Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4281

Mity and Locke are no strangers. When the two sides first contacted, they had to trace back to Locke\'s meeting when he just visited Irvine.

Although Locke\'s main contacts at that time were blind old man Alan and Michelle, Locke was deeply impressed by the powerful strength of mity who caught a glimpse in the starry sky when he left Irwin.

Locke also knew that mitti and Lilith almost had a fight during the wizard civilization defense war.

These two powerful women, who also used sickles as weapons, left a deep impression on many people on the civilized battlefield at that time.

Now when Mitty and Locke meet, they are no longer friendly friends, but cold hostility and even enemy relations.

Locke led his army to support the civilization of Xianyu. The Holy See learned about Locke as early as when Locke arrived at Tara.

It was also because of Locke\'s intervention that milt, a level 8 strongman in Enze mainland, failed in his surprise attack on the leader of Tongtian cult.

Although the defeat of the Enze star region Vatican was more due to the strength of Taoist Zu Hongjun and the overall strength of the Xianyu civilization exceeded that of the Enze mainland Vatican.

However, it is undeniable that Locke\'s joining is also inseparable from the collapse of Enze mainland Vatican.

At this time, Mitty didn\'t come forward and start with Locke directly. It was the result that the woman understood the great difference in strength between the two sides.

If it was Locke in the previous level 6 stage, maybe she waved a sickle and cut Locke\'s head.

Unlike Mitty\'s fear and hostility, Locke\'s performance is more relaxed and casual.

He could see that at this time, there was no creature in Irvine that could threaten him. In other words, there was no dominant combat power here.

As for the black fighters behind mitti, Locke doesn\'t need to do it himself. Just a round of Volley fire from the more than 600 space fortresses is enough to reimburse most of the Vatican troops on this battlefield.

The suppression of absolute strength is a manifestation of the current situation of both sides.

However, the good news for the Holy See of Alvin mainland is that Locke has no hostility to them.

By observing the frequent movement of people and signs of life activities in Irvine, Locke guessed that these Vatican legions were moving.

Xianyu spared no effort to recover the distribution of religions by the Holy See. There are always people who need to be buried with the leader of Tongtian, and they will not let go of this place.

Irwin left Locke a deep impression at that time, that is, their plane integration ability and plane transfer skills.

This is a fantastic means to move the regular complete plane directly away from the original Star coordinates. At least at present, there is no similar ability record of wizard civilization.

Any world civilization has its magnificent and magical side. It does not mean that the stronger the world civilization, the stronger the rules, means and other abilities they master.

Maybe a certain micro plane, their application skills in the field of energy and rules, can attract the attention and learning of top civilizations.

This is also the charm of the star world.

When Mitty was dealing with Locke, the tension was suddenly dissipated by the appearance of two acquaintances in white robes behind the fighters in the boundless starry sky.

Walking in the front is Miller, the leader of Elvin at present.

Walking in the rear is Michelle, the saint of light who had a lot of fetters with Locke\'s youth.

What Locke doesn\'t know for the time being is that Miller is no longer the sub leader of the Vatican, but inherits the throne of milt and milch and becomes the contemporary Vatican leader.

However, Miller\'s position as the pope should be the Pope of the most turbulent and weak period in the history of the Holy See.

The once powerful Vatican was torn apart, and each Vatican was too busy.

In addition to the Vatican legion, which believed in the power of the holy light, was very lucky to withdraw with Miller to Irvine, accept milt and milch\'s will and regard Miller as the contemporary Pope.

Other Vatican forces and legions did not know where to hide and fought with the immortal domain Legion.

Another problem arises here, that is, the division of the Holy See.

For example, the three great Tianjiao who once enriched the mainland, Kelly of the heaven, Xin Yan of xuzu and shatai of the lost tower, they led a Vatican army to withdraw to the boundless starry sky.

It\'s not that they didn\'t want to come to Enze continent to meet Miller and others, but the actual results and the endless pursuit of Xianyu Legion obviously make it difficult for them to complete such an ultra long-distance Cross Star transfer.

Needless to say, each of their surviving families of the Holy See coerces an amazing number of bottom believers and civilians.

It\'s all a burden.

As for those weaker and smaller Vatican branches and scattered legions, there are more.

It is a difficult question to answer when the once powerful holy see will once again stand on the top of many civilizations in the star world.

For them today, there is no need to consider things too far away. The first problem they have to solve is how to escape and where to escape.

"Is knight Locke here to encircle and suppress us?" Miller in white appeared in front of Locke.

The old man, once in Locke\'s eyes, now has obvious signs of aging and fatigue.

Obviously, the changes in the Holy See and the retreat of Elvin now make Miller a little haggard.

"No, master Miller, you helped us when the wizard world was in danger and contributed indelible strength to the relief of the disaster of emptiness."

"Not only will I not do it, Douglas of the wizard world and other senior wizard world leaders who experienced the war more than 100000 years ago will not choose to do it on Elvin." Locke said sincerely.

"Then Knight Locke, you led the army here this time..." Miller hesitated.

"I\'m just passing by, and I also want to meet you old friends." Locke replied, and looked at Michelle behind Miller.

Speaking of Locke and Michelle, the relationship between them is absolutely pure.

But in addition to the extremely pure friendship, we have to deny that in fact, both of them have a good feeling for each other.

The mutant cattle Glenn should be a small witness to the feelings between Locke and Michelle.

If it hadn\'t been for Michelle\'s care of Glenn, Locke wouldn\'t have put too much attention and attention on this silly goods.

For Locke\'s eyes, Michelle only treated them calmly.

Her relationship with Locke is much more complicated than the two female sword immortals in the immortal domain.

The two female swordsmen Locke can be strong, but Michelle can\'t. at least Locke can\'t do it in the face of each other\'s eyes and past experiences.

She should be one of the few people in Locke\'s life who are above friends and lovers.

Along with her, there is Bili, who has devoted his life to Locke and finally Locke saves his soul light spot on the ancient tree of the soul.

Looking at Michelle\'s pure eyes, Locke issued a silent sigh in his heart.

Without continuing to talk about the past and gossip, Locke asked another thing curiously, "where\'s old Alan, why don\'t I feel his breath?"

For Locke\'s question, Miller\'s lips moved in front of him.

Finally, the strong man of level 6, who had great aspirations in his heart and inherited the legacy of the two previous leaders of the Holy See, did not hide it and replied, "Alan fell 867 years ago."

On hearing this, Locke was silent.


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