Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4284

Sanxing general Lina is a powerful federal soldier who has been genetically modified and has a level 4 biological flavor.

Her long blonde hair and tall figure make Lina very in line with the human aesthetics of the wizard world.

The point is, in line with Locke\'s aesthetics.

However, Locke did not intend to have anything with the Garrett federal female general. In the face of the woman\'s witty answer, Locke finally just smiled.

In addition to offering five times the original total amount of resources, the galent Federation received an additional boost from the wizard civilization reinforcements, as well as the delivery of two stellar war fortresses.

Yes, not only about the technology of stellar war fortress, the galent Federation has to create such two big guys for the wizard world.

Although there are at least a dozen star level war fortresses in service, most of these war fortresses have their own tasks.

Even many old friends who should have retired long ago were reactivated by the Federal Military.

Two of these stellar war fortresses will be transferred to wizard civilization. Although it will not have a great impact on the overall war situation, it will inevitably bring many troubles and difficulties to local battlefields.

Samsung general Lina said that the two star war fortresses delivered to the wizard civilization are still manufactured in the factory. Both the wizard civilization represented by Locke and the galent Federation themselves are acceptable answers.

After all, if you want new ones, wizard civilization will certainly not want second-hand goods that have been worn out by countless wars.

The galent Federation is not in a hurry to deliver the wizard alliance. Like those hire resources paid in installments, give them slowly, which is also based on the current situation of the Federation.

"General Katarina olkat is currently in the source star system of floodlight, and they are waiting to meet Lord Locke with speaker mobat.". After welcoming bilock and his party, Samsung general Lina continued.

With a thoughtful look at Lina, Locke said, "lead the way."


Due to the war of the galent Federation in recent thousands of years, there have been some chaos and problems in the regime of the whole civilization.

In the past, in the wartime state of the Federation, in order to ensure the unity of power and the deployment and development of all aspects are not disturbed, the president can be renewed indefinitely.

Originally, the galent Federation was the same for thousands of years.

However, with the accidental death of the last president during his inspection at the federal front line 4286 years ago, the vice president who succeeded him was unlucky and died after only 703 years.

Until the third generation of president, the speaker of Parliament declared to be a contemporary president in accordance with the order of wartime president\'s inauguration.

The speaker of the Federal Parliament becomes President, which is an extremely rare case that has not happened many times in the federal history of galent.

Because the speaker of Parliament himself has a high status in the galent Federation in terms of power.

With his inauguration as federal president, the galent Federation, which originally advertised freedom, equality and democracy, has become a large-scale scientific and technological civilization with high centralization of power in a short time.

In addition, it is still in wartime.

It is no exaggeration to say that the speaker, who took office as the last acting president 3583 years ago, has reached the peak of power that the Federation has not had for nearly 200000 years in a very short time.

Compared with the existence of this speaker, the power of previous presidents is scum.

And I don\'t know whether it\'s lucky or unfortunate. Your Excellency, the speaker, is still a very tough and tough existence.

It was also under his leadership that in a short period of 800 years, the Federation pushed the original front to the border of jiluogulian civilization, and forced jiluogulian civilization to send the king of the dead to negotiate peace with the galent Federation.

This also directly led to the successful truce between the galent Federation and the jiluogulian civilization 2716 years ago, and the two sides later maintained peace for 2200 years.

Speaker mobart, this is undoubtedly a legendary figure in the Federation for nearly 10000 years.

From the perspective of high-level and civilization, Locke can see that the galent federation can repel the silent civilization and force the other party to sign a truce. More than half of the credit is due to his previous two terms, especially the one who has been on the front line of the battlefield for a long time.

But Locke knows this, but ordinary federal citizens don\'t!

I don\'t know how many ignorant federal citizens think it is their tough and iron speaker mobat who leads the Federation to fight the death crisis.

This also directly led to speaker mobat\'s serving another term after he finished his wartime presidency, driven by public opinion.

The term of office of each president of the Federation is only 2000 years, which is the iron law established by the galent Federation at the beginning of the achievement of large-scale world civilization.

From the first generation of presidents to the current generation, no one has defaulted.

So President mobat resigned 500 years ago and became his speaker again.

The president has a term of office, but the speaker does not.

As long as mobart did not make obvious mistakes or be forced to be laid off due to physical discomfort during his inauguration, other members of Parliament could not replace him.

In addition, during his inauguration as president, mobat not only formed an efficient and powerful cabinet, but also turned the parliament into the top and bottom, which made his prestige soar.

If mobat had been president for another 50 years, he would still be president.

According to the wartime presidential inauguration system, he can be re elected indefinitely, but unfortunately, in the short 50 years after mobart resigned, the war between the galent Federation and the silent civilization began again.

Now the galent Federation is in a precarious period. It is obvious that the president in office is not familiar with his power and has not formed his own cabinet, so he will face a powerful silent civilization.

A series of mistakes in administration made the contemporary federal president stand up to mobart during his administration.

Many people called for the current president to go away and mobat to continue to top.

But obviously the federal constitution cannot be violated.

Perhaps to prove himself to the public, or to avoid these rumors, so that the current president began to learn from his appointment and went to the front-line supervision and inspection of the federal battlefield.

If it\'s just a political change, it\'s really nothing for the galent Federation.

After countless years of development, the federal government has long been perfect. No matter what problems can be solved smoothly and excessively in the end.

The new president is always familiar with his power, and the corresponding cabinet members will be formed soon, including his previous mistakes. It\'s not a big mistake, just small problems.

People\'s memory will not be too long and will soon be forgotten.

But coincidentally, during the war period when the regime was slightly chaotic, people from the military suddenly stepped in.

The composition and complexity of galent\'s Federal Military are comparable to that of politics The government is no worse.

Needless to say, this also involves large and small federal chaebols, consortia and so on.

Take out the too complicated content and simplify it a little. There is a problem between five-star general trichi pan baesa and another five-star general Katarina olkat.