Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4277

When negotiating with the envoys of the galent Federation, it is natural that there are special knights and magicians above level 4 in the wizard world.

As a dominant creature, Locke can grasp the general direction. There is no need to do everything himself.

The meeting took place in the city of the sky, before and after For two months.

In addition to discussing the federal war of galent and the expansion of wizard civilization in that Pan star region, these six level creatures standing at the peak of the power of the wizard world also discussed some issues about the local development of the wizard world and when the next wizard alliance conference will be held.

"The seventh wizard alliance conference is not in a hurry. In fact, it hasn\'t been too long since the end of the Last Alliance conference." Locke said.

The sixth wizard alliance Congress took place before the war of Zisha yanhun world group. It has been about ten thousand years since now.

The alliance conference of the wizard world is not held regularly. It will be held only before the wizard civilization faces great changes or opportunities.

In the sky city conference, the reason why it was mentioned to hold the alliance conference was that it was intended to give a certain position to the flame dominating the world of Zisha yanhun.

And through the convening of the alliance conference, the difficulty of attracting each other is reduced by showing the strength and inside information to the weak and small world civilization in the pan star region.

However, the star world is a place to talk about strength after all. Whether it is the defeated zicha Yan soul world or the weak medium and low-level world civilization in the pan star region, the wizard civilization does not need to give them too much preferential treatment.

Like Locke, a veteran wizard who grew up in wars, in fact more pursues the law of barbaric invasion and cold jungle.

Only those who have grown up in the new era and have not experienced too many cruel civilization wars will consider expanding the influence of wizard civilization in a gentle way.

Here we refer to the "strong wizards in the world growing up in the new era", especially the backbone of the wizard world that has emerged in the past 30000 years.

These wizard worlds are new and have not experienced the tragic war that almost destroyed the wizard civilization during the tripartite civilization war.

They were the strong ones born after enjoying the dividends of the underworld star war and the brain eater star war. At that time, a large number of war resources and more than 20000 years of recuperation gave birth to a large number of young creatures above level 4 in the wizard world.

With the passage of time, these knights and magicians above level 4 gradually moved forward to a higher level.

For example, in the sky city conference that Locke participated in this time, there was a level 6 magician who was only 32000 years old. It was really young and terrible.

This also proves the amazing vitality and terrorist potential of the young generation of powerful people in the wizard world.

This "little guy" also proposed to hold the seventh wizard alliance conference.

The views put forward by this little guy not only represent himself, but also represent many young knights and magicians of wizard civilization.

Fortunately, at present, Locke and sarafa are still the old guys who really hold power in the wizard civilization, and the next generation of power classes, including Bev, sanethus and Rogge, are also more familiar than them.

Otherwise, Locke is really worried about whether the wizard civilization will lose its enterprising edge in the future.

"There is no need to be too accommodating to the defeated and the weak world civilization."

"Do you think that the conquest of the purple chayan soul world group and the acceptance of the ten thousand flower psychic world group are too easy, so that the strong men of the new generation of wizard world have less iron and blood training?" After the sky city meeting, Locke turned and asked general Cecilia.

General Cecilia was also a powerful wizard in the world at the same time as Locke, and her power in the abalute empire is almost unmatched.

The couple, including the flame queen Jiali and the heart of ice walborch, are also in the court, and it is difficult to compete with the forces represented by Cecilia.

Although it is not enough to speak in the abbalut Empire, it is often the imperial general who represents the abbalut Empire at present.

In addition to her extraordinary political skills, general Cecilia also showed stronger cultivation talent and potential than queen of fire Carrie.

The strength of the later stage of level 6 doesn\'t represent anything. Locke found that the caster who was distracted from politics could be promoted to the peak of level 6.

Locke\'s inquiry aroused Cecilia\'s nod.

Because it is easier for Locke to get in touch with the new strong people of level 4 and 5 in the country of abbalut, Cecilia knows what kind of emotion and trend is contained in the middle of the wizard civilization.

"Do you have any suggestions, Knight Locke?" Cecilia tried to ask.

After pondering for a long time, Locke replied, "the lion is a lion after all. It is impossible to play with the rabbit."

"The wizard alliance system is a way for our Wizard civilization to expand its influence and plunder resources in a more civilized and gradual way. It is not really to provide an equal and free stage for those weak world civilizations."

"I think we should be more violent and radical than planned for the conquest of the pan star region behind the purple chayan soul world group." Locke said.

Locke\'s remarks were not raised at the sky city meeting, but only during a private conversation with general Cecilia.

The reason why it was not proposed at the meeting was that it was too risky and radical.

It is easy to arouse the alliance of weak and small world civilizations in the pan star region, so as to successfully connect the false words and civilizations, and finally enjoy the benefits of the tower world.

As a leader of civilization, Locke can\'t take risks every time he makes a decision. A more stable and scientific decision is the general trend.

Locke doesn\'t want to be a sinner of wizard civilization one day, or be responsible for the fall of a large number of bottom legions and level 4 and level 5 strong.

General Cecilia understood Locke\'s words and hints.

The whole wizard civilization cannot do this, but individual forces and organizations in the wizard civilization can do it.

Moreover, the behavior of these forces and organizations is likely to affect the atmosphere of the whole wizard civilization.

Civilization and politeness are just a skin on the surface of wizard civilization.

The core essence of this civilization is still to speed up its own development process by means of war and plunder, so that all weak worlds and civilizations can become the nourishment on its growth path.

Locke doesn\'t know whether his practice and the road of civilization development are right or not. He just thinks it is more suitable for himself and the wizard civilization at this time.

As for the result, it must be verified by time and judged by the latecomers.