Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4285

The political situation in galent\'s Federation is turbulent, and Locke, a level 8 knight, obviously won\'t know too much.

It doesn\'t matter. Locke doesn\'t know, but some people know for him.

The wizard civilization has been dealing with the galent Federation for so many years. Naturally, it will not let go of its understanding and penetration of this powerful scientific and technological civilization.

The changes of the Federation were known by the wizard civilization as early as the initial period.

Including the time of negotiating military chips with the galent Federation, the wizard civilization also borrowed from the chaos of the federal regime.

In short, the three-star general Lina and the five-star general Katarina olkat behind her are in the same faction as federal speaker mobat.

Another five-star general, trichi pan baesa, is in the same faction as the president.

This is the factional struggle and civilization involution that generally occur in large-scale world civilizations without a strong master.

This is also a major feature of scientific and technological civilization in the long history of development.

After all, presidents can be elected from civilians to represent the whole civilization.

This is an incredible thing for the wizard world, the rose Dynasty and other large world civilizations.

This also represents the beauty and variety of the star world.

Locke has no intention of meddling in galent\'s Federal Affairs. He also knows that no matter what happens inside the Federation, at least they are consistent with each other.

Locke only needs someone who is qualified to talk to him on an equal footing, so as to complete the war cooperation between the galent Federation and the wizard civilization.

At present, it is speaker mobat and five-star general Katarina olkat who take the initiative in the federal factional struggle in galent, or show a certain advantage.


From the federal border of galent to the front of the war is not a boring day.

In addition to the three-star general Lina always staying with Locke to explain the front-line war, Locke also took this opportunity to take a good look at the federal territory.

In the first half of this journey, Locke was not too surprised.

Although there are death clouds and biochemical crises in many regions, compared with the strength and intensity of the Federation, this threat is nothing.

This also shows from the side that with the outbreak of a long-term war with the lonely civilization, the Federation has gradually found out the routine of this large dead civilization.

At least in the face of crisis, the response of the federal people and those life planets is much better than those members of the anti light Protoss alliance.

At the core of the development of federal civilization - the source star system of floodlight, Locke met five-star general Katarina olkat and speaker mobat.

There is no need to repeat the process of those meetings. In addition to obtaining more resources from the galent Federation, Locke paid special attention to the news.

"The Federation really has two conqueror Titans comparable to class 8 creatures."

"But why did they fail to destroy the jiluogulian civilization until today, and even the legions in the jiluogulian literary star domain are frequently blocked?" When Locke sighed, he couldn\'t help wondering.

But soon, Locke got a rough idea of what was going on.

This is the second half of Locke\'s journey to the federal front in galent.

If we say that the first half of the star region, under the governance and defense of the galent Federation, has made some achievements in resisting the death cloud.

Then, as Locke really went deep into the "hardest hit areas" in the federal territory of galent, the clouds of death and the tide of repressed elements came in front of him. Rao Shi Locke, a class 8 creature, could not help feeling a little chest tightness.

This is not to say that Locke met something that could rival his opponent.

It is to gather the infinite power of death in the whole star field. Even a creature like Locke in the later stage of level 8 is quite reluctant to resist with the power of one person.

The strength of the galent Federation, on the one hand, is that their endless warships and airships are enough to bring despair to any medium and low-level world civilization.

On the other hand, their terrible population and advanced life planet transformation technology can make the footprints of federal citizens travel all over the stars they come into contact with.

The population advantage of the Federation is an important support for them to flatten the nearby starry sky.

However, in the face of the lonely civilization, an amazing number of federal citizens have become the war nourishment of the lonely civilization and the heavy hind leg that the Federation can not give up.

Hundreds of millions of federal citizens have fallen in exchange for the concentration of death elements that even Locke is worried about.

This is only within the federal star domain of galent.

I don\'t know how to exaggerate the death concentration and regular cloud over there in the home star domain of silent bone convergence civilization!

"It\'s really a powerful and unimaginable civilization. Their infectious characteristics are even more exaggerated than the brain eaters in those days." Standing on femton\'s back, feeling the amazing tide of death in this star domain, Locke couldn\'t help sighing.

In those days, the brain eater civilization swept through a star domain, and at least it was only parasitic on flesh and blood creatures with higher life levels.

But the culture of silence and bone convergence is not taboo. Whether the level of life is high or low, it will be polluted and assimilated to you.

And compared with a small number of high-order creatures, those bottom mole ants with an amazing base have become a steady stream of nourishment for the Legion of dead civilization.

As far as Locke could see, he saw a huge flesh and blood creature 20000 meters away, similar to a tornado, living above a planet and roaring.

Countless warships and airships surrounded the planet, constantly encircling and suppressing this huge dead creature.

In addition to the fact that the group itself has reached level 6 life level, Locke also noticed that there are a large number of low-level dead creatures, taking this behemoth as a barrier fortress, constantly rushing out of their blood vessels and fighting against small mecha and fighters of the galent Federation.

From the moment Locke led his army into the federal star territory of galent, the support contract signed between the wizard civilization and the Federation has come into force.

So in the face of this terrible dead creature with a life level of level 6, Locke couldn\'t help asking the three-star general Lina, "do you mind if we help you?"

"Of course I don\'t mind. If you can send an army to help us destroy the S-class monster on tk187, we will be grateful." In the communication light screen, Lina said happily.

Level s monster is the general name of this level 6 variant monster in the Federation, corresponding to level 6 creatures.

On top of this, there are s + and S + +.

These mutant monsters are not the dead kings of the lonely civilization. They don\'t have much wisdom.

And they are not so much the war weapons of a lonely civilization as they Itself comes from the Federation.