Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4292

It was not until all the dead masters left that the dead emperor who stayed in place asked the silent swallow bream, "is there any indication of the sea of death?"

From the camp faction point of view, the silent swallow bream is actually mixed with the dead emperor.

However, for the silent swallowing bream, the emperor of the dead is only its small boss, and the real big boss behind it is the sea of death of level 8 creatures.

When the silent swallowing bream was just a small level 4 creature, the sea of death gained a great reputation in the silent bone convergence civilization, and finally led the undead civilization to defeat the ketra mutant civilization.

It is no exaggeration to say that the silent swallowing bream is listening to the myth of the sea of death and has grown all the way up to now.

As for the dead emperor in front of us, although it is still in silence and the civilization has great power, it became famous too late. In terms of its heritage and long history, it is not comparable to the Lord of darkness.

This is a powerful undead master who suddenly rose at the end of the ketra mutant civilization war.

Some people say that the predecessor of the emperor of the dead is actually a powerful level-6 peak mutant in the ketra mutant civilization. After death, it reshapes its body by the power of endless death, which makes it join the silent bone convergence civilization.

For this statement, the silent swallow bream believed some, but not all.

After all, it is really not high in the ranking of the dominance of the silent and restrained civilization. In particular, it was shot again by the conqueror Titan ship of the galent Federation two thousand years ago. In terms of strength alone, it is now absolutely the bottom.

Including the two new talents who have been promoted to the dominant realm for thousands of years, they also have more advantages than it in the abundance of the dominant soul.

Silent swallowing bream can now gain a firm foothold in the silent bone convergence civilization. On the one hand, the dead emperor of its camp is more reliable and maintains it in everything.

On the other hand, it is the trust from the sea of death of level 8 creatures.

Many times, the sea of death of level 8 creatures is difficult to show itself among the strong middle and high-level dead spirits. Therefore, the trusted silent swallow bream assumes the identity of some microphone and agent.

"This time the galent Federation has received far more support from different civilizations than before."

"In the news disclosed by the great existence of the sea of death, it seems that there is more than one level 8 master among the wizard civilization legions who came to support the galent Federation." The silent swallowing bream is only a little silent, and its words are startling.

"What?!" The ghost emperor\'s Silver Skull was shrouded in ghost fire.

Obviously, he was also surprised by the information spoken by the silent Megalobrama.

"Then send Jing Ning..." The emperor of the dead fell into meditation.

Then, he said to himself, "it must be to find out the style of the wizard civilization."

Absolute friendship and alliance do not exist, especially between civilizations.

It is very likely that we are still friends today and will fight each other tomorrow.

How the ketra mutant civilization collapsed in those years may not be clear to the new generation of dead lords and less qualified dead masters.

But as the personal participant and witness of that protracted war, the emperor of the dead knows the inside and dirty between civilization and civilization more than anyone.

The tyranny of wizard civilization and their support for the galent Federation exceeded the psychological expectations of the dead emperor.

Although Jing Ning has tried to contact wizard civilization, the emperor of the dead must also adjust the War deployment for this.

Perhaps the civilization front, which was originally anxious about the war and has been entrenched by the silent civilization for a long time, should be put back.

When the emperor of the dead got some more secret information from the silent swallowing bream and began to send his heart and abdomen to adjust the deployment of the war situation, a fierce turbulence suddenly came from the front line of the civilized battlefield.

Send away a six level peak death Lord who came to take command. In the depths of the endless death cloud, the emperor of the dead seems to penetrate the extremely viscous and repressed tide of death elements, see a very dazzling light, and appear in the forefront of the civilization war.

"What happened there?" The ghost fire in the eyes of the emperor of the dead beat slowly


Chris Sean, a very ordinary federal staff sergeant.

Belonging to the first-class war fleet - hecat fleet group, he is the pilot of fb22 stealth fighter of this special fleet.

The control of galent federal fighters has achieved ultra-high automation. Now, more than 9.9 of those federal fighters flying on the battlefield are unmanned.

Sean happens to be the lucky one because he drives and controls the latest stealth fighter in the Federation.

In addition to its high firepower and concealment capability, this kind of fighter can pass through and go deep into the hinterland of those death clouds.

Facts have proved that technology is not everything.

Although the galent Federation has always been in a state of active attack on the front battlefield, there is a technical weakness that galent Federation is difficult to break through, that is, when it goes deep into the dark cloud of death, especially at the center of the tide of death elements, the communication technology that the Federation is proud of will be greatly hindered.

In addition to medium-sized and above ships, which can perform automatic navigation in the deepest part of the death cloud, small and below ships, including those massive UAVs, will be inexplicably disturbed and forced to enter manual driving mode.

Therefore, at the forefront of the civilized battlefield, although there are trillions of federal warplanes cooperating with hundreds of millions of warships.

However, the fact is that more than 80% of the federal fleet can only be responsible for fighting in and around the battlefield.

The fleets that can go deep into the core area of the death cloud almost have to be the main attack ships of the second-class war fleet or the third-class war fleet.

Don\'t imagine the galent Federation as a terrorist scientific and technological civilization that can be mass produced by the first-class war fleet.

Although the potential of this large-scale world civilization is indeed rich, like all other world civilizations in the star world, it is a civilization with the vast majority of the bottom combat power and the top combat power as rare and powerful as the tip of the pyramid.

5763 years ago, there were 223 first-class war fleets according to federal statistics, which is definitely an exaggerated figure.

Because according to the assessment criteria set by the Federal Military Department, each federal first-class war fleet has the ability to surround and kill level 6 creatures alone, which shows that the galent Federation has 223 level 6 combat power!

As a large-scale world civilization, the galent Federation has definitely come to the forefront of many large-scale aspects.

Including the wizard civilization, which is now in a period of rapid expansion and prosperity, it is estimated that with the number of members of the wizard alliance, the total number of level 6 creatures is also difficult to exceed 200.

It may be in its early 100s, but it\'s definitely stuck around 150.

This is also the advantage and strength of scientific and technological civilization. As long as they have enough resources, they can build enough warships and airships.

There is an obvious gap with ordinary cultivation civilization in this regard.