Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4270

Facts have proved that if you are strong enough and have enough capital, sometimes you may not be able to call back all the opposite sex.

Although the two female sword immortals of Shushan sword sect were tormented by Locke\'s whip for half a year, they didn\'t change their words in the end.

Immortal Miaoyi frankly said that she wanted to travel to the star world with her disciple Qingxia in the next period of time, contact different things and civilizations, enrich herself and broaden her horizons.

Immortal Ziying said that she would soon leave Shushan sword sect and build a new sword sect called "Emei" and recruit only female disciples.

If Immortal Baimei knew the final result, I\'m afraid he would strangle Locke angrily.

Because Locke not only failed to solve the chaotic relationship between the three, but also forced Shushan sword sect to lose two Luo Jinxian sword practitioners.

From a certain point of view, the departure of immortal Miaoyi and the founding of immortal Ziying are not necessarily because they are unable to face the disciples of Shushan sword sect.

However, for this result, the real man with white eyebrows has a headache, and Locke, a scum man, doesn\'t say much.

In the final analysis, his feelings with these two female sword immortals of Shushan sword sect are far from as sincere as his other wives.

If it is Christine and other women, they will never make the decision to leave Locke, and Locke is the same.

But at least after sleeping with others, Locke can\'t be completely ruthless.

The transmission channel between the wizard civilization and the immortal realm is still maintained. As long as Locke is interested in the future, he will naturally come to the immortal realm to see immortal Ziying and the sword sect she has established.

As for Miaoyi, he just travels around the star world, not directly runs away from home. He will naturally have the opportunity to meet in the future.

And also in order to leave a card for real Miaoyi, so as not to encounter any danger that she can\'t defeat when traveling in the star world, Locke tore off a feather of destruction containing some of his dominant soul.

With this feather of destruction, Miaoyi immortal is enough to deal with more than 99% of the dangers in the star world.

And in the critical moment, the feather of destruction is triggered. Locke can also sense it and arrive in space at the first time.


The six months spent with the two girls of Shushan sword sect should be the most relaxed and comfortable period after Locke arrived at the Xianyu battlefield.

Six months later, the two women left with some treasures and spiritual materials given by Locke, and Locke\'s Legion was basically closed.

"Take this thing and absorb it. Pay attention not to absorb too much each time, and avoid being affected by heterogeneous rules." Call out the dragon mother danilis who is in the state of closed cultivation. When the dragon mother looks unhappy, Locke takes out a master body fluid and hands it to the dragon mother.

The dragon\'s mother\'s expression changed from cloudy to sunny, and the woman was very cheeky and asked Locke for more.

"These ingredients are enough for you to use, because the source of this dominating body fluid is the law of cold ice. It\'s not good for you to absorb more." Locke shook his head.

"Cut, I don\'t need it myself. Can\'t I leave it to other people in the Dragon warlock family?"

"There are branches of ice dragon warlocks in the Dragon warlock family." The Dragon Mother skimmed her mouth and said.

Locke still shook his head and said, "although this is my only resource, I hope to widely apply these dominant body fluids to those strong people who have the potential to break through the original realm in the wizard world."

"Although it is difficult to directly let them break through the original realm, it can at least let them take a lot of detours."

"Vivian of the northern witch organization hasn\'t broken through the original state for a long time. It\'s just that this dominating body fluid matches her attributes. It\'s impossible to make her reach the peak of level 6." Locke said.

In addition to the dragon mother and Vivian, Sara FA and other female Locke also planned to divide them, including the real Ziying and Miaoyi who had left before. Before they left, Locke also filled some body fluid.

With these masters, the level of quasi sainthood is indeed a little high, which may not be reached for the time being, but it is certain to restore the strength of the second daughter and further reach the later level of Da Luo Jinxian.

After all, this is the original law of kilaya, the top brain eater of level 7. It just promotes several level 6 creatures to complete small breakthroughs. It\'s no problem.


At the end of the consolidation of the Legion, Locke also saw the phantom Riel returning from Tara.

At this time, Riel was not alone. She also brought out the original guardian of Tara. The woman with terrible fine white eyes on half her face is now Riel\'s disciple.

This is the first time Riel has accepted the mantle, and Locke has to admit that the temperament of the two women is indeed very similar, with a sense of neuroticism.

"You\'re gone, Tara. Who will succeed as guardian?" Locke said curiously.

Tara did not completely disintegrate in the end. Looking at the star world, it can be regarded as a miracle and the strength of this giant planet with large plane level.

Such a high intensity of mass and density also proves the richness of Tara\'s resources and the rarity of rules.

For Locke\'s question, instead of answering, the phantom Riel.

"That\'s the spokesman selected by the saints in the immortal region. It seems to have a certain relationship with Nuwa." Said the phantom Riel.

I don\'t know if it\'s because of the new female disciples. The phantom Riel didn\'t say some proverbs that Locke didn\'t understand this time.

"Zom, who really helped Nu Wa saint to complete the salvation of Tara, is more suitable to be the guardian of the mother star than my evil god cassoro accomplice who tried to destroy Tara." Said the former second apostle Hurd.

There is an obvious sense of repentance in her words.

"That\'s just right. You can go back to the wizard world with me and be with Luke, the eighth apostle." Locke nodded.

The eighth apostle Luke was sent by immortal Ziying of Shushan sword sect. He was pressed along with the rest of the underworld, naiweneryink.

Locke had no feelings for naiweneryink.

But its two brothers, both of whom had fought with Locke, were strong men that Locke had to recognize.

The three sons of the nether God Oedipus, the eldest and the second, have been promoted to dominate. Although neveryink still stays at level 6, he may not have the possibility of attacking the master in the future.

Neville inke was just a small role, and Locke didn\'t care too much.

Luke, the eighth apostle, obviously has only five levels of life, but his surprise and expectation to Locke is higher than that of naiweneryink, who has six levels of strength.

On the first day of arriving at Locke Space Fortress, it may be to prove his value and avoid the fate of being liquidated. It may also be that this guy really has talents that are inconsistent with his body shape.

Despite the confinement of magic shackles, it lies directly in front of the metal hatch of the Space Fortress, points to an energy circuit under its feet and says that it has the ability to improve the performance of this energy circuit by 3%.