Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4298

Because he didn\'t know about the federal neutron star bomb in the past, the seventh level master Jing Ning was hit in the abdomen by a neutron star bomb and hurt his shoulder by another neutron star bomb.

Being hurt by those two neutron star bombs is not something worth remembering.

As for why he was bombed in the abdomen, it was because Jing Ning turned into a regular nebula and ate it directly

That encounter was a serious one, which made her no longer underestimate the galent Federation.

Looking at the seven level female masters in front of him, Locke felt corrosion, death and a touch of spiritual origin law from her.

Level 7 master Jing Ning hides well. In the past civilization wars, she only showed two power factors: corrosion and death.

Extremely special spiritual energy is the card that Jing Ning never shows people easily.

Not to mention Locke, a strong alien, even the local masters of the lonely civilization, I\'m afraid they don\'t know much about her cards.

The reason why Locke can find it is that on the one hand, his strength in the later stage of level 8 is enough to crush Jing Ning.

Under Locke\'s dominant eyes, Jing Ning had no secret to talk about.

On the other hand, it is because before Jing Ning, Locke also knew a female demon named phantom Riel, who is also a big winner in the field of spiritual law.

This makes Locke more sensitive to the laws of the spiritual system.

Locke\'s rhetorical questions and indifference proved that there was no need to continue the conversation.

The launch of twelve neutron star bombs is not a small scene. Jing Ning doesn\'t think that the Russian lobas war fleets of the Federation will be silent at this time.

In addition to a complete conqueror class Titan fleet, there are three Russian lobas class war fleets in the cadigan domain.

The top combat power of an eight level, three level and seven level is not a small number, not to mention that the Federation is still next door, and there are Russian lobas war fleets stationed in mosinagan star domain and Zelong star domain.

This large-scale exchange war with the lonely civilization has almost exposed all the military forces hidden by the Federation.

There are two conqueror Titan fleets comparable to level 8 and five Russian lobas war fleets comparable to level 7.

Of course, this refers to the top fleets that the galent Federation has shown.

With the urine of the galent Federation and the style they always like to keep their hands on, no one knows whether they have hidden ports and reserve fleets.

After all, in addition to the silent civilization, they also need to prevent the threat from the light Protoss.

In Locke\'s view, it is not enough to leave only five-star general Katarina olkat and her conqueror Titan fleet stationed in the home domain.

However, Locke believes that even if the galent Federation has any hidden strength, it is no more than the level of one or two Russian lobas war fleets.

The Federation is a large world civilization, not a top civilization.

Even if Locke of the conqueror Titan fleet doesn\'t know the production process, he is reluctant to build a third one based on the details of the Federation.

So is the Russian lobas class war fleet. This huge war fleet comparable to level 7 strength has reached the federal limit even if the galent Federation has developed rapidly in recent 100000 years and can build three or four more on the original basis.

Locke is still interested in exploring the war details of the galent Federation.

But now the question before Locke is, what should he do with this\' little guy \'in front of him.

It seems that he feels the hidden threat and coldness in the surrounding space. The seventh level undead master Jing Ning doesn\'t want to stay here for a long time.

It is also a great loss for her to lose a part containing the soul of the master.

The more important question is whether Locke will find her noumenon by virtue of her separation.

"Such a powerful master of wizard civilization, I\'m very sorry to bother you this time, so I\'ll leave first."

"Of course, if you have anything to negotiate with our lonely civilization, the door of our friendship will always be open to you and the civilization behind you." Jing Ning said these words carefully.

Seeing that Locke\'s expression remained unchanged, she gradually turned her body into a dark green Nebula again step by step.

At this time, the huge dark green regular Nebula tried to withdraw to the rear of the silent bone convergence civilization. However, it had just retreated a few steps away. Jing Ning obviously felt that the surrounding space was imprisoned.

The uneasy and frightened eyes could not help looking at Locke in front of him.

After all, not all level 7 early masters have the courage to face level 8 later creatures.

It is extremely rare for a battle madman like kakarot to appear in the star world.

In Locke\'s opinion, Jiao Didi\'s level seven undead master Jing Ning obviously doesn\'t have the courage to challenge this level.

"No!" A sharp and hoarse cry of the dead resounded inside and outside the dark green nebula, and the real waves scattered in all directions. This is the wonderful use of the law of spiritual power, and even led to some sound wave laws.

It\'s a pity that Jing Ning\'s ability to protect his life has no effect in front of Locke.

The overwhelming destructive force consolidated the surrounding space like an iron wall. Facing the large-scale dark green regular Nebula in front of him, Locke patted femton\'s head.

Femton, who has no eyes, has always been able to explore the surrounding situation only by relying on his senses.

Although they do not have visual ability, most of the creatures perceived by femton have no hope of escape.

The dark green regular nebula, which is incomprehensible to low-level creatures, is a "delicious" meal for femton, a dead descendant.

The rich death rule factor contained in it is femton\'s favorite delicacy.

As for the corrosion and spiritual laws in the star cloud of Jing Ning\'s incarnation, it is a little sour or astringent embellished on the death dinner.

Femton is not taboo to this big meal. Swallowing Jing Ning\'s separate body has almost no effect on its strength. It just likes the power of death.

The big mouth of blood in the sky is approaching the dark green Nebula incarnated by Jing Ning step by step.

This should be a feeling that Jing Ning has never experienced since she was promoted to dominate the world.

She had to be eaten by a terrible and far more powerful death Lord.

The cry of discontent still lingered near the starry sky, but the impact of the sour mental system was only to stir up a ripple on femton\'s belly.


"Well..." The sharp sound gradually disappeared from the nearby star domain.

Instead, femton gently burped.