Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4299

Everything in front of him was finally quiet. Locke didn\'t continue to look at the place where Jing Ning disappeared.

Facts have proved that Jing Ning is really thinking too much.

Instead of catching her separated body and then tracing back to the source to find her noumenon.

Obviously Locke is not so free.

It\'s not Locke\'s style to target a level 7 early creature.

In addition, since Jing Ning appeared, her attitude and respectful tone are also more to Locke\'s appetite. Just taking a part of the other party is Locke\'s greatest kindness to her.

"Want to get my friendship with wizard civilization?"

"The world civilization with this attribute, including the wizard world, cannot coexist with it." Locke looked at the star battlefield in front of him, shook his head and said.

The nature of jingluogulian civilization itself determines that it can\'t pee in the same pot with more than 90% of the world civilizations in the star world.

The bottom of wizard civilization is also composed of an amazing number of ordinary humans.

Although the wizard civilization is not like the galent Federation, it is widely used for immigration in the ruling star domain.

However, it can be imagined that if the death cloud and special virus of the silent bone convergence civilization spread to the territory of the wizard civilization, it will cause much trouble to the wizard world and the wizard alliance.

In addition, the wizard civilization had cooperated with the galent Federation earlier, and it was too late for the lonely civilization.

Ignoring the follow-up influence brought by the dead Master, Locke patted femton at his feet and signaled him to move deep into the front battlefield.

If the galent Federation wants to win a big victory, it can\'t compete with the dominant creatures of the silent civilization.

Compared with the dominating separation just now, Locke is more curious about the dominating individuals that can arouse his interest in the silent civilization.


"No!" A sharp and powerful roar of rules also occurred in the deepest part of the silent civilization front.

This is the territory of the level 7 undead master. With the powerful existence of the master, countless bottom undead creatures and undead buildings suddenly turned into powder.

There\'s nothing wrong with it. The silent and restrained civilization is different from the wizard civilization that specifically supports the weak and has a more scientific outlook on development.

In order to protect the rights and interests of low-level knights and magicians from the persecution of high-level strong ones, the wizard world has formulated a series of measures and many welfare provisions of the holy tower and the knight palace.

Especially in the past 100000 years, with the wizard civilization entering the large-scale world level.

These welfare provisions and preventive measures have gradually extended to the sea people, Warcraft, Asian people, and even the alliance members who do not belong to the creatures of the wizard world.

Are wizards stupid?


Because this is the most developmental and upward potential measure, and it is also the symbol of wizard civilization, reason and science.

On the other hand, the silent and restrained civilization is a top large-scale world that extremely follows the law of weak meat and strong food.

There are no rules in the plane to protect the weak undead creatures.

These weak undead creatures have only one way to avoid the end of being arbitrarily deprived of their lives, that is to become stronger. Even by constantly devouring the same kind, try your best to grow yourself.

Every undead master has come to this situation step by step through this road.

This is the cruel and dark law of the jungle, which has long run through the beginning and end of the silent civilization.

Therefore, no undead creature dared to blame when the roar of the law dominated by itself appeared.

All they can do is crawl down their bodies, hide themselves into the depths of the earth as far as possible, so as to avoid this foolproof disaster, and pray that the dead Master can calm his anger.

The startled anger, with the roar of the undead master next door, finally dissipated into invisibility.

Only the master can check and balance the master.

The undead master next door is called the iron armor ghost, which is a cruel existence that wraps his whole body in the cold ghost iron.

Jing Ning is not its opponent. More importantly, her weak body at the moment is obviously not a good time to touch each other\'s bad luck.

Different from the furious roar of the iron armored ghost, when another dominant creature adjacent to the Jing Ning defense area was ready to ask her about the result of her trip.

A far more intense and repressive beam of energy appeared from the center of the battlefield in the distance.

It was a steel giant ship with a body size of more than 100000 meters. Its appearance not only interrupted the planning of those undead masters, but also attracted level 4 and level 5 undead lords who had seen the power of the giant ship on the battlefield to flee for it.

The conqueror titans of the galent Federation, the capital ship!

The huge size means that this federal top warship can carry more weapons and functions.

More importantly, it is not an independent warship. Its emergence often represents the arrival of a complete fleet.

Sure enough, with this steel giant with a body size of more than 100000 meters Objects appeared in the center of the battlefield, and hundreds of space surged in succession. All the other capital ships, frigates, transport ships and flagship belonging to the conqueror Titan fleet arrived in the battlefield.

This is a war mode of technological civilization like the galent Federation.

Even if Locke is also in this battlefield at the moment, he will feel deep pressure when facing the endless ocean of federal warships.

Originally, the gray starry battlefield with dense tides of death clouds and death elements is shining with more and more red lights and other color beams.

Facing the volley of tens of millions of beams of galent Federation, under this level of energy rain, it is certain that those dominant creatures will also choose to give way.

"Damn it!" A roar came from the undead camp.

But before the undead master could make any countermeasures, the dense energy rays poured down.

For a time, the whole starry battlefield with the smell of death turned into an ocean of energy beams.


On the front line of the battlefield, Locke, who also noticed the energy rain, lamented the strength of the galent Federation, and wondered how the silent civilization would deal with it.

Soon, jiluogulian civilization gave his answer.

Although the rolling and rich death cloud was shot through a lot under the energy inclination of the galent Federation, a greater number of death elements came from all directions.

The main source of those death elements is the silent bone convergence star field behind the undead army.

The long time of development and fermentation has already made the jiluogulian star domain a dead land.

For the lonely civilization, their original intention to win this civilization war is to transform the star domain of the galent Federation into such a place of death.