Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4287

Femton\'s performance has attracted great attention and attention of the galent Federation.

But with the subsequent journey, not every battle can be fought by femton himself.

The star domain of the galent Federation is too large. Only more than 100000 years ago, this powerful scientific and technological civilization was divided into six galaxies.

Now, more than 100000 years later, with the start of krypton domain and Mesopotamia domain, the territory of scientific and technological civilization and the total number of planets are expanding again.

Needless to say, this is a civilization with the ability to transform and manufacture planets.

Tens of thousands of affected planets are naturally not a problem that femton can solve all the way.

And compared with relieving the internal chaos in the federal star domain of galent, it is obvious that the front battlefield is the place where Locke\'s army needs to arrive most.

Therefore, in the process of going to the federal front of galent.

In addition to sending femton under his feet to help the galent Federation relieve trouble along the way, Locke also sent nearly 20 million slave creatures and 5 million knights and magicians.

The 4:1 ratio of slave creatures to wizards, civilized knights and magicians can ensure that every knight and magician can be adequately protected and consumed cannon fodder in the front row.

But because of this, the number and frequency of slave creatures consumed by Wizard civilization will also increase.

In a short time, Locke may have to redeploy a batch of slave cannon fodder and a rotating legion of knights and magicians from the wizard civilization.

The galent Federation will bear a large part of the cost.


It didn\'t take Locke long to travel in the federal star domain.

Since the beginning of the civilization war, the death cloud and biochemical crisis within the Federation have become stubborn diseases that are difficult to completely eliminate.

Those pervasive death factors are naturally not a problem that Locke can easily solve after his army arrives.

As Locke knows, like the members of the anti light Protoss alliance, when the galent Federation completely removes and disinfects a seriously damaged planet, as long as there are signs of low life activities, the planet will fall into chaos and undead crisis again within a long time.

This difficult death cloud is the number one problem facing the galent Federation.

Even the trouble it caused to the high level of the Federation was much higher than those dead kings with dominant combat power on the front line of the war.

Unfortunately, the galent Federation does not have a good solution to this situation.

The research progress of vaccines and disinfectants is far lower than the mutation speed and diffusion ability of the dead virus of the silent bone convergence civilization.

I don\'t know whether it can be called a good thing or sadly, according to a survey by the Federal Bureau of statistics, the overall physical quality of federal citizens has increased by 7% in the past 5000 years.

For the general weak federal citizens of galent, this is definitely a transformation that will have great significance and influence on the whole civilization.

However, it is a pity that in the past 5000 years, countless federal citizens have died because of the civilized war.

Even in a short period of 5000 years, the impact and trauma of the silent civilization on the galent Federation was higher than the total impact of the light Protoss in the past more than 100000 years.

After all, in the past, the bright Protoss only destroyed those fleets of the galent Federation. Although they also erased a lot of life planets in the hinterland of the Federation, they did not carry out a complete life massacre.

The silent civilization is different. They rely on the huge population base of the galent Federation to survive the war to this day.

If not, in terms of the dominant combat power and the strength of the previous legion, at first, the galent Federation was more dominant.

Otherwise, it would not have happened that the galent Federation took the initiative to invade the silent bone convergence star domain, and the warship Corps once went deep into the middle of its star domain.

"Do you have any good solutions to this situation?" On the eve of arriving at the federal front battlefield in galent, Locke couldn\'t help asking Samsung general Lina.

"It is the most effective and executable plan drawn by federal scientists and analysts to completely eliminate the death tower on the front battlefield and kill the dead king of the silent civilization as far as possible." Samsung general Lina said.

At the same time, pictures of tall towers piled up by white bones appeared in front of Locke.

These white bone towers generally have an altitude of nearly kilometers. Locke can\'t feel the regular breath and energy contained in these towers only according to the picture.

But it can be seen that there are an amazing number of dead creatures legions around each white bone tower.

These legions of dead creatures are not the unconscious variant dead creatures Locke saw before. They are the real silent and civilized native creatures with good wisdom and war command ability.

A large number of dead legions and unconscious dead creatures gathered around the white bone tower to wage a fierce war with the Federation.

The picture in front of Locke should be a valuable picture taken by a federal fleet that risked its life to go deep into the rear of the battlefield and sent countless UAVs.

In fact, from the beginning of the war to today, only 23 white bone towers have been knocked down and destroyed by the galent Federation, while the total number of white bone towers distributed by the silent Gulian civilization on the front battlefield is up to hundreds.

And with the passage of time, and a steady stream of death force gathered over the front battlefield, the new white bone tower is still slowly forming.


Galent federal front, this is a medium-sized star field named kadiga star field.

The reason why it is named the cadigan star domain is to commemorate the five-star general cadigan Gaius who died in the front line of the Federation.

The five-star general, who once led the orobas class Titan ship in an attempt to die with the rising sun Lord of the bright Protoss, died 3762 years ago.

Although the five-star general kadija Gaius died, the galent federal orobas class Titan ship he led only suffered heavy damage and did not crash directly.

This also reflects a feature of the federal scientific and technological civilization. Individualism has no market here.

The death of kadija Gaius only represented the destruction of the flagship he was riding on.

In order to completely encircle and suppress a large-scale Russian lobas Titan fleet, it is also extremely difficult for the dead kings of the silent civilization with countless cannon fodder and death legions.

Upon arriving at the Galactic realm, Locke met the five-star general trichi pan baesa stationed here.

As the only two five-star generals left in the Federation, trichi pan baesa\'s car is not an Russian lobas class Titan ship, but a higher specification and stronger conqueror class Titan ship.

The overall strength of the fleet is comparable to level 8 creatures.