Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4278

In addition to the abbalut Empire, Locke later privately contacted the Belem empire.

The reason for choosing these two large forces is that they are the only large forces in the wizard civilization as an imperial form.

Whether it is the composition of the lower Legion or those imperial generals with more than level 4 strength, the degree of implementation of orders is higher than that of ordinary idle large and medium-sized power organizations.

In contrast, knights and magicians in other power organizations enjoy more freedom and choice.

This is both a good thing and sometimes a bad thing.


After the sky city meeting, Locke returned to the western islands.

Not seen for thousands of years, Gongsun Wuji, the little guy brought back by Locke from Xianyu, has also changed a lot.

From a baby to a graceful teenager, in addition to the factors of growing up for thousands of years, he also enjoys countless top resources.

In fact, he hasn\'t grown up in the dungeon of the world of blue fist martial arts for hundreds of years. Gongsun Wuji also has a large part of the reason for his lack of nutrition, not just because he grows slowly as a dominant offspring.

In addition to the supply of various top resources and medicine spar from the western islands, Locke also handed over the paradise lost to his wives for custody before closing.

Not to mention anything else, at least he ate all the rare resources in the lost paradise, such as golden apples, flat peaches, Ling apricots, top-grade tree hearts, golden dragon fish and so on.

That\'s why a thousand years later, the little guy crossed the realm of demigod to level 4.

At present, it is level 4 medium-term level.

Because he is the heel of the dominant offspring, and he eats so many good things, even a pig will be able to practice smoothly and rise to level 6.

Needless to say, this little guy\'s talent is not poor, and it should not be a problem to be promoted to quasi saint in the future.

After watching Wuji compete with a fourth level Knight of the same level in the continental Knight Hall of San luoan, Locke met Wuji\'s two mothers.

Gongsun Wuji is not suitable for cultivating fighting spirit. The road of martial arts is the strongest blood talent inherited from his father.

Therefore, at present, Gongsun Wuji is guided by the red armour female general, and the martial arts skill he cultivates is the unique skill of the royal family of the prosperous Tang Dynasty - Dragon Emperor Qi provided by his biological mother.

"Wuji\'s unique martial arts need to borrow dragon Qi and imperial Qi."

"Do you think you can send him to Beilun empire for cultivation?" The woman in yellow dress respectfully asked Locke.

After living in the wizard world for a thousand years, this woman probably has a certain understanding of the basic situation of all aspects of the wizard world.

Although there are many human countries in the western islands, including the black region in the north, there are also many giant dragon species.

However, compared with the Belem Empire, which ranks first in the wizard world in terms of comprehensive national strength and has countless dragon riding legions, the cultivation environment of the western islands is always a little poor for Wuji.

Locke didn\'t have much objection to the request of the yellow skirt woman.

After learning that the breath of dragon and emperor would not have much impact on the Belem Empire, Locke agreed.

In addition to asking about Wuji\'s recent situation, Locke also mentioned another thing: "Gongsun xuance hasn\'t come to the wizard civilization to look for you in the last 1000 years?"

In the face of Locke\'s inquiry, the yellow skirt woman\'s face was dark, obviously not.

Most dominant creatures are sensitive to their close relatives, such as Locke\'s son Odin or daughter Lisa. Locke will definitely know what happened to them at the first time.

And according to this kind of blood induction, even if it crosses countless stars, it can always be found.

Gongsun xuance didn\'t come to the territory of wizard civilization in the past. If he came to find his children, he should find them in a thousand years.

Locke doesn\'t think this guy will be easily surrounded and killed by the saints in the immortal region. You know, the main goal of the saints in the immortal region is still to divide the grace star region and the Holy See.

Obviously, the holy see is more attractive than the impoverished blue fist martial arts survivors.

"From what I know about the boy, he will find it, but there may be some delay now."

"Wuji, go to the Belem Empire to practice. You can also go together."

"I\'m going to leave the wizard world for some time soon. If you need anything, you can contact Angelina or Sara FA at any time. They will solve any of your problems." Locke said to the woman in the yellow dress.

Finally, seeing Gongsun Wuji in the duel field, Locke turned and left here.


Locke\'s idle days in the wizard world did not last long. Only 132 years later, the galent Federation accepted an amazing number of offers made by the wizard civilization.

This is a huge wealth in which the total amount of remuneration paid has almost quintupled compared with the past.

The reason why the galent Federation finally recognized it with its nose is also related to the wizard civilization\'s commitment to send two level-8 masters and one level-7 master.

This amazing amount of employment expenses is not paid by the galent Federation at one time.

At present, the Federation, which is in a state of war, can not take so much money at one time. After all, the tight war on the front line and the continuous production and manufacture of warships and airships in the rear also need a lot of resources.

Installment payment is nothing for a big wizard civilization.

Needless to say, even if they can\'t take out the resources and wealth designated by the wizard civilization, the galent federation can pay off their debts with their complete rules.

The federal demand for the integrity of rules is not as urgent as other world civilizations.

This is a powerful scientific and technological civilization capable of mastering man-made planets. Compared with those complete rules and suitable living environment, the galent Federation is more interested in mineral and other attribute resources in each occupied plane.

This is a scientific and technological civilization that makes the best use of resources. It is said that they can make the best use of the cheapest basic metal resources such as iron, copper and aluminum contained in broken planes and ordinary meteorite blocks.

Among the many large world civilizations in the nearby star regions, which civilization has the potential to win the top civilization in the future.

The rose Dynasty civilization, the iron tower world and so on are not qualified.

Only the wizard civilization and the galent Federation have this potential.

And by participating in the battle of silent bone convergence civilization, Locke can also observe and experience this powerful scientific and technological civilization from a close distance.

It was also the second year after the wizard civilization signed the terms of the contract with the galent Federation, Locke led his army to leave the wizard world and advance to the territory of the galent Federation.

This time, in addition to Locke himself and kakarot, he also took the dead femton with him.

As for the lower biological Legion accompanying Locke, in addition to the 50 million huge cannon fodder, Locke also carries 30 million elite knights and magicians.