Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4286

What a terrible picture it is.

When I was far away, I didn\'t feel much. I just felt that big guy was like a dragon roll meat mountain.

But when they were close, many wizards, world knights and magicians saw that the dense accumulation on the meat mountain was clearly human heads.

Those heads are like cells on this meat mountain, which constitute this incredible huge death creature.

In addition to the head, other stumps and broken arms are no longer a minority.

The corpse training synthetic animals made by black magicians and necromancers in the wizard world are disgusting enough in some aspects.

But compared with the big guy who absorbs the flesh and blood of nearly half the planet, it is obviously not at the same level.

Fortunately, the wizard world legions led by Locke are the elite of the elite, including the cannon fodder of slave creatures.

Therefore, in the face of these terrible flesh and blood creatures beyond their expectations, there is not much difference and fear of war.

"Knight Locke, will I lead the Legion to solve this strange dead creature?" In front of Locke, Carrie, the flame queen in the Space Fortress, asked.

In terms of the strike strength against death creatures, except for a few light magicians and knights, it is obviously most appropriate to belong to the flame queen Jiali and the flame legion of the abbalut empire.

In the face of the queen of fire\'s initiative to ask for war, Locke gently shook his head and said "No."

Just when the flame queen Gary and the three-star general Lina of the galent Federation were curious whether Locke wanted to do it himself, Locke patted femton at his feet.

"I know you\'ve been holding it for a long time. Go and eat!" As Locke\'s voice fell.

Femton\'s huge body quickly flew over the planet like Sartre.

Countless federal warships and fighters, under the command of Samsung general Lina, made way for femton.

When this monster, whose body size was extremely terrible and even nearly dozens of times larger than that of the S-class variant monster, appeared over the planet, his huge mouth opened and even swallowed many lands of the monster and the planet.

This is not femton\'s complete body form. If it wants to become larger, it can continue to grow.

By observing how exaggerated his big mouth opened in a moment, we can see how good this guy\'s stomach is.

"I feel it can even eat a planet." In the ship where Samsung admiral Lina is located, a major general of the Federation looked at the picture displayed on the holographic display in front of him and couldn\'t help staring wide and whispering.

The slightly younger federal major general obviously did not know that his words were infinitely close to the truth.

If it\'s a micro plane, femton can really get bored.

The low level may be a little hard, score a few stutters

Femton\'s powerful and unimaginable ability to destroy the enemy in an instant simply refreshed the cognition of the soldiers of galent Federation.

Not to mention that the galent Federation was shocked, even those wizards, world knights and magicians under Locke were shocked.

Directly swallowed a level 6 dead creature, and femton obviously hiccupped.

As the owner of femton, Locke can clearly feel the satisfaction and lazy consciousness from the depths of this guy\'s heart at this time.

The level 6 mutant dead creature is still struggling in femton\'s belly, but obviously its struggle is meaningless.

At the beginning, even Locke, who had the strength of the top despair, was almost dissolved in femton\'s stomach.

This death variant, which only has level 6 breath but has little wisdom and defense ability, obviously has no chance to escape.

Femton\'s ability to digest terror was soon confirmed.

It didn\'t take long for the struggle in his body to become weaker and weaker.

The huge size of the death variant makes it easy for external creatures to see this guy\'s struggling action across a layer of belly.

But as its struggle slowed down and stalled, millions of federal soldiers rejoiced where Locke could not see.

In every warship and airship, there were cheers from federal soldiers.

And in their eyes, the more friendly terrorist creature like a big black fish has no habit of wasting food.

Countless tentacles shot from femton\'s body surface. These tentacles accurately caught the dead creatures still resisting on the planet.

Of course, because femton intervened too suddenly, it crushed the dead creatures too thoroughly, so that many federal fighters and warships on the battlefield did not have time to withdraw.

The appearance of dozens of sparks represents a regrettable accidental injury event.

However, compared with those federal soldiers who were injured and killed by mistake, it is obvious that femton, a dead American, has brought more encouragement to the federal Corps on this battlefield.

Because if the federal Legion finally destroys this level 6 variant and countless dead creatures, even if it will win in the end, the price will definitely be thousands of times more than femton\'s accidental injuries.

In addition to the deadly tentacles, at the same time, a large number of Zerg legions began to flow out of femton\'s abdomen.

The hard shell and strong resistance make these Zerg creatures better adapt to the death rule environment than federal soldiers.

No matter how deep underground the dead creatures hide, the Zerg Legion and death tentacles can pull them out and put them into femton\'s body one by one.

As the saying goes, one thing is equal to one thing.

Perhaps for other creatures and even dominant creatures, this star domain with the power of death will make them feel a little uncomfortable.

But for the dead femton, this is the paradise where it lives.

Here, it has countless food to swallow.

A textbook war of annihilation was unfolded in front of the wizard world corps and the galent federal Corps.

If the Zerg troops involved in subsequent operations are removed, this war can really be regarded as a typical example of fighting a planet.

The mighty fighting power of the dominant creatures is undoubtedly evident at this moment.

Although Locke can directly erase the planet with the power of destruction, he obviously can\'t do femton\'s "delicacy".

As femton swallowed more than 90% of the dead creatures on the planet called tk187, the Garrett federal Corps immediately settled on the planet again.

The yellow rain and fog spread to the atmospheric surface of the whole planet through federal warships. Under the alternating influence of air flow operation and cold and heat, intermittent heavy rain began to be staged in many parts of the life planet.

In the words of general Lina of Samsung, they are "disinfecting".

There are still a large number of federal citizens left on this life planet, and they must be responsible for these survivors.

In addition, as a federal life planet marked on the record, in addition to rescuing citizens, the property contained in this life planet, especially those industrial properties, is the wealth that the Federation cannot give up.

After all, these dead mutants of the lonely civilization can devour the fused flesh and blood limbs, but they can\'t fuse the cold machines and factories.


I have posted the figure map of the knight\'s journey on the gongcong number. You can see it after searching "d I love Xiaodou" on the Huixin gongcong number and paying attention to Xiaodou.