Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4294

The experience of Sean and his teammates also intuitively reflects the macro war pattern in a small area nearby.

Up to now, only more than 8000 of the tens of thousands of fighters that originally entered the death cloud danger zone have been displayed on the radar.

In addition to the military representing green light spots, there were also numerous white or gray light spots representing the enemy on Sean\'s fighters.

Galent federal\'s advanced radar technology allows their fighters to judge the strength of their opponents by analyzing bioenergy or magnetic waves.

There are countless crises on the civilized battlefield. If the enemies representing white and gray are still within Sean\'s scope.

Then when some light yellow spots appear on the radar table of the fb22 stealth fighter, Sean can only curse and inform his team members to pay attention to the alert.

The comprehensive strength of 100 fb22 stealth fighters is comparable to that of a class II creature.

Even in the case of good cooperation, on the premise of carrying special missiles, it can also deal with tertiary organisms.

But in Sean\'s war history, he was only driving a fighter to kill several first-class creatures, and he still fought with his teammates.

Just because the combat power is comparable to that of level 2 creatures does not mean that Sean and his team can easily kill Level 2 dead creatures on the civilized battlefield.

The heavy clouds of death and elemental tides caused great trouble to Sean and the galent Federation he represented.

On the contrary, those dead creatures are like fish in water in this space.

There is little soil for the development of individual heroism in the Federation, although in the federal war, death lords with life levels up to level 5 or even level 6 are often killed by them.

However, the fall of these extremely fierce dead lords often represents the indiscriminate bombing of hundreds of thousands of warships regardless of losses, and the unremitting efforts of hundreds or tens of millions of federal soldiers like Sean.

It\'s just that Sean doesn\'t know. I\'m not sure that the "spike" micro missile he launched in a war in the past has tickled a class IV dead creature Strictly speaking, he should also have contributed to the federal encirclement of level 4 creatures.

Entering the death cloud danger zone is only the first step in the mission of the fb22 stealth fighter team led by Sean.

The above requirement is to let them pass through the blockade of heavy death clouds and the army of undead creatures, and hit the "yellow fluorescent liquid" missile among their backup mounted missiles at the death buildings above A3.

The reason why the missile was named "yellow fluorescent liquid" missile was because Sean himself didn\'t know what it was called, including the name, which was derived from his detailed metaphor.

I don\'t know, which means that the authority level involved in the missile has far exceeded what staff sergeant Sean can know.

Otherwise, before leaving, the lieutenant of the special action team would not keep it from him.

The dead buildings owned by the silent bone gathering civilization are not only the white bone tower.

The white bone tower is the real core of this battlefield and what the five-star general trichi pan baesa wants to remove. The whole Federation knows this thing, only the real high-level.

In addition to the white bone tower, in fact, there are all kinds of dead buildings and even war instruments in the silent bone convergence civilization.

Type A3 death building is only a general term for a certain type of building in the galent Federation.

Sean has seen many dead buildings in the past, but only a few have reached A3 level.

Because any building rated A3 by the galent Federation must be located in the middle abdomen of the silent bone convergence civilization front.

In the rear, there must be higher level, more magnificent and incredible death buildings, but unfortunately, Sean didn\'t see it, and he didn\'t want to see it.

Because when he sees it, it means that he will also be in the advanced stage.

Moving deeper from the edge of the death cloud danger zone, a dark green Nebula beyond Sean\'s understanding appeared above Sean\'s fighter plane.

It was a wonder in the star world that Sean had never touched in his 40 years of compulsory education. Without exception, all fighters and even warships entering the dark green Nebula finally lost their signals.

It\'s a good thing that Sean\'s hecat fleet is not in the dark green nebula.

But I don\'t know that it was the federal fleet and soldiers who suffered the pain they couldn\'t understand.

Sean\'s fighter plane recorded the dark green nebula, and new and strange things can appear on the battlefield of civilization.

By summarizing these one by one, they can enrich the federal database. When they face these anomalies as a state machine again, they can be much more calm.

The dark green nebula was just an episode on Sean\'s way. He couldn\'t leave the team to study it.

And what Sean didn\'t know was that in the depths of the green Nebula he couldn\'t see, a full-scale federal war fleet was facing a threat they couldn\'t resist.

It is an extremely dangerous battle for federal soldiers to carry out combat missions in the dangerous area of death cloud.

When the mission reached the middle range, Sean\'s team had only 54 fighters left, and five members unfortunately left them forever.

Although each fighter has an escape pod inside, Sean doesn\'t think his teammates will escape safely before the fighter explodes.

And even if they escape, the vast sea of stars, and there are countless powerful dead creatures around them, what will their outcome be.

Those individual escape pods are just a psychological comfort given by the Federation to the soldiers.

Sean, who has been in the army for more than 100 years, knows the final survival rate of the soldiers in these escape pods.

Those ferocious dead creatures will cut open layers of metal plates, pull out the federal soldiers like cans and swallow them.

Although the death rate of federal soldiers remains high all year round, this is a war that determines the survival of civilization, so countless federal youth still actively join the army every year.

For example, six of Sean\'s remaining eight players, who are not 100 years old, are real young people.

(PS: due to the extremely advanced technology, the average life expectancy of ordinary people in the galent federation can also reach about 250 years under the action of medical care.

The average life expectancy of soldiers is a little higher because they can enjoy the genetic drugs and physical strengthening agents provided by the army free of charge.

This is also one of the reasons why joining the army is popular in the galent Federation.

As for the average federal citizen, if he wants to live longer, he must have money first.

This is also the characteristic of galent Federation as a scientific and technological civilization.)

"Cheer up, it\'s less than two thousand stars from our goal!" Sean\'s voice rang through the team communication channel.