Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4269

"Are you my father?" When the atmosphere on the scene was once cold, the baby in the arms of the yellow skirt woman broke the calm and asked in a crisp and naive tone.

"No, I\'m not. But you can call me adoptive father." Locke looked at the baby in the yellow skirt woman\'s arms, and his cold face soothed.

"Then adoptive father, can you save my uncle and them?" The baby opened its eyes and looked at Locke.

The baby is just the appearance of the little guy. In fact, his mind is no worse than any demigod creature, not to mention that 300 years have passed since the little guy was born.

Perhaps not only was he born, but also when he was pregnant in his mother\'s womb, the inheritance of dominant creatures and the foresight in the blood field have already given him insight into many essence and rules of the star world.

The little guy was selling cute at this time. Obviously, he wanted Locke to save several blue fist martial arts survivors. He didn\'t even ask, so he directly called Locke his adoptive father.

Unfortunately, the baby\'s cute sale only made Locke move a trace of compassion. Then he shook his head and said, "No."

Locke will only save Gongsun xuance\'s immediate relatives. Locke will not interfere too much in the fate of those collateral families.

After all, this is a fairy civilization, not a wizard world.

Locke\'s face is really easy to use in Yuanshi Tianzun and others, but sometimes it\'s not a good thing to go too far, not to mention it\'s easy to arouse others\' suspicion.

The "Uncle" mentioned by the little guy is the younger brother of the yellow skirt woman in front of Locke and the last emperor of the Tang Dynasty.

If it is an irrelevant side branch of Wu Dao\'s remnant, Locke\'s adopted son begged him. Maybe Locke agreed.

But this guy with the status of emperor of martial arts civilization can\'t. He is a benchmark for the remnant of blue boxing martial arts to try to restore the country. If this guy doesn\'t die, I\'m afraid those saints in Xianyu won\'t feel secure.

Locke only rescued Gongsun xuance\'s two closest women and one son. His intention is to put down Gongsun xuance\'s wish to restore the country and the hatred of civilization.

Because he can\'t subvert the power of Xianyu alone.

With the end of the war in the grace star region, it is uncertain that the total number of saints in the immortal region will exceed 10 in the next 100000 years.

"What\'s your name?" Locke asked the little guy in front of him.

"My name is Gongsun Wuji." The little guy replied.

"So Wuji, do you want to go with me to a place called wizard world?" Asked Locke.

"Wizard world? Where is that?" Asked the little fellow.

"It\'s far away." Locke looked at the boundless starry sky and answered slowly.


After leaving from the level of blue fist martial arts, Locke arrived at the border of Tara star domain and began to gather up the combat Corps brought to Xianyu by his trip.

Whether it is the devil, the devil, the elves and the giant legion, they have suffered no small losses in the scuffle of civilization.

Corresponding to these losses, Locke also harvested amazing war resources in the Xianyu battlefield.

In particular, after Locke brought back the soul light spot of the Tongtian cult leader, the saints in the immortal region all meant to give Locke the big head of Tara war resources.

For example, Locke valued the top strategic resource of "Black Magic Silver" before the war. He harvested tens of millions of tons from the Tara battlefield.

When these black magic silver are transported back to the wizard world, I believe that the dark and death spell casters represented by Lilith will be crazy about it.

It was also when Locke gathered the Legion at the border of Tara star region that Baimei immortal of Shushan sword sect came to visit in person. He arrived with him, as well as the two female sword immortals in immortal region who had a relationship with Locke.

Not seen for many years, the white eyebrow immortal of Shushan sword sect is still strong.

And Locke also noticed that the sword intention of real man Baimei was more fierce than in the past.

Compared with the misfortune of the old enemy Muruo, the white eyebrow immortal has been very proud in recent tens of thousands of years.

Nowadays, Shushan sword sect has gradually broken away from the shackles of ordinary sword repair sects and transitioned to a large and medium-sized sect with more comprehensive development.

After all, there is a quasi saint and seven or eight great Luo Jinxian sword immortals under the door. Apart from those saints, Daoting, there are few other medium-sized sects in Xianyu that can compete with Shushan sword sect.

Real man Bai Mei came to see Locke. In addition to talking about the past, he also had the meaning of asking questions.

Locke has two of his most proud female disciples. Immortal Baimei doesn\'t know it\'s okay, but he already knows it. Naturally, he can\'t be blind.

Locke\'s mastery of him is another matter. As a teacher, even if the strength of real man Baimei is far less than Locke at this time, he has to ask for an explanation for his two disciples.

"What are you going to do?" In the hall of the Space Fortress, the real man Baimei blew his beard and stared at Locke.

At this time, in the hall of the Space Fortress, in addition to the real people Locke and Baimei, the real people Ziying and Miaoyi were also there, which could be regarded as the gathering of the parties.

"If you want to go back to the wizard world with me, I can take you back and give you a place." Locke said to the two women behind the white eyebrow.

Locke\'s answer made the old man with white eyebrows who was still blowing his beard and staring the moment before narrowed his eyes and showed an obvious smile on his face.

This is the answer that old man Baimei thinks everyone is most happy. He can\'t really do anything about Locke. The reason why he made that gesture to Locke is just to give the two disciples better treatment here.

Even the granddaughter of the sage Styx\'s ancestor married Locke. After the two female sword immortals of Shushan sword sect passed the door, they got this treatment.

It\'s a pity that old man Baimei didn\'t want to understand what his two female disciples needed. In other words, he was addicted to Kendo and didn\'t know his two disciples anymore.

Immortal Ziying is not polite at all. It directly indicates that she will not return to the wizard world with Locke. She also hopes that Locke, as a saint, will not pester her in the future.

Miaoyi\'s tone should be a little euphemistic, but the inside and outside meaning is still obvious, that is, she won\'t go back to the wizard world with Locke. It\'s better to end it directly with Locke.

The attitude of the two female sword immortals directly embarrassed Baimei immortal.

The old man had no face to continue to stay in Locke\'s Space Fortress, found a reason, and hurried away.

Facts have proved that after fooling around with the Hehuan sect for such a long time, his EQ has not increased much, but at least it is so much more than before.

At least he knew this time, leaving Locke and his two clients a little space.

For these two stubborn and cold women, Locke\'s approach is still so direct and not used to it at all.

In recent thousands of years, the fierce and anxious war in Xianyu has made Locke rarely make love with his women. For these two women, he has not touched them for tens of thousands of years.

Locke\'s Space Fortress is spacious enough to meet the ability of such a dominant creature.

While there was nothing else for the time being, Locke fought with the two women for some time.