Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4263

The life of falkie is only a microcosm of the battlefield in the star region of grace.

A similar butcher Murder and terrorist atrocities are unknown in the territory of grace.

This time, even the most famous decent monks and Buddhist monks in Xianyu did not jump out to accuse this atrocity.

Madness has made the grace star domain bear the pain that could not be borne in the past hundreds of thousands of years in just a few hundred years.

Compared with those evil friars and extremely strong people, it is the performance of the demon family under the command of Nu Wa saint in the grace star region, which seems to be in line with the rules.

After all, it takes a long time for the hundreds of millions of demon families to eat a medium-sized noodles.

How can it be as efficient as the plague God LV Yue.

Fortunately, the civilization war is not just an indiscriminate killing.

LV Yue, the God of plague, and his group of disciples created boundless murders and destroyed a medium-sized plane. After the war, he was severely reprimanded by the sage Lao Tzu and drove him back to the wasteland to think about his mistakes behind closed doors.

Since the leader of Tongtian sect doesn\'t know his life and death, and the probability has fallen, as a eldest brother, I naturally have to take the responsibility of helping younger martial brothers manage the sect.

The sage Lao Tzu didn\'t mean to directly take over the great cause of the family. He just took charge.

Driving LV Yue, the God of plague, back to the wasteland world, rather than blaming and punishing each other, is enough to illustrate Lao Tzu\'s attitude.

The departure of LV Yue, the God of plague, and a series of orders and constraints on extreme friars really made the war in the middle and late stage of the grace star domain much more peaceful.

But the countless creatures who have died cannot be reborn, just as the church leader cannot return to the truncated monks.

The star world is so cold and cruel.

Now, a thousand years have passed, and there is no obstruction from the main Legion. As early as 200 years ago, the most important land of Enze in the Enze star domain was conquered and occupied under the supervision of Four Saints, Yuanshi Tianzun, Laozi, zhunti and Styx Laozu.

The only pity is that the news from the depths of the fairy kingdom shows that there should be another master in the Holy See of Enze mainland who can escape.

However, during the attack on Enze mainland, no trace of the other side was found.

Including the Vatican legions stationed in Enze mainland, it is not as difficult as expected.

This is enough to show that grace still has considerable power and fled quickly during the battle of Tara.

For example, during the war, the three great geniuses of the Enze mainland, who made great achievements: Kelly of the heaven, Xin Yan of xuzu and shatai of the lost tower, did not appear on the list of falling.

Including mitti, the sixth level top strongman of the Holy See, who is light and dark. Although Yang Jian, the God of Erlang, led heavenly soldiers and generals to encircle and kill each other several times in an attempt to avenge the master, he is always a little close to killing each other.

In order to avoid the chaos of the blue fist martial arts star domain, it will be staged again in the Enze star domain in the future. Therefore, the sects of the immortal domain are far from the past for the pursuit and killing of these fleeing Vatican legions.

In particular, the three most famous geniuses in Enze star domain and the top six peak individuals such as mitti, their hunting list even appeared in the hands of the saints in the fairy domain.


The war in Enze star domain is still fermenting, and the pursuit of the fleeing Vatican army is still on.

It is also in the current context that the destruction storm and element tide far away in Tara finally ushered in calm.

Central Tara.

The original painted black earth is now covered by endless pits and terrorist element clouds in the sky.

The "terror" here is only for those low-level creatures and level 4 and 5 creatures.

For the Nvwa saint and phantom Riel who had been in close contact with the battle of domination and even fought in it, the element thick cloud and the degree of rule turbulence at this time are almost tame to a certain extent compared with a thousand years ago.

It is not the salvation ability of Nu Wa saint that can cause such a result, nor the timely remedy of guardian Hurd.

But the existence from the center of the storm absorbed more than 80% of the destruction energy with its own strength, which enabled the destruction process of Tara to pull the valve in time.

On this day, the reminder from the phantom Riel and the change of rules in the thick cloud of elements made Nu Wa sage and other beings know that he was finally coming out.

Not only Nu Wa sage rushed to the element storm early, but also Yuanzi, the ancestor of the earth fairy.

Including the presence of the sage Lao Tzu, Yuanshi Tianzun and Styx Laozu who heard the news that Locke was about to be born. They were far away in the hinterland of the grace star region, and they also sent separate bodies to Tara.

In addition to witnessing Locke\'s emergence and strength improvement, what they want to see is what Locke brought out of the thick cloud of destruction.

In the past 1000 years, Lao Tzu, the eighth level sage, has not tried to enter.

However, the intense turbulence and the terrible tide of destruction make the eighth level sage Lao Tzu unable to bear the power of the surging rules in the core area of destruction.

Therefore, for the emergence of Locke, there is a touch of excitement and Expectations?

They hope Locke can bring good news to themselves, but they are afraid to accept that fact.

Especially in the depths of the immortal realm, Taoist Zu Hongjun also expressed sigh and silence about the outcome of Tongtian cult leader.

With the rolling elements, the thick clouds rolled and dispersed to both sides, and a black figure gradually appeared in the center of the storm.

Locke, who maintains the transformation of the destroyer, walks out slowly.

The subtle power fluctuation in the later stage of level 8 was enough to frighten the immortal saints such as Lao Tzu and Yuanshi Tianzun.

However, compared with the earth shaking changes in Locke\'s strength breath, these immortal saints pay more attention to the two things in Locke\'s hands.

Those are two swords, exactly a broken sword and another badly damaged dark fairy sword.

The appearance of the immortal killing broken sword and the trapped immortal sword made Nu Wa\'s sage\'s eyes faint with tears. At the same time, the sage Lao Tzu and Yuanshi Tianzun also looked dark.

The appearance of Zhuxian broken sword has explained a lot.

More importantly, Locke walked out alone at this time, and there was no half breath of the God behind him.

Also, even the existence of the sage Lao Tzu, who is good at defense, could not get close to the core of the destruction storm. At that time, the leader of Tongtian cult faced the self explosion of two level 8 creatures. How could he survive.

Rather than a touch of expectation in their eyes, they are unwilling to accept the fact that the leader of Tongtian cult fell like this.

"Amitabha!" At this time, the Buddhist zhunti Saint sounded a Buddha\'s horn. Just as when he saw off his senior brother to pick up the saint, the only surviving Buddhist saint was crossing the heaven leader.

"How come they all have a bitter face. The light spot of the soul of Tongtian cult leader is still there. I\'m sure there\'s still a chance." Looking at the faces of the saints in Xianyu, Locke couldn\'t help laughing and said.