Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4289

The meeting with old man trichi pan baesa was obviously more pragmatic for Locke than the previous meeting with Katarina olkat.

This is the federal front line. There are trillions of federal citizens in the rear who need to protect their lives and property.

There is no room for discussion about federal politics.

Everything is just to serve the war, everything is just to win the war.

From this point of view, the current federal president running to the front line of the war is not a masterstroke.

Just a few greetings with Admiral trichi pan baesa, Locke talked to him about the subject.

"The Federation hopes that you, Knight Locke, and the wizard civilization Corps you led can be responsible for the attack of 34 battlefields below." Said old man trichi pan baesa.

At the same time, under the irradiation of a blue beam, a miniature star map depicting the battlefield on the federal front appeared in front of Locke.

Old man trichi pan baesa was really not polite to Locke. This divided 34 attack war zones for wizard civilization, which not only included nearly half of the cadigan star domain, but also extended to the mosignagan star domain next door and a small part of the zejin star domain.

There\'s nothing wrong with this. The Galactic realm is not the only battleground in the galent Federation.

This is only the most important and intense main battlefield of the Federation.

In addition to this star field, the galent federal front theater also includes five medium-sized star fields and 13 small star field battlefields, including the mosina Gan star field, the Zelong star field and the fazeler star field.

For example, the federal president is currently in Fazel, where the intensity of the war is not so bad.

Don\'t think too noble of federal politicians. The reason why that guy risked his life to reach the front line of the war was not really for the safety of life and property of federal citizens, it was just a political need.

But I have to admit that because this guy came to the battlefield, the morale of the federal soldiers was much higher, including the public\'s support for him.

Facing the request or plea of old man trichi pan baesa, Locke finally nodded slowly after examining the star map in front of him for a long time.

Long before arriving at the federal front line, through all kinds of intelligence collected, Locke and the level 6 knights and magicians of wizard civilization roughly formulated some battle plans.

What they need to know next is only the relatively unfamiliar opponent of the silent bone convergence civilization and the specific front-line war situation of the Federation.

The galent Federation does not completely regard the wizard civilization as mercenaries who can be sent to die at will. It can be seen by observing that they only allocate half of the war pressure to the wizard civilization.

Locke and wizard civilization have taken so many benefits and resources from the galent Federation. Naturally, they want to prove their value in the civilization war.

And with Locke\'s understanding of the silent and restrained civilization all the way, he is also full of fear of this powerful death civilization.


Locke\'s meeting with old man trichi pan baesa lasted three days.

During this period, it mainly discussed the implementation of specific attack plans, as well as follow-up cooperation, supply and other work.

The reason why the time card is so tight is that old man trichi pan baesa intends to give a cruel memory to the silent civilization.

The stalemate of the galent Federation on the front battlefield has lasted for a long time. According to the analysis of the war experience in the past thousands of years, this often represents the arrival of the extremely unfavorable side to the Federation.

The entry of wizard civilization is an important opportunity for the Federation to change the current war pattern.

It\'s also to avoid the silence of the civilization. That\'s why the old man made such a hurry to make the attack plan.

This attack was only the beginning of galent\'s federal counterattack plan.

Although the war plan in the middle and later stages needs to be adjusted according to the specific war situation, the five-star general trichi pan baesa has issued an index to himself and all federal generals.

Those are the white bone towers that stand on the front line of the civilized battlefield. At least 40 must be overthrown!

Don\'t think this index is too high, because the total number of white bone towers destroyed by the Federation in the past is only 23.

But that was when the Federation had only its own power. Now, with the arrival of the army of wizard civilization, especially the strong alliance of two level 8 creatures and one level 7 creature.

Old man trichi pan baesa also felt that his initial target was too low. If the number was set to 60, it would definitely change the overall pattern of the current federal front battlefield.

After leaving the stellar war fortress, Locke returned to his space fortress.

Xinggang didn\'t bring Locke this time because it was too huge and the cost was too high.

Locke is worried that this thing will be damaged in the civilized war. The galent Federation does not necessarily guarantee the war equipment of the wizard world.

After the corresponding battle plan was issued, Locke was waiting for news from the galent Federation.

The first shot of the counterattack was definitely not fired by the wizard civilization, but the galent Federation should take the lead.

Because this means that this is a civilized battlefield dominated by the galent Federation.


Lonely bones gather behind the civilization front.

In the depths of the thick cloud of death that can\'t see the end, several supreme beings of silent civilization are also expressing their views on the war of civilization.

A white skeleton, which looks like a giant fish, appears in a corner of the core of death. Its long and narrow tentacles carry miserable white lantern eyes to give a ray of light to the area of death.

It is a dead king of the silent civilization, named silent swallowing bream.

Although not the most powerful of all the seven level dead kings, he is the most active and talkative one.

It was this guy who was almost reimbursed by the conqueror Titan ship of galent Federation more than 2000 years ago.

Although the powerful eight level master of the sea of death finally saved it, the final price is that most of its body is melted into slag by the terrible energy particle rays.

"What\'s the matter with calling us here?" A hoarse and full of the howling of the dark wind came from the endless tide of darkness and death.

This is a powerful existence with a humanoid physique but wrapped in white bones.

The emperor of the dead, the ruler of the dead Legion owned by the silent bone collection civilization.

A golden crown engraved with five colorful gemstones looms in the dark tide of death elements.

These five gemstones have the level of world-class secret treasures, so that when they gather together to provide energy for the crown, this golden crown can explode the energy of top world-class secret treasures.