Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4262

With the throbbing of the ancient tree of the soul in paradise lost, Locke came to the sword of killing immortals.

The incomparably turbulent power of destruction began to condense and concentrate, and finally Locke appeared in front of the immortal killing sword.

The black breath emerged from Locke\'s body surface, which was the result of his absorption of the power of exaggerated destruction.

And from the wave of destructive power looming around Locke, he has not fully digested this gain.

However, at this time, Locke did not care about the destructive power in his body, but put all his mind into the killing immortal and breaking sword in front of him.

Other weak creatures, even the dominant creatures, do not necessarily find the abnormality of killing immortals and breaking swords, but Locke, who has an ancient tree of soul, captures a weak soul light spot from above.

This is the same state as Locke\'s dead wives. The Tongtian cult leader with only soul light spots can\'t condense the most basic soul, and naturally can\'t communicate with Locke.

In a sense, the leader of Tongtian cult is indeed dead.

Like Locke\'s dead wives, we can\'t violate the laws of the star world.

Take the immortal killing sword in front of you. When Locke tried to collect the soul light point of Tongtian cult leader with the soul ancient tree, the fierce sword spirit residue from the immortal killing sword and the persistence from the last moment of Tongtian cult leader\'s life made Locke\'s soul ancient tree howl.

The shaking sound of "欶????欶" sounded, and countless ancient soul tree leaves fell, including several soul fruits hanging high on the tree.

Obviously, the sword spirit in killing immortals and breaking swords has caused great trauma to Locke\'s soul and ancient tree.

Fortunately, however, the few soul fruits where the soul light spots of Locke\'s wives live are still safe and sound.

"He deserves to be the leader of Tongtian cult. Even if he has fallen, the immortal killing sword spirit contained in his broken sword is so terrible."

"Since there is no way to collect the ancient soul tree, you can only take it back to the immortal region to see if the Ninth level creature Hongjun has a way to solve the problem." Locke mused.

Then put away the broken immortal killing sword in front of you and the dark trapped immortal sword next to you.

As for the other two of the four swords, Jue Xian sword and kill Xian sword.

When Locke looked at the two spatial fluctuations, under the influence of today\'s turbulent destructive force and element tide, the two cracks that originally emitted the subtle spatial force fluctuations had long been smoothed out.

Rao, with Locke\'s ability, can\'t find the two space cracks again, let alone find the other two swords.

Locke doesn\'t feel the loss of Jue Xianjian and kill Xianjian. Anyway, it\'s not his world-class secret treasure.

However, the discovery of the soul light spot of Tongtian cult leader made Locke feel a little better.

Lingbao has a spirit. If the leader of Tongtian cult can really regain a new life in the future, he who has the same heart with the four swords of Zhu Xian will naturally find his own sword again.

As for Locke today, he is not in a hurry to get out of the land of destruction and the tide of elements immediately.

This is the most suitable place for Locke\'s cultivation and promotion, and three level 8 creatures fell here, as well as the turbulent destructive power provided when the whole large plane was on the verge of collapse.

Here, Locke is not sure he can reach the late state of level 8.

Locke in human form, then under the influence of law fluctuations and element tides, gradually transformed into a destructive storm again.

This is the best form for Locke to absorb the destructive energy here

As for when it can be absorbed, it depends on Locke\'s appetite and his absorption rate.


Cultivation has no years.

A thousand years have passed since the battle of the ruler of Tara, and the whole Tara domain has already fallen into the hands of the fairy domain.

Even more than Tara, as early as 700 years ago, the forces in Xianyu who integrated Tara and the blue boxing Wudao star domain launched a fierce attack on the blue boxing Wudao star domain.

The death of the leader of Tongtian church and the fall of the saints, although the remnant of blue fist martial arts and the Tara civilization have to bear part of the responsibility, it is undeniable that it was the series role played by the Church of Enze mainland during the war that really led to the fall of these two immortal domain masters.

Without the grace of the mainland Holy See, Xianyu would have less trouble in conquering Tara and calming the rebellion in Wudao.

For the Holy See, Lord milt made a withdrawal deployment for the whole holy see before going to Tara.

Therefore, in the early stage of the war, the Xianyu army hardly encountered any resistance and went straight into the hinterland of the Enze star region.

The immortal region army has made great progress all the way. The corresponding result is that the only holy see legions that have made great achievements since the war of civilization have not suffered too much in this process.

Many Vatican legions have already completed the evacuation before the arrival of the Xianyu army. As for their future direction and the boundless sea of stars, I\'m afraid those powerful Vaticans are also a little confused.

Of course, there are those that can be withdrawn, and naturally there will be those that cannot be withdrawn.

The grace star field is so large that the number of regular complete planes alone is 2000.

This is a huge star field richer than the blue fist martial arts star field. There are more than 100 million creatures living in this star field.

Because the holy see itself is a strange civilization that loves peace and advocates equality and freedom.

Therefore, when those Vatican troops withdraw, a big problem facing them is how to transport these countless believers to withdraw together.

This problem needs no special consideration, because it is impossible!

Even if all the warships, airships and transport ships of the galent Federation are seconded, it may be difficult to pack all the aboriginal creatures in these more than 2000 planes in just two or three hundred years.

In addition, without the living soil of the maternal plane, it is also a problem for so many creatures to eat, drink, Lazar and live a basic life.

The "fraternity" of the Vatican Legion led to a fierce scuffle with the Vatican Legion in the 50th year of entering the grace star domain.

It may be that the fall of the leader of Tongtian cult and the saints who led them stimulated the saints in the immortal domain.

This time, it was not only the monks of Buddhism and Taoism who received the order to spare no effort to attack the native land of Enze star domain, but also the demon clan Legion under the command of Nvwa saint, who ate a full meal in Enze star domain this time.

Locke\'s hell demons and devil legions did not fight this time because Locke himself was still on Tara.

However, according to many war reports from the front line of the war, suffering from the fall of Tongtian cult leader, many intercepting friars have done unparalleled massacres on the battlefield of Enze star domain. Rao is that those demons can\'t help cooling their backs.

For example, under the throne of Tongtian cult, there is a late disciple of Da Luo Jinxian, named LV Yue.

This guy set up the famous "plague array" in the wasteland with his disciples in the navel of a medium-sized plane called falki in the Enze star domain.

In just a few decades, the originally vibrant medium-sized plane has been completely transformed into a dead and abandoned land, plagued by plague and virus.

Even the most basic plants have become rotten, let alone other creatures.

I\'m afraid that even the dominant creatures may not be as good as LV Yue\'s skill.