Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4267

Locke didn\'t stay long outside the wild world.

Apart from chatting with white tiger, one of the four holy beasts he was familiar with, he didn\'t communicate much with other wild creatures.

"Do you still know this guy?" The white tiger raised his foot and stepped on a painted black light group. There was a human figure in the light group, which was a quasi Saint level strong demon Luo.

"I seem to have an impression." Locke replied.

At this time, Moruo\'s body has been destroyed, and even the yuan God has become a plaything at the foot of the white tiger, one of the four holy beasts.

Funny, this guy once fought with Locke and robbed and destroyed lotus seeds, but now Locke can\'t even remember his name and appearance.

"This guy should lead the way for foreign demons. I really don\'t know how to write the word death."

"I wanted to swallow him directly, but the queen mother of the Jade Emperor in heaven wanted to put this guy on the cutting platform and make an example."

"Quasi Saint level creatures have been pressed on the cutting Sendai. This should be the first time since the founding of Tianting." The white tiger shook his head and said.

The Jade Emperor and queen mother of heaven are indeed rare friars with development vision and great wild prospects in the civilization of the immortal region.

Just now, the two lords of heaven also wanted to invite Locke to heaven again. The queen mother even set up a flat peach event again for this. Unfortunately, Locke refused.

Locke has no intention of meddling too much in Xianyu family affairs. Locke doesn\'t care much about the wooing of the Jade Emperor and the queen mother.

There are ants under saints.

At present, only dominant creatures can attract Locke\'s attention and make friends with them.

Several special alloy ores from the distant Tara region were thrown to the white tiger by Locke.

This holy beast has no other hobbies. It just likes to devour gold and stone, and the harder it is, the better.

The white tiger\'s unique way of evolution is to complete the transformation of his realm and essence by absorbing the power of Geng gold in gold and stone minerals.

After saying goodbye to the white tiger, Locke flew to Tara star domain and blue fist martial arts star domain again.


Blue fist martial arts star domain.

Thousands of years of civil strife and war have filled the vast land of Wudao star with depression and decadence.

A large number of farmland has been abandoned, and a large number of suspected Wu Dao survivors have been executed. Under the premise of lack of young and middle-aged labor force, large-scale famine has lasted here for 200 years.

Because the level of life is too high, even creatures above level 4 are gradually unable to contact Locke\'s level. At the same time, the habitat and reproduction of weak creatures below level 1 have long been completely separated from Locke.

Locke never thought about what it would be like when a famine broke out in thousands of regular and complete planes at the same time.

At the moment, in the decadent and depressed Wudao star field, Locke can\'t feel the existence of any destructive force, but he can feel the deep breath of despair and death.

Perhaps there is less to say about the extinction of hundreds of billions of martial arts civilized creatures.

Affected by the subsequent famine and the accompanying plagues, diseases and other disasters, it is uncertain that the number of deaths and injuries of Wu Dao\'s survivors in the future will exceed trillion or even trillion.

The whole Wudao star domain will usher in a wave of cleaning!

However, it is surprising and somewhat helpless that the Xianyu civilization, as the current master of the martial arts star domain, seems to turn a blind eye to the disaster among the survivors of the underlying martial arts.

"My Shizu accepted the suggestion of the queen mother of the Jade Emperor. After 500 years, he plans to immigrate a large number of local creatures in the immortal region from the depths of the immortal region to the Wudao star region." Nezha, who had already been promoted to the quasi holy realm, walked with Locke in the martial star realm and explained to him.

It can be seen that Nezha was also impatient with the phenomenon of life being destroyed in a large area in the Wudao star domain.

In the final analysis, the rebellion in the martial arts star domain was made by those martial artists whose life level was above level 1. For those weak creatures whose life level was less than level 1, they probably didn\'t even know what had happened in the past thousands of years.

Their average life expectancy is only 60 or 70 years. Their life is too short.

Let alone subvert the rule of Xianyu civilization in Wudao Xingyu. In their whole life, Chengdu will not leave its position or even the small Dynasty country where they are located.

Because the appearance recognition of human beings in the Wudao star region is very similar to that of human beings in the immortal region, there are many immortal friars with compassion like Nezha.

But the war just ended was still fresh in my mind. Whether these immortal friars had other ideas or not, almost everyone remained silent in the face of the opposition brought by absolute blood feud.

Nezha\'s master, immortal Taiyi, did not fall in the civil strife in the martial arts star domain. The later friar of Da Luo Jinxian only suffered a certain injury from the self explosion of many level 5 martial artists at close range.

But Nezha\'s martial uncles, uncles and fellow martial brothers fell a lot in this civilized war.

Therefore, Nezha did not raise an objection to the original Heavenly Master, but he just couldn\'t bear it.

"In just two hundred years, there are so many weak creatures in the Wudao star domain. What will it be like in five hundred years? Will it directly become a dead domain?" Locke asked.

Nezha turned his head and didn\'t answer Locke\'s question.

In fact, Locke\'s words are still some alarmist.

Nowadays, the large-scale extinction of creatures in Wudao star domain is mainly affected by famine and plague.

It\'s best to solve the problem of famine. It\'s almost enough to die a group of people until the current production level of Wudao star domain can support the living habitat of those weak creatures.

After all, there is a degree to clean up the remaining evils of Wudao remnant families in the immortal domain. It is impossible to kill every young and strong human in the Wudao star domain in adulthood.

As for plagues and diseases, this situation will not happen in the Wudao star domain for long.

The five hundred years that Nezha just mentioned is the time limit.

After 500 years, the sermon will certainly deal with all aspects of natural disasters and rule turbulence in the martial arts star domain.

It is better to say that the civilization of Xianyu is cleaning the blue fist Wudao star domain by ignoring or even silently promoting it, so as to make room for the local human beings in Xianyu.

Facts have proved that compared with those people in the martial arts star domain, the immortal Terrans are more docile and suitable to be ruled by those immortal monks.

As for the tragic fate of the Wudao people, Xianyu once gave them a chance, but they didn\'t cherish it.

And it should not be long before the martial arts family and the martial arts star domain will completely become a thing of the past.

Because Tianzun of Yuanshi of Yuqing Dynasty has planned to rename the Wudao star domain, completely overthrow and erase the historical traces of the three Wudao empires of the prosperous Tang Dynasty, the Tianhan Dynasty and the yuan God.

He sighed again. Locke didn\'t continue to pay attention to the tragic scene in the Wudao star domain, but said to Nezha, "come on, take me to see the family members of the Wudao remnant masters you captured."