Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4268

Blue boxing world.

As a large plane, the rules of the blue boxing world have reached the limit.

This is also a tragic world with both natural and man-made disasters. The cleansing of this plane by the immortal region\'s hermeneutics is almost the heaviest place in the whole Wudao star region.

Looking at today\'s blue fist martial arts level, in those areas that were once the most prosperous and prosperous, perhaps even a human or even a living creature can not be seen now.

The towering Chang\'an city of the prosperous Tang Empire has been completely reduced to ruins, and is still pressed into the ground under the invasion of the world-class secret treasure, leaving only a flat dead wasteland, which seems to be silently telling the decline of the prosperous Tang Empire and its prosperity.

Don\'t say that the civilization of Xianyu is too cruel to the remnant of martial arts. In fact, looking at the star world, the attitude of victorious civilization towards defeated civilization will not be much better.

Even Locke, who has moved a little compassion now, did not see any sympathy for the bottom dark creatures and ordinary stars when he ordered the cleaning and extinction of the dark star domain and star spirit civilization.

In the final analysis, this is still a question of position.

From the perspective of outsiders, Locke can naturally be at the moral commanding height and comment on anything.

But if Locke is also in it and becomes a member of the war of civilization. He will only consider whether it is right or wrong, whether it is good or bad, and will not have too many taboos in terms of emotion.

Moreover, it can be predicted that the rebellion in the blue fist Wudao star region will inevitably wake up in the future foreign war of Xianyu civilization.

Compared with the more Huairou invasion mode, the future transformation of Xianyu may become more iron blood and indifference.

I don\'t know whether such a change is good or bad.

In an underground water prison called Jinghong City, Locke met Gongsun xuance\'s family.

It may be because these martial arts survivors are relatives of a dominant creature. There are two great Luo Jinxian friars in this Jinghong City, and there are all kinds of arrays and early warning mechanisms.

The damp underground water prison full of dark and epidemic elements has no impact on the existence of Locke and Nezha.

However, for these blue fist martial arts survivors whose meridians have been interrupted and their strength has been banned, it is a bone scraping knife to kill their will, body and soul.

Gongsun xuance has a large number of family members, which comes from that Gongsun xuance was originally born in a big family of martial arts civilization.

Although Gongsun xuance\'s family fell when the civilization of blue fist martial arts collapsed, as a huge family with great influence in the prosperous Tang Dynasty, many people must have escaped with Gongsun xuance.

Locke was not interested in those collateral relatives who had a certain blood relationship with Gongsun xuance.

He came here for only three people, two women and a baby.

"Unexpectedly, it is the offspring bred after breaking through the realm of domination!" Looking at the baby in the arms of a yellow woman in the water prison, Locke couldn\'t help being surprised.

The meridians were abolished, and even the level of life was suppressed below level 1. The reason why the woman wearing a yellow dress with a faint dragon pattern was not eroded by the surrounding bad diseases and dark elements was that more than 70% of the credit came from the child in her arms.

Born with semi divine strength, you can step into level 4 after a little practice.

From the baby, Locke saw the shadow of the magic spring.

However, some other effects brought by strong life background are also obvious.

For example, the baby has been born for nearly 300 years, but his appearance and size have not changed much.

Only from its smart eyes, it can be seen that the baby has great wisdom.

"When we caught her 500 years ago, we found that she was pregnant."

"If you count the length of time the child was conceived in his mother, it has been nearly a thousand years since he was born." Nezha said.

Only the offspring of dominant organisms have such a long growth cycle.

You know, even for the dragon family in the wizard world, a thousand years is enough for those young dragons to grow into young dragons.

"I want to take them away, can I?" Locke didn\'t turn outside to wipe the corner, but asked Nezha directly.

In addition to the yellow skirt woman and the baby in her arms, Locke also refers to a red armor woman in another dungeon.

As Locke\'s righteous younger brother, Gongsun xuance is much more restrained than Locke in this regard.

Unlike Locke, who has many women, lovers and pets, Gongsun xuance has only two wives.

And because he has been busy with the great cause of restoring the country in recent tens of thousands of years, I haven\'t heard that Gongsun xuance has done anything else.

Locke\'s request made Nezha\'s face appear obviously embarrassed.

These two women are the prisoners in the key custody of the sermon, and the baby is even better, because they are the dominant children, and they even hang their numbers on the saints of the immortal region such as the first Tianzun of the Yuan Dynasty.

However, as the master of level 8, Locke is the most powerful existence in the later stage of level 8. Looking at the whole Xianyu civilization, except Daozu Hongjun, other sages in Xianyu are shorter than Locke.

Including the sage Lao Tzu, who is also of level 8 strength. After the civil strife in the star domain of blue fist and martial arts, the sage in the immortal domain only touched the state of the middle of level 8.

Therefore, unless there is an oral instruction from Taoist Zu Hongjun, Locke can do anything with his popularity and face in the immortal region.

"Yuanshi Tianzun, I will say hello. You don\'t need to be embarrassed." Locke said to Nezha.

Locke\'s words finally made Nezha nod.

A red light popped out of Nezha\'s hand, and the Lingbao shackles that had originally detained the yellow skirt woman were broken.

With the release of shackles, the smell of yellow skirt women began to climb.

The woman who can give birth to the seventh level master must not be mortal.

The yellow skirt woman was originally estimated to have five levels of life. She was only imprisoned and suppressed for a long time, which led to serious internal friction. In the end, the woman could only recover to level 4 strength and could not be improved any more.

It\'s also said to be level 4 life level, but it\'s estimated that an ordinary level 3 creature can kill her now.

Her broken bones and meridians almost ruined all her martial arts accomplishments.

Like her extremely deficient body, these injuries and pains take a long time to recover.

Outside Jinghong City.

On a trip to the dungeon, Locke had two more women and a baby.

The red armour girl is strong. She hasn\'t said a word since she was released.

And this guy\'s life level is also the highest, even reaching the initial level of level 6. No wonder it needs two great Luo Jinxian monks to suppress it.

However, the woman in the yellow dress seemed to realize something. Regardless of Nezha\'s still beside Locke, she knelt directly in front of Locke and begged Locke to help her rescue other people.

"I have no obligation to save them." Locke\'s cold face said without a trace of emotion.