Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4264

It was as if the drowning man had found a life-saving straw. Locke\'s words made Nuwa sage and other masters\' faces turn from Yin to sunny in an instant, and there was a faint inconceivable in their eyebrows.

"What are you talking about?!" Nu Wa sage thought he had heard wrong and couldn\'t help asking again.

It was the sage Lao Tzu who appeared in front of Locke in an instant.

"What? Where is my younger martial brother\'s soul light spot?" Asked the sage Lao Tzu.

At this time, the immortal sage, who majored in the way of quiet and inaction, did not have half the once immortal spirit, and his face was filled with a touch of joy and excitement.

The immortal killing sword was immediately lifted by Locke, but Lao Tzu didn\'t major in soul, so he didn\'t find the soul light spot of Tongtian cult attached to the immortal killing sword.

After listening to Locke\'s introduction, I carefully took the immortal killing sword in my hand like a treasure.

Although he did not find the so-called soul light spot, he knew that Locke would not be aimless at such a time.

Besides, whether Locke is right or not, when he takes this immortal killing sword back to the wasteland world, his teacher Hongjun will naturally have a definite number.

As a ninth level creature, Hongjun passed down three thousand dharmas in Zixiao palace that year. He was the most immortal in terms of the depth of his feet and the breadth of his fields.

Even if it is the soul avenue that few people have heard of in the wilderness, it is impossible for Hongjun to know one or two.

"I\'ll escort Zhu Xian to return to the immortal region." Said the sage Lao Tzu.

"No, elder martial brother, you are still sitting on the battlefield of Enze star domain. You\'d better let younger martial sister me go back." Nu Wa said at this time.

Since the soul light spot of Tongtian cult leader has been recovered, the Nu Wa saint has no meaning to stay on Tara.

And to the surprise of Locke who broke through the customs, Tara, which suffered the fall of three eighth level masters and one seventh level master, was not destroyed in the end.

The huge rule impact and element turbulence seem to have opened a huge hole in the middle of Tara.

But in this way, the plane law of the giant planet was not completely damaged, but managed to maintain the basic balance under the dual repair of Nuwa sage and guardian.

This is simply a miracle in the star world. In addition to showing the salvation ability of Nu Wa saint, Locke speculates that this is also related to the nature of Tara as a giant planet.

Indeed, only such a top giant planet with extremely large density can not completely disintegrate after such a violent impact.

"I\'m walking with you, Nu Wa saint. I happen to have some questions. I also want to consult Daozu." Locke said at this time.


With the end of the Tara war, Locke\'s trip to the fairy kingdom has come to an end.

Although the separation of Yuanshi Tianzun and sage Lao Tzu also proposed that Locke\'s Legion could be hired to participate in the war in the grace star region, Locke only politely refused in the face of the kindness of the two Taoist saints.

It\'s not that Locke doesn\'t like those war gains, nor that Locke is unwilling to fight the Holy See with some origins in the past, but that it\'s really unnecessary because of his current status and identity.

Moreover, the invitation of the sage Lao Tzu and Yuanshi Tianzun is more to thank Locke for saving the soul light spot of Tongtian cult leader.

Rather than hiring Locke\'s legion, they are thanking Locke in another way, in the form of resources and war wealth.

Locke came all the way to Xianyu this time, not just to earn some war wealth he despised.

Compared with resource wealth, Locke is more concerned about his popularity and network in Xianyu.

Let the sage Laozi owe themselves a great favor, which is far more useful than any resource wealth.

At present, the development of wizard civilization near our planet is plain sailing, but I\'m afraid no one will expect what will happen in the future.

A good relationship with Xianyu means that Locke can transfer a top foreign aid corps with terrible quantity and luxurious lineup from Xianyu at any time in the future.

Moreover, the wizard civilization and the immortal domain are extremely far away in time and space, which is also a prerequisite for the absence of direct contradiction between them.

When leaving Tara, zhunti Saint found Locke separately and brought the six merit Golden Lotus to Locke.

"Knight Locke, is there any light spot on my senior brother\'s soul on this golden lotus?" Zhunti looked at Locke with hope in his eyes.

Unfortunately, this time, Locke shook his head.

Whether there is a soul light spot, Locke\'s soul ancient tree will tell him the answer.

But in the face of only six merit Golden Lotus, the ancient tree of soul has no response.

Obviously, the sage is afraid to have long disappeared, and even the soul light spot disappears into nothingness.

Locke\'s shaking his head darkened the face of zhunti saint.

After returning the golden lotus of six merits and virtues to the great sun Tathagata Buddha next to him, a long sigh must be sent out from the holy population.

Although the sage died, he still had a few oral instructions on the eve of the fall.

For example, there are only six merit Golden Lotus left, which is passed on to the Tathagata Buddha.

The green lotus treasure color flag was passed to Guanyin Bodhisattva.

The blessing pestle was passed to the Tibetan king Bodhisattva.

The inheritance of these three world-class treasures also basically represents the three quasi Saint level disciples with the highest potential of Buddhism.

However, compared with the Tathagata Buddha and Guanyin Bodhisattva, the potential of the earth Tibetan king Bodhisattva is a little worse.

In particular, the Tathagata Buddha may have touched the hearts of too many Buddhist monks.

After the war in the Tara realm, the Tathagata Buddha did not join the invasion and conquest of the grace realm, but began to practice hard in the Tara realm. It seems that he has grasped the opportunity of the silk Avenue.

At present, Locke is the master of the later stage of level 8. Although his realm has just swallowed the power of massive destruction is not stable, his vision is still there, and he still sees the change of the realm of the great sun Tathagata Buddha at this time.

A Buddhist power who is about to step into the realm of saints leads the sage to fall, but the great sun Tathagata Buddha will soon stand up.

Considering that there is another Guanyin Bodhisattva whose potential is not inferior to that of the Tathagata Buddha, it seems that the resurgence of Buddhism created by the two saints will not be interrupted by the fall of the saints.

After comforting the quasi saint, Locke asked casually, "has the quasi Saint mosquito been caught?"

Referring to the quasi Saint level demon mosquito, the sad color on the saint\'s face soon turned into deep anger.

"I found its trace not long ago. The Tibetan king Bodhisattva and the Dragon subduing and tiger subduing Arhats have gone after it."

"Once I have determined its coordinates, I will go to subdue the demon myself!" Zhunti sage\'s tone is very important.

This is the first time Locke felt a deep sense of killing from the Buddhist saint. It seems that the body meteorite of the saint has a great impact on the saint of zhunti.