Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4266

Taking the immortal killing broken sword into his hand, Daozu Hongjun was surprised.

But it was just surprise, and there was not much joy.

This shows that Hongjun doesn\'t have a good way to face the Tongtian sect leader who only remains soul light spots. He is a level 9 creature. However, as a level 9 creature, since he is in this astral realm, he must also follow the rules of this astral realm.

"Senior master, is senior brother Tongtian still saved?" The Nu Wa sage asked with expectation.

Her words are not only on behalf of herself, but also on behalf of the sage Lao Tzu to Hongjun.

At this time, the sage Lao Tzu and Yuanshi Tianzun who are far away in the grace star region must also pay attention to the immortal region, hoping to get some good news from the depths of the immortal region.

After pondering for a long time, Daozu Hongjun didn\'t give an accurate answer, but said, "I need to study and figure out for a while."

The dignified face of Taoist ancestor Hongjun undoubtedly made Nu Wa Saint mention his heart.

Then, Locke beside him added, "as for the resurrection of the dead by virtue of the soul light spot, I heard that the bright Protoss has an angel reincarnation pool, which can do similar things."

"But there is a disadvantage of resurrection through the angel reincarnation pool, that is, the reincarnated people will be brainwashed by the power of the faith of the God of light and become the most fanatical believers of the God of light."

"Even the essence of life will be transformed from the original state into an angel family." Locke said.

Naturally, he would not tell Hongjun that he had been to the light God world and almost resurrected his wives with the angel reincarnation pool.

The hatred and contradiction between Xianyu civilization and Guangming Protoss is not much worse than the grace mainland holy see.

And as two top civilizations, Xianyu and Guangming Protoss themselves have a certain resistance and struggle against each other.

After listening to Locke\'s introduction, Hongjun\'s face was obviously dumb.

Obviously, the ability of angel reincarnation pool is somewhat beyond Hongjun\'s expectation.

It is worthy of being the civilization treasure on which the light Protoss relies. Compared with the civilization treasure of revelation, the angel reincarnation pool does not have any attack characteristics, but its energy source constantly provides the angel Legion for the light Protoss, which itself is extremely rebellious.

It is no exaggeration to say that the bright Protoss with the angel reincarnation pool can be regarded as stable on the throne of the top civilization.

Otherwise, with the ability of the bright Protoss family, why could it start a war in the multi star domain at the same time, and basically every battlefield showed a certain advantage.

Locke\'s introduction did not solve the fundamental problem of resurrecting Tongtian cult leader, because Daozu Hongjun could not go to Guangming Protoss to borrow their angel reincarnation pool.

Moreover, even if you borrow it, I\'m afraid no saint in the immortal domain can accept the essence of Tongtian cult as an angel, and become a devout believer of the bright Protoss.

In addition, the cost of resurrecting the eighth level master is not higher than that of Locke, who only wanted to resurrect his wives below the fourth level.

Even Locke guessed that the angel reincarnation pool did not have the ability to revive dominant creatures.

Otherwise, in the past civilization wars, many main gods of the bright Protoss also fell, but I haven\'t heard that any main God finally regained his life by virtue of the angel reincarnation pool.

Including those angels whose bodies are only damaged and whose souls are reborn through the pool of angel reincarnation, there are also problems after reincarnation.

Although it didn\'t solve the problem, Locke\'s introduction opened up some ideas for Daozu Hongjun.

Then, a rusty iron door painted black appeared in front of Locke.

This rusty iron gate is no stranger to Locke, who once participated in the underworld war and personally killed ingrichebo at the end of the soul river.

The most precious fragment of civilization - the gate of the underworld.

Compared with the appearance of the gate of the underworld in those years, the rusty iron gate in the hands of the Taoist ancestor at this time is obviously different from that of the gate of the underworld.

This rusty iron gate is the real core and essence of the gate of the underworld.

As for the appearance of the gate of the underworld that Locke saw at that time, it is only the result of the repair and transformation of the gate of the underworld by the underworld God Oedipus according to the unique rules of the underworld and his own understanding of the law of the soul.

The gate of the underworld is not applicable to the immortal realm, which was confirmed as early as when the sage Lao Tzu and Yuanshi Tianzun got the iron gate.

At this time, the restoration of such a rusty appearance is that Taoist Zu Hongjun traced the origin of the gate of the underworld, removed the transformation of the underworld God Oedipus, and restored this precious treasure of civilization in the past.

But the restored gate of the underworld is obviously worse than the original.

If we say the original version, it can also support the underworld creatures to get new life in the way of soul.

Now this rusty iron door is really just an iron door. Locke can\'t even sense too much regular energy from it.

"The soul road is not what I\'m good at. I did find the soul light spot of my disciples you pointed out, Knight Locke."

"But as for how to make the sky reappear in the world, we have to think about it in the long run." Daozu Hongjun sighed and said.

After all, he is not a caster who is keen to study in the wizard world. It is unclear whether Hongjun can study anything from the soul Avenue and the gate of the underworld.

But at least it left a thought for the sage Lao Tzu and Nu Wa. As a level 9 creature, Hongjun can\'t really create any miracles.


After leaving Daozu Hongjun, Locke didn\'t stay in Zixiao palace for a long time.

Outside Zixiao palace, Locke met the desperate spider mother who arrived in Xianyu with him.

At this time, the huge white cocoon behind the desperate spider mother has shrunk to the size of one person.

Locke is no stranger to this white cocoon. The master corpse fluid contained in it (PS: it can also be regarded as the fluid of the source law) has provided Locke with a lot of cultivation and improvement in the past.

But for today\'s Locke, even if the white cocoon is provided by kilaya, a seven level peak brain eater, it is of no use to him.

"Your growth and improvement speed is far faster than I imagined. Maybe we should explore the nine level mystery together and decrypt the essence of the star world earlier than expected."

"It seems that you can\'t use this master body fluid." Said the desperate spider mother.

"No, I want this!"

"Even if I can\'t use it, it\'s a great resource wealth for the wizard world." Locke quickly put away the white cocoon behind the desperate spider mother, but he didn\'t care that the desperate spider mother didn\'t promise him.

The desperate spider mother did not stop Locke\'s action.

Without civilization and ethnic groups, she doesn\'t need to think too much like Locke.

Compared with a dominating body fluid, the desperate spider mother cares more about Locke.

"What are you going to do next, go straight back to the wizard world?" Asked the desperate spider mother.

"It should be, but before that, I have to do something." Locke replied.


Do you want to see the outside of Knight\'s journey? I have uploaded several chapters on the public slave number. You can see it after searching "d I love Xiaodou" on the public slave number of Huixin and paying attention to Xiaodou.