Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4301

This is Locke\'s first meeting with the sea of death.

Even Locke can\'t see the details of this guy, which can only show that this guy is a strong man at the same level as Locke.

Even because of the deeper accumulation and the power of death on the battlefield of the whole civilization, this guy went further than Locke in terms of personal combat power and the road to the eighth level peak.

"Powerful wizard, master of civilization, have you rejected our friendship?" A dull and tsunami like death element rolled in front of Locke.

Obviously there was no language, but Locke heard the voice of the sea of death.

The sea of death, as its name suggests, is not an independent individual with the attribute of death. It is actually a great existence condensed by the purest force of death of a silent civilization.

In a way, the sea of death is not a dead or ghost creature. It is an Elemental creature.

A pure Elemental creature is just the element category that constitutes the essence of its life, which is the element energy of the death system.

There is no specific form, so that the sea of death always appears in the form of such a sea of death elements.

Including the taboo of the sea of death, it is not named by itself, but the title given to it by the weak dead creatures who witnessed its rise and terrorist strength.

Although the noumenon is an element creature, the sea of death is not as simple as the spring ancestor, fire master and other element creatures Locke used to contact.

This is an extremely long-lived death element individual, and its life span has reached at least one million years.

The long-term development not only makes the sea of death have incomparable strength, but also makes its wisdom surpass the vast majority of dead creatures.

In the face of Locke, he did not fight with the other party as soon as he came up, nor did he show any timidity, which is the proof of the wisdom of the sea of death.

Indeed, the joint appearance of Locke and femton brought great pressure to the sea of death.

However, as the most powerful existence of silent and restrained civilization, it is not without means of counteraction.

In other words, the sea of death recognizes that there is no existence in the whole astral world that can kill it.

It is not that its master soul is endless, but that compared with other master individuals, the sea of death has a congenital advantage - it is an Elemental creature.

No matter how powerful Quan Zu is, it is impossible to diffuse the whole star world into an ocean of water elements.

No matter how powerful the fire master of the purple flame soul world is, it is impossible to spread its flame elements all over the starry sky.

But the sea of death can!

At present, nearly half of the entire cardiga domain is covered by strong death elements, including the other half of the occupied area of the galent Federation, and there are death clouds far higher than those in other domains.

This is the most powerful and difficult card of the sea of death. Even when necessary, it can enjoy the rich smell of death attribute from the home star domain of silent bone convergence civilization.

With such a vast death star field as the backing, what\'s so terrible about the sea of death?

From this point of view, the strength of the sea of death can be regarded as a guardian separated from the maternal plane.

The whole nearby star field can be regarded as its "mother plane". As long as the continuous breath of death is not dispersed, it is a symbol of invincibility.

The hundreds of white bone towers are also an important part of the power of the sea of death.

In addition to the power of death for the sea of death to gather those death forces far away in the hinterland of the federal star domain of galent, even these white bone towers can provide a certain degree of master soul recovery effect for the dead masters on the battlefield.

This is the cultural shackles that wizard civilization is studying, but has not conquered so far!

No wonder it is said that in the process of moving towards the top civilization, the silent bone convergence civilization has gone further than the wizard civilization and the galent Federation.

Once the jingluogulian civilizations once again improve their application technology of the white bone tower and the sea of death, if they can finally take that step, they will be the next top civilization.

What appeared in front of him impacted Locke\'s cognition.

In addition to the overseas of death, which made him feel a little tricky, the white bone towers under the battlefield also attracted Locke\'s glances.

However, at this time, Locke was not thinking about destroying those white bone towers like the galent Federation, but whether he could completely move back to a white bone tower and submit it to Douglas and other top spell casters in the wizard world.

In the final analysis, the element of death is also a way for spell casters in the wizard world to study the power of the element.

There are many dead magicians in the wizard world, including the fat Rogge who broke through level 6 not long ago and left a good impression on Locke, who is a dead magician with Miao Hong in his roots.

Locke doesn\'t know whether the white bone tower, which is silent and astringent, can provide reference for the wizard civilization to explore the mystery of the restoration of the dominant soul.

The primary problem before him now is how to solve the strong enemy of the sea of death.

"The wizard civilization will not accept the friendship of the lonely bone civilization. The galent Federation is our important strategic partner. There is no possibility for your lonely bone civilization to integrate with us."

"Besides, if the galent Federation falls, who will withstand the war pressure from the light Protoss? Do you?" Locke asked with a chuckle.

The bright Protoss, a stranger to the sea of death, has frequently heard the name in his ear in recent years.

The jiluogulian civilization had never been in contact with the light Protoss before, including those words about the light Protoss, which were gradually heard after the confrontation with the anti light Protoss alliance civilization such as the galent Federation.

A powerful top civilization!

If the seven level undead masters of the silent and restrained civilization generally have little knowledge of the top civilization, the long-lived sea of death should be the only one who knows the strong existence of this kind of civilization.

However, the sea of death was only heard of in the past and had not been contacted personally.

It knew that there was once a powerful top civilization called Azeroth. At that time, the sea of death was only a very weak level 4 dead creature.

When the sea of death grows and degenerates, and falls into a long period of sleep and silence again and again.

When he woke up again and had incomparably broad and powerful dominant power, the top civilization that had stayed in his past impression had already lost the news.

Rise and fall, which represents not only a large number of small and medium-sized world civilizations in the star world, but also those extremely rare top civilizations.

Similar to the civilization of the dead country, it was destroyed when it reached its peak. In fact, it is a rare example in the star world.

More top civilizations can\'t escape the law that big fish eat small fish and small fish eat shrimp.

A strong top civilization can destroy a weak top civilization.

How the once Azeroth civilization died out is not clear about the sea of death.

However, the little clue it knows is that a large world called the underworld civilization nearby seems to have got part of the legacy of Azeroth civilization.


Today\'s official account collate information about warships of various gallant federations.

Friends who have played Eve should not be strangers. The civilization of galent Federation itself was conceived by Xiaodou according to this game.

The official account of Knight\'s journey: D I love beans, and interested readers can pay attention to take a look.