Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4280

"Why, are you going to continue to take revenge against Xianyu civilization?"

"Or is it an attempt to recover the devastated world of blue fist martial arts?" Locke couldn\'t help asking, and there was a strong sense of dissatisfaction and anger in his tone.

As a companion of Gongsun xuance in the desperate world for tens of thousands of years, Locke knows the temperament of this guy who is only a little smaller than himself.

In the final analysis, at the beginning of his own growth and rise, Gongsun xuance went too smoothly.

As a descendant of an aristocratic family in the prosperous Tang Empire, he was accepted as a pro disciple by the national teacher of the prosperous Tang Empire because of his excellent qualifications when he was young.

Unlike Locke, Gongsun xuance has grown from the bottom to today step by step.

In the final analysis, his great wish to restore the country is just his wishful thinking, and there is no executable operation at all.

If it was a large world that wiped out the blue fist martial arts civilization, even a world as powerful as the galent Federation, Locke was not sure to support him.

Moreover, it is possible for the two brothers to work together and share the wealth of this rich civilization war.

Unfortunately, the immortal civilization is more powerful than the wizard civilization.

The biggest difference between Locke and Gongsun xuance is that he is more realistic and rational than Gongsun xuance.

If Locke was a simple minded hot-blooded knight, he might not even be able to win the fourth level knight.

Locke\'s question with deep meaning, Gongsun xuance didn\'t answer.

Even if the future is full of hardships and frustrations, Gongsun xuance will go on.

"In addition to your two wives and children, there should be a large number of martial arts survivors following you at this time?"

"If you keep doing this, what will they do?"

"Did you let them die with you?" Locke couldn\'t help asking.

Locke\'s question made Gongsun xuance deeply lower his head. Because he remembered what martial uncle said when he bought him time to escape before he fell.

Compared with Gongsun xuance\'s meaningless rebellion, even Dugu crazy devil of Wudao civilization saw the truth, but this guy could not get out of this strange circle.

"I need to avenge my master." Gongsun xuance whispered.

People who don\'t know Gongsun xuance don\'t know what the national division of the prosperous Tang Empire means to him.

Locke, who has lived together in the desperate world for tens of thousands of years, knows that in the Wudao star region, Gongsun xuance most worshipped wusheng Nangong, but his master Shangyang invincible was the most respected and loved.

Including the name of his child Wuji, which was set by his master long before the fall of the Tang Empire.

For Gongsun xuance\'s family, Locke really can\'t continue to say anything, and he can\'t take care of it too much.

Just after taking a deep look at Gongsun xuance, Locke said the last sentence to him, "I think the final fate of the three women should not be decided by you, but by themselves."

Compared with Gongsun xuance\'s blindness and blood, it is obvious that his two wives, as women, should be more rational and sober.

In particular, Wuji\'s mother, the subjugated Princess of the prosperous Tang Empire, is an extremely sober and scheming woman in all aspects.

Locke didn\'t want to reunite their family. He just advised Gongsun xuance to stop doing stupid things to the two women.

I\'m afraid it\'s not for myself, but also for children and those who have suffered immensely.

Gongsun xuance must also know about the large-scale famine and plague in Wudao star domain.

Whether his actions are right or wrong, Locke, as an outsider, is not easy to judge, so he can only think clearly for himself.

Locke\'s warning made Gongsun xuance fall into a long silence.

As a father, he has never seen Wuji since his child was born.

A video message recording the growth picture and the appearance of a baby appeared in the starry sky in front of Locke with a stroke of his right hand.

When he saw that Wuji already had a level 4 life level and had a certain advantage against a level 4 later knight in the process of competition, Gongsun xuance\'s face obviously changed.

This change once existed, which represents father\'s love.

"As the master\'s son, his martial arts cultivation path must be pointed out."

"You don\'t want him to be a loser in the wizard world, do you?" Asked Locke.

Locke\'s last words finally moved Gongsun xuance.

No matter how the relationship between the two brothers develops in the future, at least this time, Gongsun xuance no longer stubbornly hopes that his wife and children will stay in the wizard world.

Seeing Gongsun xuance nodding, Locke was slightly relieved.

"Your two wives, I will inform the wizard world soon and send them to you."

"But your son will have to wait for a while. I heard that this little guy temporarily joined the affiliated dragon cavalry corps of the Belem Empire and went to the pan star region of the zicha inflammatory soul world group to participate in the ectopic surface war." Locke said.

Dragon begets dragon, Phoenix begets Phoenix.

As the dominant offspring, Gongsun Wuji\'s growth and potential are no worse than his Lao Tzu.

At the age of 2000, when he stepped into level 4, he sent troops with the Belem Empire to fight against foreign civilizations.

And Locke also knew that this was not the order of the Belem Empire, but the result of the boy\'s initiative.

"During this time, you can stay near nemex. You can also pick up all your martial arts survivors and consider taking a rest for a period of time."

"The wizard alliance will give you some help, but not too much."

"Over there in Xianyu, I can\'t trace it here for the time being." Locke sighed and continued.

Hearing this, Gongsun xuance just nodded in silence.


Meeting Gongsun xuance near nemex is the biggest episode of Locke\'s trip to the galent Federation.

Now that he had seen Gongsun xuance, Locke, who was a little delayed, didn\'t mind modifying his itinerary again, and went to the star region where Alvin was located.

Fifteen years later.

The approach of tens of millions of troops has aroused the extreme vigilance of the mainland of Alvin.

Yang Jian, the quasi Saint peak level strong Erlang God who is crazy looking for killing his master and enemy in Xianyu, I\'m afraid he can\'t imagine that he wants to eat his meat and eat his bones. The woman is in Irwin at the moment.

Exactly, right in front of Locke.

"What are you doing here?!" In front of the infinite painted black fighter, Mitty, holding a sickle, looked at Locke with dignified eyes.

Although there are obviously many old wounds left on this light and dark woman, there is still no fear and cowardice about Locke, who is two levels higher than himself.