Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4282

Locke had a rough idea of how old Alan died.

In the Legion of the Holy See of Enze mainland raiding Xianyu, the seventh level master milch fell on the spot. Although old man Allen fought hard to escape from the blockade of Daozu Hongjun, he also suffered irreparable damage.

Being able to survive until 867 years ago is a sign of old Allen\'s strong body.

You know, in the face of the heavy pressure and threat brought by level 9 creatures, Locke may not be able to bear it, not to mention Allen, who has only level 7 strength.

The news of old Allen\'s death cast a shadow over Locke\'s trip to Irvine.

No matter what the strong men in front of the Holy See thought, after a moment of silence, Locke said to himself, "can I go to Irvine?"

Locke\'s request is somewhat tricky. As a medium-sized plane integrating one side and multiple worlds, Irwin is almost the last base of these Vatican legions in front of us.

If you let a level 8 creature into it

Different from mity\'s readiness and implicit hostility, the leader Miller just nodded to Locke\'s unreasonable request

Locke asked them for advice, which was already a way for him to express his attitude.

It\'s not nice to say that these old, weak, sick and disabled people in Irvine don\'t need the tens of millions of wizard civilization legions. Only Locke launched a destruction storm with level 8 power, which is enough to engulf Irvine and its surrounding stars.

The gap brought by absolute strength and the trust in Locke\'s words, Miller not only agreed with Locke\'s unreasonable requirements, but also personally led Locke in the front.

More than 100000 years have passed, and many changes have taken place in Locke\'s memory.

Compared with Locke when he first came here, the Irvine continent is much larger and broader, and the rule bearing capacity is higher than in the past.

At least it can withstand Locke, the eighth master, who reluctantly came to the mainland.

This shows that the Irvine continent has also been growing in these hundreds of thousands of years, and by observing many strange rules and some rare creatures that are very different from the native land, Locke also guesses that the Irvine continent has not stopped the process of absorbing and accommodating other small and micro planes in recent years.

This is an evolutionary model that belongs solely to the Irvine continent. This multi-faceted integration promotion method is enough to make the vast majority of creatures entering level 4 easier to feel the regular rhythm and the changing law of energy tide when they arrive here.

This is an \'interesting\' civilization. Yes, in Locke\'s evaluation, it is now interesting, not powerful.

Locke doesn\'t know where the limit of the future integration and absorption plane of Irwin continent is. It\'s uncertain that one day, she can integrate even medium-sized and even large planes.

With the relationship between Locke and Alvin\'s mainland Holy See, he will not kill Miller and others.

To be honest, it is the immortal civilization that has enemies with the Holy See, which has nothing to do with the wizard world.

In those days, master Miller and apprentices helped the wizard world at a time of crisis. Now Locke plans to help them, which can be regarded as a complete end to this cause and effect.

The golden apple tree from the paradise lost suddenly burst into a burst of life energy. The emergence of these life energy not only nourishes the present Elvin continent, but also eases the old wounds deposited by Miller, mity and other powerful Vaticans around Locke.

This is a remnant of the Vatican army who returned from the defeat of the battlefield of grace star domain. Locke doesn\'t know what strange star domain they will go to next.

However, the emergence of this batch of life energy is enough to give them more confidence in the next alien exploration and survival

At the same time, the power of rules emerged from Locke.

He did not understand the plane fusion law of Irvine, but it did not prevent Locke from standing at the height of dominant creatures and repairing many rules and plane nodes of Irvine.

Why are dominant creatures so important to one world? In addition to driving the overall transition of the rules of the maternal plane, sometimes they can even play a part of the role of guardians.

And compared with the vast majority of guardians, they will not have too strong power. The masters who stand at the peak of power sometimes have higher efficiency than those guardians.

Locke\'s actions and his behavior finally let Mitty and other strong people of the Holy See put down their hostility. It also made Michelle\'s eyes behind Miller a little complicated.

Half a month later, Locke left Irvine.

Just as he came without warning, Locke left without disturbing too many native creatures in Irvine.

Plane evacuation and overall transfer continue. Locke feels a very strong spatial law from many plane nodes in Irvine.

Perhaps the next time Locke passes through the star field near Irvine, he will find that the beautiful Irvine that originally appeared in the starry sky has been completely replaced by silence and nothingness.

As for where the coordinates of Alvin will be relocated, what are the future development plans of these Vatican survivors.

Miller and others did not say, nor did Locke ask.

Finally, he glanced in the direction of Alvin, turned back and stepped on the dead femton\'s back, and continued to advance to the depths of the starry sky according to the original route.

They have been delayed for too long. I hope the federal side of galent doesn\'t mind.


Crimean civilization.

This is a medium-sized scientific and technological civilization within the anti light Protoss alliance, and it is also the last junction area where Locke\'s Legion arrived at the federal border of galent.

During his voyage over the past ten years, Locke led his regiment through three medium-sized world civilizations and five low-level world civilizations.

Facts have proved that the war with the silent bone civilization has had a greater impact on the galent Federation and the anti light Protoss alliance than expected.

Not to mention the world civilizations that first came into contact, but as Locke\'s Legion increasingly approached the territory of the galent Federation, the death cloud and biochemical crisis of the civilizations of these anti light Protoss alliance members became more and more serious.

For example, not far below Locke, in a life planet belonging to the Crimean civilization, almost half of the whole planet can be seen by Locke\'s naked eye, which is covered by the law of strong death attribute.

Countless dead creatures are roaring in this life planet.

Although the warships and troops belonging to the Crimean civilization are still firmly established on this planet, when they can eliminate the biochemical and death crisis, even the dark star fleet and their captain who are leading him in front of Locke do not know.