Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4283

"I can feel that the strong and continuous power of death here is spreading to somewhere far away from the stars through some influence at the regular level." Standing on the dead femton\'s back, Locke looked thoughtfully at the blue planet path where the lower half of the planet fell into the cloud of death.

"It seems to be the battle front between the galent Federation and the lonely civilization." Locke\'s eyes gradually became dignified. He suddenly felt that the opponent of this trip seemed difficult to deal with.

Just as Locke was considering their opponents on this trip, a level 6 knight from the Space Fortress interrupted Locke\'s thinking.

"Lord Locke, the great supreme knight, and the Crimea civilization have given us assistance. I hope we can send legions to help them solve the death crisis that is breaking out on the three nearby life planets." The level 6 knight in ice blue cold crystal armor respectfully said to Locke.

The level-6 Knight came from the northern witch organization. Seeing his respect for Locke and the worship in his eyes, we can see how much power Locke has in the wizard world now.

Especially in the field of knights, Locke is their idol and the object of their lifelong pursuit and learning.

"Well, send some death and dark knight and magician troops to attack."

"Ask them to act quickly and not affect our progress plan." Locke commanded.

"Yes!" The sixth Knight replied.

This is not the first time Locke and the wizard civilization corps have helped the Crimea civilization. In fact, Locke has helped them solve the death crisis breaking out in 17 life planets since they arrived in the Crimea civilization half a year ago.

But unfortunately, the wizard civilization Corps goes all the way.

They can help the Crimean civilization eliminate all the powerful death creatures on their planet, but it is impossible to pull out and destroy every weak death creature from every corner.

In addition to the ubiquitous and difficult nature of those death clouds, it is only half a year. Of the 17 life planets that were originally relieved of the crisis, six are now on the yellow warning line, and one of them is infinitely approaching the red warning line.

The red alert not only means that the dead creatures on the planet have gathered on a certain scale, but also often means that the "Lord level" dead creatures comparable to the strength of level 4 have been born on this life planet.

Locke also watched the dead creatures above level 4 that appeared in the Crimea domain, and the accompanying magician world casters did not study less.

But their final conclusion is extremely unexpected and frightening.

The dead creatures above level 4 are not the dead species of the indigenous civilization, but the new individuals formed by combining the power of death with the blood and flesh of the indigenous creatures in the star domain.

It is not so much a level 4 creature as a level 4 combat monster.

There is not even much basic wisdom. In addition to the enthusiasm for the breath of the element of death, the only will left in the minds of these four level creatures is "destruction"!

Obviously, this is the unique biochemical weapon and death attribute means of jingluogulian civilization.

No wonder after so many years, the galent Federation did not completely eliminate the chaos in its own rear.

At least this means of using the power of the death rule was unheard of by Wizard civilization before.

How do they make these death monsters? How do you command them?

And where will those endless forces of death finally converge? What\'s the role?

The answers to these mysteries will not be known until Locke leads his army to the front line of the galent federal war.

And even the rear of the Crimean civilization is threatened by the cloud of death. I\'m afraid the situation on the side of the galent Federation is even worse.

It was also during Locke\'s passage to the realm of Crimea civilization that he received another message, that is, there was also a cloud of death and a small-scale biochemical crisis in the territory of the rose imperial civilization, a large civilization in another star region.

"What\'s the matter? Did the jingluogulian civilization regard itself as a light Protoss? It wants to fight with all the world civilizations around it at the same time?" Locke\'s tone was somewhat sarcastic and disdainful.

But in addition to these feelings, it must be admitted that Locke was somewhat afraid of the strength of silent civilization.


When crossing the border between the Crimean civilization and the galent Federation and reaching the federal border.

In order to meet the powerful reinforcements they are looking forward to, the galent Federation, in addition to the arrival of a stellar war fortress, is escorted by two federal first-class war fleets.

"Why? Is this stellar war fortress one of the ones you will deliver to us in the contract we signed?" After meeting with a female federal three-star general, Locke couldn\'t help joking.

Galent Federation has also conducted a summary and analysis of Locke\'s character and historical principles. They found that compared with male generals, female generals of the Federation are more likely to win the favor of the powerful man in the wizard world.

It\'s just that the female federal general in front of us is not the ones Locke has seen in the past.

The life of dominant creatures is too long. Compared with the average life span of federates, Locke is an old board member.

Although the galent Federation also has many genetic and modification technologies that can make specific beings live longer, few people do so.

In addition to the means of transforming the body into a machine, which is difficult to obtain the recognition of the vast majority of federal senior officials, the huge expenses and terrorist expenses involved also doomed that this method will not be widely promoted.

At present, there are only two people who can be familiar with lockty in the galent Federation.

They are five-star general trichi pan baesa and five-star general Katarina olkat.

In the years when the federal president has changed for decades, old man trichi pan baesa and Ms. Katarina olkat are definitely two evergreen trees of the Federal Military.

For example, the federal three-star general Lina in front of Locke is under the heart and abdomen of Katarina olkat.

She is directly responsible for this stellar war fortress, and she is also the highest representative of the galent Federation who came to meet Locke this time.

"Lord Locke, you are so funny!"

"Of course, if Lord Locke likes this scarred star war fortress, I think the Federal Parliament and the president will agree to your request."

"After all, the federal side will be happy to replace a new war fortress still produced in the factory with an old star war fortress." Samsung general Lina smiled and said to Locke.