Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4265

"What about the remnant of blue fist martial arts?" Locke continued.

At present, the pursuit and killing of Wu Dao survivors is mainly done by Buddhism and Buddhism.

Maybe the Nu Wa Saint doesn\'t know much about the situation of the Wu and Dao remnant, but the zhunti saint of Buddhism and the original Tianzun of Taoism absolutely know best.

"We haven\'t found the whereabouts of the fugitive master of Wudao\'s remnant."

"It\'s the remnant of other martial arts families. We killed and captured a lot."

"Some of them are said to be the family members dominated by the Wu Dao remnant." Replied the Saint zhunti.

As for the escape ability of the dominant creatures, I\'m afraid no other creatures in the star world can compare with it.

The reason why the mosquito demon who swallowed and introduced the sage liupin lotus platform exposed its trace is that this guy has not yet become a saint.

No matter where it escapes, there will always be traces left, and the speed of level 6 peak creatures fleeing the star world is really limited.

But the dominant creatures are different. The star world is so big that the dominant individuals can go.

If creatures above level 4 have the basic capital to travel through the star world, then the dominant creatures are the ones in the world that can really travel around and explore the precipitous existence.

It\'s not easy for the Buddhist and Taoist families in Xianyu to catch Gongsun xuance. As long as Gongsun xuance goes to the silent star sea, who can catch him again.

Including the quasi Saint mosquito, the reason why the quasi Saint proposed to do it himself was not just to avenge his senior brother.

He is also to avoid the mosquito that almost has the strength of the peak desperate to escape from the sky.

After hearing zhunti\'s answer, Locke just nodded and didn\'t immediately make any expression.

Gongsun xuance\'s family, can Locke help or will he help.

It\'s just that he can\'t bring it up now, but he has to use other ways afterwards.

No matter where Gongsun xuance fled, since he was the eldest brother and could not support his great cause of restoring the country, trying to protect his family would not waste the fetters left in the desperate world.


After leaving Tara, Locke and Nu Wa Saint flew to Xianyu together.

Great immortal of the town Yuanzi, ancestor of the earth immortals, did not go with the him. This good man of the fairy region has been almost cured of the his injuries these years.

For the most fertile resources in the Enze star domain, zhenyuanzi Daxian had no chance to compete with Yuanshi Tianzun and others, but it was OK to drink some soup.

The duration of the Enze space war will not be too long. Although it is a large space with more than 2000 planes, it has been 700 years since the war.

Compared with the overall enemy occupation speed of Enze star domain and the promotion momentum of Xianyu army, perhaps in two or three hundred years, this huge star domain will fall into the hands of Xianyu civilization.

As for the division of the complete plane of the post-war grace star domain rules, Locke will not get involved and is not interested in the family affairs of the Xianyu civilization.

However, what makes Locke quite concerned is that in the process of traveling with Locke, Saint Nuwa mentioned to Locke that during the war, immortal saints such as Yuanshi Tianzun found more than one sub Vatican star domain coordinate attached to the grace star domain Vatican.

The relatively complete Vatican legions who were the first to withdraw from the grace star region and where the hundreds of billions of ordinary believers withdrew must be the answer.

After the Vatican forces in the grace star region are purged, the sects in the immortal region will fight against the Vaticans in the grace star region whose coordinates have been determined.

No matter how far away the Vatican is in the alien realm, the immortal realm will not tolerate it this time.

After hearing this, Locke couldn\'t help asking Nu Wa saint, "did you find a holy see called Alvin continent?"

For Locke\'s inquiry, Nu Wa saint\'s face was a little curious and surprised.

After thinking about it for a moment, he shook his head and said, "it seems that he hasn\'t found it yet. Why, Knight Locke, do you know the Holy See?"

"No, I\'ve only heard of the name, and I don\'t know much about this discipline." Locke shook his head.


Deep in the immortal realm, outside the wasteland world.

When Locke and Nu Wa reached Zixiao palace, the gate of Zixiao palace was already open.

Obviously, Daozu Hongjun already knew about the return of Locke and Nuwa.

On his way back to the wilderness, Locke was surprised that in the face of the Holy See\'s raid, the Xianyu civilization did not win a complete victory.

After thousands of years, there are still obvious traces of war.

This is just the plane of Locke\'s way. According to Locke\'s understanding, there were more than 200 planes invaded by the Vatican army that year.

This is the civilized war. There is no absolute good or bad between the two sides involved in the war. We can only say who is the final winner and who laughs last.

Xianyu not only won the final victory fruit, but also paid a heavy price for them.

The body meteorites of the leader of Tongtian cult and the saints are just one of them. Who can remember the names of hundreds of millions of creatures buried in the Tara star domain, the blue fist Wudao star domain and even the grace star domain.

It\'s just that compared with the price paid, the immortal domain will eventually gain more.

Da RI Tathagata Buddha and Guanyin Bodhisattva are about to break through level 7, which is just one of them. Many quasi Saint level friars in daomen and Xianyu scattered cultivation groups also showed extraordinary brilliance during the civilization war.

They are the potential seeds for the future promotion of saints in Xianyu. Locke, as a strong wizard civilization, can\'t help being envious and jealous of the vast territory, abundant resources and talents in Xianyu.

However, it was heard that daenerys, the dragon mother, also gained a lot in this civilization battle, and seemed to have made clear her way to dominate, which calmed Locke\'s mood a lot.

The gap between civilizations is mainly reflected in the length of development and the composition of civilization system.

Locke doesn\'t know whether the wizard civilization is more advanced than the powerful immortal domain system. He is not a magician and can\'t explore and solve this problem in depth.

It can only be said that compared with the powerful immortal civilization and the bright Protoss, Locke, as the leader of the contemporary wizard civilization, will try his best to bring the wizard civilization to a stronger and prosperous future.


In Zixiao palace, the face of Daozu Hongjun\'s Gu Jing wubo finally changed a little for the return of Locke and Nuwa saints.

In fact, since the news of the fall of the leader of Tongtian cult and the sage, the fit between Hongjun and the heaven of the wasteland world has gone from bad to worse.

Locke didn\'t find the abnormality. He just felt that Daozu Hongjun seemed more human than before.

The Nu Wa sage, who followed the Taoist ancestor in Zixiao palace for three times, caught this anomaly, but Nu Wa sage didn\'t think much.

Compared with the Taoist ancestor who refused to be thousands of miles away and was indifferent to the development of everything, it was obvious that in the face of the Hongjun who revealed the true feelings of the fall of the Tongtian cult leader, Nu Wa sage felt familiar and warm.

In fact, Hongjun was not as he had been before.