Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4276

If the iron tower world does not want to have a war with the wizard civilization, then the false word civilization is that it has no ability to fight with the wizard civilization.

This time, the act of sneaking and connecting in that Pan star region is a manifestation of the vain words and the poor strength of civilization.

Unfortunately, the false words civilization is still far from the border of wizard civilization. There are at least several medium-sized star domains and more small star domains between them. Otherwise, Locke wants to directly lead the army of wizard civilization to level each other.

"Wizard civilization should not make too many enemies. The bright Protoss is a living example."

"Since the false word civilization plays a propaganda war, our Wizard civilization should not fall behind. I believe some world civilizations have been drawn into the wizard alliance?" Locke said, and looked at Bev, the representative of the Mamet alliance.

Locke and Bev have a real father daughter relationship, but it\'s obviously more formal at this time.

Bev nodded and replied, "three low-level planes and five micro planes have accepted our solicitation and agreed to join the wizard alliance."

"In addition, the hub lizard civilization, a small civilization with seven complete rules, was also moved by our conditions."

"No accident, the corresponding rule contract will be signed within 20 years." Bev replied.

The pan star region behind the purple chayan soul world group is the largest pan star region Locke has ever seen.

Just through the information collected from Qatar star theft group, there are 13 medium-sized world civilizations in this pan star region, and more than 50 low-level world civilizations.

This does not include those medium, small and micro individuals who have not established civilization and only developed independently.

In terms of the total number of regular complete potential planes, this pan star domain may have reached more than 4000.

No wonder Locke would choose a more gentle and gradual way of invasion and infiltration to conquer this pan star region.

Especially after the recent Xianyu war, even the top civilization as powerful as Xianyu was seriously damaged by the counterattack of many world civilizations and organizations.

Locke doesn\'t hope that one day wizard civilization will become the target of public criticism.

The bright Protoss and Xianyu civilization can do that because they have the strength and confidence.

Although today\'s wizard civilization has many dominant combat capabilities, no one will take special risks if it can achieve its goal at the least and most rational cost.

Don\'t think that there is no threat to small and medium-sized world civilizations. If you really want to be cruel, people can\'t kill the dominant creatures, but it\'s also possible to drag some level 4, 5 and 6 strong wizards into the water before they die.

For the wizard civilization, which is now in a period of rapid development, it will be painful for a long time if it suddenly suffers from the fault damage of the strong at the level of level 4, 5 and 6.

More seriously, it is likely to affect the future development and expansion of wizard civilization.

The information provided by Qatar star theft group is not necessarily accurate. It is a star theft group without much organization and discipline, which can not be compared with the strict civilized machine like the wizard alliance.

The corresponding intelligence collection work was also arranged by Locke during the subsequent meeting.

The wind listener organization is the largest intelligence force composed of local knights and magicians in the wizard civilization.

And let Locke also have a certain affinity for it is that the head of this wind listener organization is a level 6 wind knight.

The task of exploring the specific situation of the vast pan star region and the relationship between the civilizations of the star region is entrusted to the level 6 wind knight and his organization.

Of course, in this process, whether it is the Ariba chamber of commerce that has begun to penetrate the star domain, or the notorious Qatar star theft group hidden behind it, will provide valuable information for the wizard civilization.

After discussing with others in the conference room about the subsequent conquest and annexation plan of the pan star domain, Locke returned to the war of the galent Federation.

"What did the federal side of Garrett say, and to what extent did you talk?" Asked Locke.

"Compared with the results of previous negotiations, the galent Federation once again increased the amount of compensation for our support in the latest negotiations."

"But we all agree that this is not the bottom line of the galent Federation." Obsidian general Dussel said.

"Of course, there are two sides."

"That is, if the galent Federation wins on the front battlefield with their HBr neutron star bombs, it may reduce the demand for our Wizard alliance to send troops, and then reduce the resource reward they are willing to pay."

"But if their HBr neutron star bombs fail to achieve the expected goal, they may continue to increase their chips in exchange for the dispatch of our Wizard civilization." Said old general Dussel.

The war in the galent Federation is not clear, which is one of the reasons why it is difficult for the high level of wizard civilization to make an immediate decision to participate in the war.

And the answer given by the Federation is also very clear. Compared with those low-level legions, the galent federation needs the dominant combat power of wizard civilization more.

At present, in the dominant combat power of wizard civilization, the eye of blood curse Montana should not think about it. Unless this woman wants to die, she should not easily join this large-scale war with unknown outcome.

Therefore, it is the two old partners of kakarot and phantom Riel who can follow Locke to the galent Federation.

But they just returned from the Xianyu battlefield with Locke, and this time they took them to the galent federal battlefield. The war loving kakarot naturally enjoyed it, but the phantom Riel is expected to choose to rest for a period of time.

In addition, Locke was still considering whether to take the dead femton with him.

Silent bone convergence civilization is a large-scale world civilization with the attribute of death. Femton, which is also the attribute of death, must have a more rule-based advantage in the civilized battlefield.

The only thing that worries Locke is that once the dead femton leaves, there will be no strong eight in the mainland, and it is difficult to ensure what moths will appear in the tower world.

Is it possible to ask the desperate spider mother to come out of the mountain and help take care of it for a period of time?

In addition to the above problems, there is another thing Locke should pay attention to, that is, the galent Federation is adjacent to the light Protoss.

Such a big thing happened in the Federation, the light Protoss may not have any ideas.

If Locke takes femton, a dead descendant, and the light Protoss knows that this big guy is not dead, there will be a lot of trouble in the follow-up.

"By the way, do you have any information about the bright Protoss recently?" Asked Locke.

"The bright Protoss has been in a state of shrinking forces for the last 10000 years."

"Not only does it not violate our wizard world, but there is little conflict even with the anti light Protoss alliance." Bev replied.

"It seems that the bright Protoss has also opened up a new battlefield and development and expansion direction after the war between the demon world and hell." Locke thought.

"Inform the federal side of galent what price they are willing to pay if we are willing to send two level eight masters and one level seven master to fight." Locke said.


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