonely civilization, but also accelerated the advance speed of the galent federal army and the wizard civilization Corps on the frontal battlefield.

This is also an important embodiment of the dominant creatures on the civilized battlefield!

Sometimes it is very likely that these dominant individuals do nothing. Just wandering around the battlefield is enough to change the pattern and direction of a civilization war.

In the deepest part of the silent civilization front and the area with hundreds of white bone towers, Locke met the opponent he wanted to see.

To the eye, there was an endless gray cloud of death.

Locke does not know whether the death cloud covering the whole civilized battlefield is a part of it, or whether it borrows and integrates the death cloud on the whole civilized battlefield.

In short, the cloud of death attribute rules appearing in front of Locke at the moment is the most powerful existence on the side of civilization - the sea of level 8 biological death.