Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4288

In addition to the conqueror class Titan fleet commanded by trich pan baesa, there are also two Russian lobas class Titan pairs and more than 20 federal class I war fleets in this small cadigan domain.

This is a real melting pot of flesh and steel. The total number of soldiers falling on this front by the galent Federation every year is close to one million.

If the population base of the Federation were not huge, and many war instruments could be controlled intelligently, there would be more fallen creatures here.

The dark and deep starry environment changes greatly in the cadigan domain.

The starry sky here is not black, but gray.

The extremely thick and viscous death cloud completely covers up the original starry environment of this star field.

The soldiers of galent federation can only wear extremely heavy special protective clothing here, or hide in warships and fortresses.

As in the past, the situation of wearing only light combat clothes is long gone.

If someone dares to do this for no more than three days, the harsh environmental elements and terrible death rules will easily infect these federal soldiers who can\'t even reach the entry-level Knight attendants into undead creatures.

It was also the first time that Locke arrived at the Galactic realm. Locke received an accurate answer from his level 5 and 6 magicians.

In order to operate normally under the background of the heavy death cloud in the cadigan domain, organisms must at least reach the level of low-level Warcraft.

And even low-level Warcraft, once the skin is cut and the blood and muscles are exposed to the air, will soon enter undead like creatures and eventually infect them.

In order to maintain normal combat capability in the cadigan domain, at least organisms must have intermediate Warcraft level.

Fortunately, Locke\'s elite slave biological Legion generally has a high level of Warcraft.

Even if there are a few intermediate Warcraft level cannon fodder, it is also an individual with strong physique and high resistance.

As for the army of 30 million knights and magicians, those who can follow Locke have reached more than one level of life.

This is also a proof of the continuous development and strengthening of wizard civilization. For example, in Locke\'s weak period, he participated in the civilization war as a knight attendant or magic apprentice, which will hardly appear in today\'s wizard world.

It can also be seen from here that the wizard civilization, as a powerful large-scale world civilization, has opened up a big gap with other small and medium-sized world civilizations.

At this time, more than two-thirds of the hundreds of millions of flesh and blood creatures accumulated in the kardiga domain came from the members of the anti light Protoss alliance.

In the face of the high price offered by the galent Federation, they could not resist the temptation and sent legions to fight here.

Let us not mention the role played by these legions of weak civilizations in specific wars.

But what is more ridiculous is that there are thousands of heavy factories in the kadiga star domain, of which the main fuel is the dead bodies of these weak civilized creatures or the living disabled individuals.

The lower life level makes the creatures of these weak civilizations more likely to be affected by the death cloud and the rules of the dead.

It is impossible for the galent Federation to provide each friendly army with a set of special protective clothing, just the regular army of weak and small civilizations, but the fact is that many small and medium-sized world civilizations also have the habit of feeding slave creatures and cannon fodder legions.

This is why, for the silent and restrained civilization, quantity can not become an advantage, but a disadvantage.

Because the more flesh and blood you have, the easier it will be to turn it into a powerful nourishment for a lonely civilization.

In a tightly sealed stellar war fortress, Locke met the federal five-star general trichi pan baesa.

In fact, it is not rigorous to call this huge war platform "star war fortress", because the size and scale of the one where trichi pan baesa is staying is more than four times that of Samsung general Lina.

Not to mention the new technologies and weapons involved.

This is the cutting-edge technology owned by the galent Federation, and it is also a high-tech achievement that the galent Federation is unlikely to share with the wizard civilization.

According to the combat power of the star world, if the stellar war fortress where Locke is staying is fully open at the moment, even those who are half desperate at the peak will have to make a detour.

It is the usual cautious style of the galent Federation not to set the meeting place inside the conqueror Titan.

Up to now, although Locke has seen many titans of the galent Federation gaining power on the battlefield of civilization.

But it has to be said that Locke himself has never entered the interior of these warships comparable to the dominant creatures.

The strictness of the galent Federation will allow them to eliminate all unstable factors.

Locke is not the first alien creature that cannot enter the Titan, and he is definitely not the last.

Including the drobus class Titan ship that crashed in federal history, its wreckage was also fully recovered by the federal professional team, and even they sent three first-class war fleets to take charge of it at that time.

After looking at the new war fortress with interest for a moment, Locke finally paid attention to the old man in front of him.

Calling triche pan baesa an old man is not Locke\'s affectation, but that this guy really lives longer than Locke.

More than two-thirds of the body is replaced by heterogeneous tissue, and another third is covered by machinery. What really belongs to trichi pan baesa should be his face and one of the few well maintained hair.

Including his brain, he has been strengthened and transformed several times. Based on the hierarchy of life, trichi pan baesa has the later state of level 6.

This is also the peak achievement of scientific and technological civilization in the history of chemistry. Although the Norman Federation under the wizard alliance can also make level 6 artificial people.

But man-made man, after all, is not a real man. It\'s just a robot designed according to a fixed program.

Trichi pan baesa is still a federate. He has his own emotions and memories, which is different from those cold man-made machines.

Even the blood extracted from his body can be found to have nearly 30% of the genes of federal humans.

Compared with the changes in the nature of life, for trichi pan baesa, he paid more attention to the spirit.

As long as he still has the spirit of federalism, he is a federal soldier, not a terrible monster or a laboratory product.

At the last meeting, trichi pan baesa was just a federal general with five levels of life.

This time, each other had a level 6 later life level, which obviously caused some surprise and surprise to Locke.

What Locke doesn\'t know is that trichi pan baesa wants to deeply transform his body to obtain a higher life level. Another important reason is that only at this height can he control and command the conqueror Titan.

The top federal warships comparable to class 8 combat power, even if the scientific and technological level of galent Federation is the highest among the nearby star civilization, there must be some restrictions and requirements.