Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4293

Due to the baptism of frequent wars in recent thousands of years, the total number of first-class war fleets compiled by galent Federation has been sharply reduced to 186.

This also refers to those fleets with sound names.

In fact, because of the war, the vast majority of fleets were under manned or under manned.

The heavy military factories in the rear built fighters and warships day and night to supplement the front line, but there was a huge gap between fighters and warships in every theater and fleet on the front line.

Those federal generals, if they don\'t want to lose one or even two stars on their shoulders.

Or because the fleet was cut and merged, he became the adjutant of other fleet commanders.

Then they must try their best to get more warships and reserve troops from the military headquarters to fill the gap, so as to maintain the fleet number and fleet integrity.

Is there a lot of 186 federal first-class war fleets? There are a lot.

But more than the first-class war fleet are the second-class war fleet, the third-class war fleet, and those second-line fleets, mixed fleets and private employment organization fleets that can not be calculated at all. (PS: Level 3 federal war fleet, which can encircle level 4 creatures.)

Sean was very lucky. Because of his excellent physical fitness during physical examination and high military school graduation results, he was assigned to the federal first-class war fleet as soon as he joined the military.

Sean just joined the army?

No, he is a veteran who has served 153 years.

Otherwise, he would not have reached the rank of sergeant with an ordinary background.

Lieutenant officers are not so easy to be. They don\'t have enough resources and contacts. He can only hope for military merit when he comes from ordinary people.

If he can successfully complete this task, with his past military achievements and the words of his former officer, it should not be a problem to come back and be a second lieutenant.

This means that Sean can no longer fly fighters, but command a small combat team.

Instead, he could wear a lieutenant uniform, lie inside a comfortable warship and command a small attack ship or frigate, as he had admired in the past.

Compared with "Captain", it is obvious that the title of "Captain" is more satisfactory to Sean.

After looking at the holographic projection of his wife and two sons hanging on his chest, Sean kissed the necklace and said silently, "bless me for successfully completing this task."

"Captain, the B30 team near us has lost its signal in the radar. Shall we go and investigate it?" A voice from the communication channel interrupted Sean\'s prayer.

Although he knew that this prayer didn\'t work, Sean was obviously unhappy that the psychological hint was interrupted.

But now it\'s a battlefield, not a church where he can pray.

(PS: galent Federation advocates freedom of belief, but no one believes in the God of light. Many federal citizens believe in some mythical characters in their history.

However, every federate knows that God does not exist, and their 40 year compulsory education will not lead this civilization to ignorance.

It is more appropriate to say spiritual sustenance than faith.)

"Don\'t worry about them. Just pay attention to ourselves. Our primary goal is to complete the task!" Sean roared on the communication channel.

The fb22 stealth fighter team led by Sean has 20 members and 100 nearby fighters are controlled by them.

Why can 20 members control 100 fighters? Because the federal advanced automatic navigation and control technology allows each well-trained federal pilot to control five fighters.

This is because the fb22 stealth fighter is too complex and high-end. If it is the lowest model fighter or civil UAV, a trained federal soldier can control 200 or more.

This is why, on the battlefield of civilization, the fighters and fleets of galent Federation are endless.

Just that amount is enough to make any medium and low-level world civilization despair.

At this time, there were tens of thousands of fb22 stealth fighters near Sean and his team, all of which belonged to the first-class war fleet hecat.

This is just a corner of the battlefield. No one knows how many federal advanced fighters there are in this star field. It may have exceeded 1 million, or more!

Even this small battlefield is not the level of contact that Sean can understand. It involves the whole cadigan domain, and that\'s even more beyond Sean\'s imagination.

As a little man, Sean knows himself very well.

On the battlefield, he never pays attention to anything except himself and his mission.

It is precisely because of this that he can survive in this cruel war for 153 years.

He once flew a fighter plane to destroy a death sarcoma called "1789 creature", and also manipulated the armor to carry out maintenance and purification tasks on those polluted planets.

Sean\'s closest death was when a ferocious looking undead vomited a strange green mucus before his death, which not only corroded the strongest alloy shell of the fighter he was riding, but also burned through a quarter of his protective clothing.

The military assumed the cost of Sean\'s amputation and body repair, which also made him deeply understand the cruelty of the war and his smallness.

In addition to the inviolability of military orders, Sean was tired of the fierce and terrible front battlefield.

Although being in a small attack ship or frigate, the risk factor is still very high, it is always stronger than the fighter controller who often goes deep into the front line.

At least the outer armor of most warships is thicker than that of fighters, and they also have at protection position.

Although Sean saw it more than once, what he thought was a very strong at energy protection position was exploded by some terrorist dead creatures he couldn\'t name in the war.

Including the Carter fleet he served, two of the three capital ships of the federal first-class war fleet had major damage records, and even the captain was not spared at that time.

Fear and fear can not change the reality. They can participate in the civilized war and are highly expected by the fleet and the military. These federal soldiers, including Sean, have an iron will.

No matter what was ahead, Sean would push the joystick and rush in.


The cruelty of civilization war was soon proved.

Although for Sean, this may be a "routine" attack carried out by the Federal Military, just three hours after entering the death cloud danger zone, 23 fighters of his team crashed, which still exceeded Sean\'s expectation.

This shows that what Sean and his men broke into was an area where the dead creatures of the silent civilization were well protected.

Six players died in the war. Sean was unable to take care of their bodies and the wreckage of the fighter. He could only share the control with other teammates and control the seven blank fighters left by those killed teammates.