Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4274

"By the way, I brought some people back from the Xianyu battlefield."

"Next, you need to properly place them." Locke said to sharafa.

Locke refers to not only Luke and his people, but also Gongsun xuance\'s close relatives, including Wuji.

Sharafa will arrange all this, and before she leaves from Locke, she also gets a large dose of corpse fluid given by Locke.

"This is good for your promotion. I know you want to smooth the way for Bev to take over the Mamet alliance in the future, but you can\'t fall behind in your realm and truth." Locke put the jade bottle containing the body fluid into Sara FA\'s hand and said it with great sincerity.

Locke\'s words obviously infected Sarah FA a lot. At this time, the intellectual mature magician\'s face was a little crimson.

"You\'re going to be closed for a thousand years? Does that mean you won\'t see you for quite a long time soon?" Said sharafa.

"Well... But I will unite a separate body to deal with daily affairs and some emergencies..."

Locke\'s voice was interrupted directly by sharafa.

The female caster and Locke are also old husband and wife. Just a pair of big water eyes glanced at Locke, Locke understood in an instant.

"Cough, I don\'t know what Xinggang has developed in recent years. Let\'s go and have a look." Locke reached out and invited sarafa.

The inspection of Xinggang is small, but another thing is imminent.

And I\'m not sure that many of Locke\'s other women were waiting for him in Xinggang.


Locke was indulgent and unrestrained for a period of time before the official closure.

Locke took time to visit Starport, the western islands and even the Titan world.

The delay of several years did not have much impact on Locke\'s cultivation.

On the contrary, it is this wholehearted relaxation that makes Locke\'s road to strength relaxed.

After returning to the wizard realm with Locke, Alice, the desperate spider mother, did not stay long and returned directly to the silent starfish realm.

Until you lose, you don\'t know how to cherish.

In the past, people like the desperate spider mother, along with their growth, fell not only countless foreign powers, but also many stepping stones of our civilization.

This is related to the development model of the civilization of the dead country in that year.

When the desperate spider mother was at its peak, his feelings for the mother civilization were not as thick as the feelings of knights and Magicians for the wizard.

But until the civilization of the country of death was completely reduced to the past, the supreme ruler in the star world spent a long time standing in the ruins of the mother civilization, wondering what he was thinking.

In the same situation as the mother of despair, there is death.

Lilith\'s guide did even better. Since the end of the war in the underworld, Locke never seemed to see death leave the sea of silence.

Creatures with death attribute generally have the habit of dormancy and stagnation. They don\'t know whether the God of death has a high level of life, so that they return to nature.

Its dormancy and prohibition are actually calculated in 10000 years.

After handling all the main things around him and telling Angelina and other women to take care of Gongsun Wuji, Locke officially closed in the depths of the western islands.

This time he chose to close in the wizard world because Locke can basically control all his destructive power and violent energy tides, and will not cause too much turbulence to the wizard world.

Moreover, the birth of a level 8 late creature from the standard is also of great benefit to the improvement and long-term development of the rules in all aspects of the wizard world.

For example, when Locke was closed, the guardian of the day and month of the wizard world transferred a lot of regular forces to be used near the western islands.

With the beginning of Locke\'s closing day, the whole western islands have also ushered in good weather and abundant energy for thousands of years.

More and more wizards, world knights and magicians choose to settle in the western islands. At a lower level, they don\'t know that Locke is practicing here.

They didn\'t even know when Locke came back, nor did they know that Locke had disappeared for thousands of years and had been to the fairy kingdom.

The reason why I chose to move to the western islands is that the concentration of various energy elements here is higher and the rules are more stable than those in the coastal areas of the wizard mainland and more than 70% of the other wizard mainland.

Don\'t underestimate the sense of smell of energy elements of the casters in the wizard world. Generally, the higher the concentration of elements, the higher the yield of magic materials cultivated, and even the success rate of those casters in breaking through the realm is higher.

The Western archipelago, yinlocke, once again ushered in a wave of opportunities for development and growth.

But compared with the changes in a corner of the western islands, in fact, the whole wizard world is quietly changing.

The whole wizard world, in just a thousand years, has expanded its sea, land and air area by 7%.

The increase of 7% may not be obvious when looking at the whole wizard world, but those level 6 strong people who stand at the top of the wizard world obviously feel that the bearing capacity of the mother plane is stronger.

Moreover, the growth of 7% is not the limit. It comes from the good news provided by the guardian of the sun and moon. In the next 20000 years, the wizard plane will expand by 15% of all the volume.

All this stems from the emergence of a level 8 late creature in the wizard civilization.

Even because of Locke\'s existence, the wind attribute law energy of the wizard plane has been significantly improved compared with other energy systems.

Although there are not as many knights and magicians practicing the power of wind as fire energy users, they have at least got rid of the embarrassing situation in the past and kept pace with the number of earth, water and plant spellcasters and knights.

Unfortunately, Locke\'s destructive power and emotional power are derived from the conventional development system of wizard civilization and belong to Locke\'s own original power.

Otherwise, the wizard world will eventually be more affected by Locke.

The length of Locke\'s seclusion in the western islands was somewhat unexpected in the end.

Originally expected to be closed for 1000 years, Locke finally delayed it to 1487.

It was also the year Locke went out of isolation. The first news in front of him was that the galent Federation broke out war with the silent bone civilization again 400 years ago.

And the scale of this war is far more intense than last time.

After more than 1000 years of recuperation, the gap between the two large world civilizations has not been eliminated. On the contrary, the contradictions and resentments between the two sides have become deeper and deeper.

This time, the galent Federation is no longer a passive defense party. In order to retaliate for the destruction caused by the silent civilization behind the Federation, the galent Federation even took out their killer mace - HBr neutron star bomb.

The HBr neutron star bomb can be seen only by its name. It is a new weapon developed by the galent Federation after absorbing the neutron star technology of Mesopotamian civilization.

It is neither a warship airship nor a nuclear fortress. It is just a small disposable bomb.

However, the explosive power of this thing, according to the intelligence obtained from the wizard civilization detection, has reached the level of full force attack by creatures in the early stage of level 7.