Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4275

Locke and wizard civilization do not know how much damage and threat HBr neutron star bomb has caused to the silent bone convergence civilization.

But it is certain that since the galent Federation took out this killer mace, many world civilizations around, including wizard civilization, have been deterred.

What does it mean to be able to reach the bomb hit by all creatures at the beginning of level 7.

This means that as long as the galent Federation finds a way to transport this thing to a certain plane, the number does not need to be too much. It may only need two or three, which will cause countless terrorist damage to an azimuth.

Ordinary low-level planes can explode with just one.

The bearing capacity of the medium-sized plane may be higher, but it is determined not to support too many indiscriminate bombings.

The HBr neutron star bomb of galent Federation must not be aimed at dominant creatures, but countless bottom creatures living and inhabiting in one direction.

Rao is based on the details of today\'s wizard world. If Leng buding galent Federation drops ten HBr neutron stars, it will be enough for wizard civilization to drink a pot.

This is why most world civilizations try their best to avoid war in their mother plane.

When the general war has advanced to the parent plane of one of the belligerents, it often means that the time has come to determine the survival of their civilization.

"The galent Federation sent more than a dozen secret fleets to go deep into the lonely bone star region to carry out the world destruction plan."

"They are expected to carry no less than 20 neutron star bombs."

"As for what they have achieved so far in the quiet hinterland of civilization, the Federation has not shared with us." In the sky city conference room, obsidian general Dussel from the Belem Empire reported to Locke.

Obsidian general Dussel should be the sixth level strong man who pays more attention to the federal war of galent in the current wizard civilization.

The once black bearded middle-aged man is still strong, but the gray between his temples and eyebrows proves that he is an old man.

Although he still holds the post of obsidian General of the Belem Empire, in recent years, Dussel has rarely personally participated in the war, but more as an aide and elder, led the growth of the Belem Empire and Emperor Leon.

In addition to Obsidian general Dussel, there are more than ten strong level 6 in the conference room of sky city at this time.

Most of them are still known to Locke, but a few are new faces that Locke is not familiar with.

One world civilization is moving forward, and the renewal of the power class is actually a sign of the progress and promotion of one civilization.

There are far more than these level 6 strong people in the wizard world, and these are just "little guys" at the level of level 6 life. The reason why they can stay in the same conference room with Locke at this time is because each of them represents a force behind them.

The dragon mother danilis did not attend the meeting. Instead of her, a middle-aged man with crimson eyebrows appeared.

This is a fire dragon warlock unknown to Locke. He has reached the medium level of level 6.

He attended the meeting on behalf of the Dragon warlock family on the west coast, which has explained many problems. If the Dragon Mother removes the patriarch one day, the middle-aged man is likely to be the successor.

Including the northern witch organization, it was not Vivian, the sixth level witch, but Monica, the third witch.

The Erie Knights League came from a level 6 early Knight named Justin.

Locke, who was born in Douglas\'s era, was filled with emotion with the renewal of the powerful and power class in the wizard world.

So that he ignored the information just reported by Obsidian general Dussel.

However, even if he knew the information and the Garrett federal counterattack plan, Locke didn\'t care much, because at this meeting, he didn\'t care about the war on the Garrett federal side.

"It\'s said that our Wizard civilization has conquered the world civilizations after the purple chayan soul world group?" Instead of continuing to talk too much about galent\'s federal issues, Locke directly asked another thing.

Obsidian old general Dussel obviously couldn\'t keep up with Locke\'s thinking rhythm. It was just his stunned Kung Fu. Another level 6 magician sanethus from the flame secret society organization said, "it\'s true. 300 years ago, our Wizard civilization officially started a small star field called katley star field in this pan star field."

"There are six regular complete planes in the katley domain, of which four are micro planes and two are low-level planes."

"In addition, the star domain contains 17 resource half planes with development value, rich in a special resource called ketley silt and other associated resources." Sanethus, a level 6 Fire magician, gushed.

The reason why he is so clear about the war in this star region is not only because he has done his homework in advance, but also because this small star region happens to be the conquest target of the flame secret society.

Over the past 300 years, the flame secret society has basically completed its conquest of katley\'s star domain.

Moreover, this organization with great momentum and development potential of wizard civilization has begun to infiltrate the surrounding star domains and planes to find the next goal.

The conquest of katley\'s astral realm is not an example. In fact, in the years of Locke\'s retreat, the wizard civilization occupied more than 20 planes in that Pan astral realm.

Except that the katley domain is a small civilization, the other planes conquered and occupied are separate low-level or micro planes.

Nodding, Locke continued to ask, "is there any change on both sides of the tower world and the false word civilization?"

This time, the answer to Locke\'s question was not sanethus, a newcomer, but Cecilia, a demon General of the abalute empire with high qualifications and prestige in the wizard civilization.

"The iron tower world has nothing to say for the time being. They are busy dealing with the impact of elemental creatures from the purple chayan soul world."

"A colony far away from the local star domain is not so easy to maintain. If the iron tower world wants to maintain their interests in the hundreds of element planes of Zisha yanhun world group, it has to transfer a lot of troops and mind."

"On the other hand, as our Wizard civilization began to fight against the pan star region, some remarks against our Wizard civilization began to spread in the middle of the pan star region."

"Vain words civilization seems to be planning to unite those weak world civilizations to form a camp against our Wizard civilization." Said general Cecilia.

Since the fall of the purple chayan soul world group, there seems to be no springboard to fight against the wizard world in the iron tower world and false word civilization far away from the border of wizard civilization.

It is estimated that the tower world knows that the broken things of the purple Temple burning soul world group are made by the wizard world.

The reason why we have not torn the skin with wizard civilization up to now is that the tower world does not want to continue to break out large-scale war contradictions with wizard civilization.