Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4279

If it were not for the repeated orders of the federal side of galent, it would not need too much bottom cannon fodder, and even those lower creatures might become a burden.

Otherwise, the slave biological Legion led by Locke on this expedition may easily break 100 million.

Tens of thousands of years of recuperation, the war of zicha yanhun world group and the recovery process of Wanhua psychic world group proceeded smoothly.

The wizard civilization not only enthusiastically produced a large number of new generation knights and magicians, but also accumulated an amazing number of slave biological cannon fodder.

Compared with the embarrassment during the underworld war and the brain eater war, the cannon fodder led by Locke is of higher quality.

Almost every cannon fodder has reached the level of advanced Warcraft, and nearly one tenth of the slave creatures whose life level exceeds level 1.

The huge amount of money spent by the galent Federation is not wronged. At least in terms of the army\'s combat power and overall strength composition, the wizard civilization army is the most powerful reinforcement they have obtained.

In the process of leaving the wizard world to go to the star domain of the galent Federation, Locke did not choose to transfer to the Mesopotamia star domain through the underworld star domain and then directly to the territory of the Federation.

The route he chose was to take the Norman domain and namec, cross some anti light Protoss alliance members, and finally reach the galent Federation.

From the road map, Locke basically went around in a small circle.

This is the star map route taken by the wizard civilization in the past when it first came into contact with the galent Federation.

The reason for taking this route is not Locke\'s nostalgia, nor Locke\'s intention to delay his arrival in the Federation, but the unique induction of dominant creatures, which made him make this choice.

When he arrived near nemex and was about to leave the territory of the wizard alliance, Locke asked the army to continue on the way, while he himself stayed near a meteorite in the boundless sky.

Tens of millions of legions, carried by more than 600 space fortresses, are marching towards the territory of the anti light Protoss alliance.

Until Locke\'s dominant biological vision could hardly see those wizard civilization legions, a strange spatial fluctuation appeared on a void meteorite belt not far from Locke.

Not seen for thousands of years, the appearance of Gongsun xuance is much thinner than that seen when Locke arrived outside the ukmon world.

In addition to his thin body, Locke noticed that Gongsun xuance was obviously weak inside and outside his body.

In Gongsun xuance\'s back waist, there should be a more difficult and heavy injury.

So that after such a long time, Gongsun xuance failed to heal it with the soul of domination.

Or maybe the injury could have been healed, but Gongsun xuance was reluctant to spend his precious master soul directly on it, so he chose the natural recovery road with long recovery time and pain.

This also shows the vanity of Gongsun xuance at this time.

"Brother, when did you find me?" Appearing in front of Locke, Gongsun xuance didn\'t look directly into Locke\'s bright eyes, but asked with his head sideways.

The sound of "big brother" immediately softened Locke\'s eyes on Gongsun xuance, and made him feel a little pity for Gongsun xuance\'s situation at this time.

"When you\'re not very exposed outside the wizard world." Locke replied.

It is impossible for ordinary people to temporarily change the way forward. Only Locke, who has great power in the wizard civilization, has this qualification.

This does not include Locke\'s change of March route, so that the time to reach the federal territory of galent will be delayed by 5-10 years.

Strictly speaking, Locke and wizards are suspected of breaking the contract.

I just delayed arriving at the Federation for several years. I believe that the civilization of galent Federation will not embarrass the three masters such as Locke on this small matter.

Not to mention the super Saiya man kakarot, Gongsun xuance, who followed here all the way, witnessed the huge and terrible guy in the center of the hundreds of space fortresses.

As a close friend who wandered through the desperate world at that time, Gongsun xuance is naturally no stranger to this big guy.

It never occurred to him that Locke could take this guy one day.

If Gongsun xuance also has such a strong combat power as femton, then he hopes to recover the martial civilization

"Do you complain that I didn\'t help you recover when I was in the martial arts star domain?" The meeting between the two old brothers did not have much blood and affection. After looking at each other for a while, Locke asked this extremely realistic and cold question.

For Locke\'s naked and direct inquiry, Gongsun xuance choked for a moment.

If it was before, he probably wouldn\'t think so, because Locke has really helped him enough, whether it was asking Styx to let them go or his previous performance in ukmon world.

But at this time, I saw that Locke already had level 8 strength, and there were powerful creatures like dead femton.

These are two level 8 creatures. If they can help themselves and the martial arts civilization This does not include other dominant creatures in the wizard world and the seven level masters subject to the wizard alliance.

Gongsun xuance\'s silent and slightly clenched fists seemed to have shown Locke the answer.

There is no love or hate in this world for no reason.

Locke and Gongsun xuance have a lot of personal relations and can even work hard for each other, but this does not mean that Locke and Gongsun xuance will sell their own civilization for each other.

The top civilization is not so easy to contend with, let alone with Gongsun xuance. At the beginning of his contact with the desperate world, Locke had already hooked up with Xianyu and took the daughter of the ancestor of Styx, who had been promoted to a saint at that time.

Gongsun xuance\'s kindness to Locke is true. Is the civilization of Xianyu bad for Locke?

Don\'t forget the brain eaters, the underworld and the Mesopotamian civilization who almost destroyed the wizard civilization. Later, who took the wizard civilization to complete revenge and flatten each other\'s.

Many of these things are complicated to explain. Locke can\'t tell Gongsun xuance everything.

Brotherhood and the general trend of civilization development, Locke can not merge at both ends.

In this regard, Locke could only sigh, "when are your two wives and your son going to take them away?"

Since the broken brotherhood is difficult to heal, Locke directly asks the other party the most critical question.

Gongsun xuance should have thought out the answer before meeting Locke, and put down some feelings in his heart for the time being. Gongsun xuance said in a low voice, "I\'m not going to take them away, let them live in the wizard world."

"After all, the wizard world should be the safest place among the many star regions and civilizations I have come into contact with."

"Including Xianyu, they can\'t trace it here." Gongsun xuance said.

No matter how many misunderstandings he has about his big brother, at least he firmly believes that Locke will not betray him and his family.

Otherwise, Locke didn\'t have to do so much.