Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4261

Beyond the wild world.

The original fierce war has gradually ended.

Although Hongjun rarely took action after killing milch and severely hurting the blind old man Alan, there are four holy beasts to suppress the battlefield.

In front of the four top despairers, the only remaining Vatican legions did not have much left to resist.

Especially after staying in the wasteland for a long time, the four holy beasts can come out to breathe.

Although they breathe at home, it also makes them very comfortable.

Including the coldest and dull Xuanwu, there was no hurry to leave the battlefield at this time. The huge turtle swam around in the starry sky, and the snake head on the back shell looked around.

For the victory of this war, the most happy is the Jade Emperor and queen mother in heaven.

With the acquisition of a large number of war resources and wealth, the two heavenly masters also tasted the sweetness of those saints.

Unfortunately, their situation is the same as that of the four holy beasts. Limited by the rules, they can\'t leave the boundless world.

Some people are happy and others are sad. When countless heavenly soldiers and generals are happy for the victory of the defense war of the wasteland world, no one knows Hongjun who returns to the Zixiao palace, but there is a faint sadness on his face.

Then the fall of the sage and the disappearance of the breath of Tongtian cult leader made the Honghuang Taoist ancestor feel it at the first time.

If the fall of the leader of Tongtian cult is the way of fate, it is indeed beyond Hongjun\'s expectation to lead the saint to die.

"Civilization war is accompanied by many uncertain factors and the death of life. In previous foreign wars, dozens of dominant creatures have fallen."

"When we entered the desperate world, it was almost the destruction of the whole nation."

"The vastness and infinity of the star world can sometimes be explained not only by the way of fate." The desperate spider mother appeared in front of Hongjun and said.

A white cocoon now floats behind the desperate spider mother. This white cocoon is naturally provided by kiraya, the strongest brain eater.

After glancing at the white cocoon behind the desperate spider mother, Daozu Hongjun didn\'t use the corpse. The body of the Holy See ruler milch had been erased by Hongjun along with his soul.

The relief of the desperate spider mother made Hongjun sigh gently.

Although he stepped on the Ninth level, he had never explored the vast star world because he had been closed in the immortal realm all the year round. As for the experience and opinions of the Taoist ancestor, he was far less profound than the desperate spider mother.

Heaven is merciless, but man is affectionate.

It is also the fall of the leader of Tongtian cult and the saints, which led to the integration between Hongjun and the heavenly Tao of the wasteland world, and the exclusion for the first time in hundreds of thousands of years.


Five years later, the blue fist martial arts world.

It\'s another master level power. The last level 7 strong man of the remnant of the underworld, RickA yadunbu, marked the end of life today.

However, before the fall, RickA ardenburger did something that made the first emperor resent.

The mirror wheel was annihilated by the fragments of the greatest treasure of civilization that had been regarded as something in the bag by the first emperor of the Yuan Dynasty. At the last moment, he smashed the space with his only dominant power and threw it into the space debris.

The complexity of space indicates that it is not easy for Tianzun to find a palm sized annihilation mirror wheel in a large number of space debris.

And more importantly, he has no energy to slowly look for the annihilation mirror wheel in space debris.

"It\'s not too late to find that piece of civilization treasure fragment later. We haven\'t studied anything from the gate of the underworld we obtained before. Maybe this piece of civilization treasure fragment is the same."

"I\'d better find a way to catch the mosquito first. This is also an explanation to the Buddha and younger martial brother Jieyin."

"I feel the meaning of the foundation of the road from it. The mosquito is about to become holy." The sage Lao Tzu said to Yuanshi Tianzun.

Put away the body of Rebecca ardenbu and many other world-class treasures such as the finger bones of the God of the underworld in front of him. At the moment, Yuanshi Tianzun was not interested in counting the booty, but just nodded.

Suddenly, the sage Lao Tzu looked up at the direction of Tara\'s star domain. He had a white beard, slightly frowned and said, "why do I always have a sense of uneasiness, which is very similar to the feeling when junior martial brother Tongtian was robbed in the underworld star domain last time."

I didn\'t feel much when I fought with RickA yadunbu before. Now the first Heavenly Master who slowed down to God heard one Leng, and immediately felt the same feeling as the sage Lao Tzu.

Sanqing was originally of the same origin. If the leader of Tongtian sect had an accident, there must be some induction between Yuanshi Tianzun and Laozi.

I couldn\'t help looking at the sage Lao Tzu. The eyes of both sides were full of amazement and disbelief.

At this moment, Yuanshi Tianzun and sage Lao Tzu had no intention of chasing the giant mosquito. They turned into two streamers and flew straight in the direction of Tara.

At this time, all the elucidating disciples in the world of blue fist martial arts also came to mind the order of Yuanshi Tianzun to order them to eliminate the evils left by blue fist martial arts.

And this time, the tone of Yuanshi Tianzun is obviously more severe!



Over the years, the wave of destruction power in the center of the plane has not decreased.

At this time, not only the breath of Tongtian leader was completely covered by the impact of terrorist rules, but even Locke, who went deep into it, could hardly feel his breath.

Nu Wa saint is still standing in the sky.

Turning into the body of a human head snake, she was surrounded by five colored lights and regular halos.

With the continuous action of Nu Wa sage, the disintegrating rules and violent element tide of Tara can be slowly curbed.

At the same time, the phantom Riel also appeared not far from the Nu Wa saint.

But at this time, the phantom Riel is not the protagonist in the sky. The woman with the breath of level 6 peak biology beside her is.

What a strange face it was. It was clear that half of the face was almost flawless, but the other half was full of fine white eyes.

This causes any humanoid creature with normal aesthetics to suddenly feel a sense of absurdity and cold at the first sight of the woman.

But at the moment, this is the sixth level peak woman who is not very prominent among many masters. At the moment, she echoes the Tara rules far away.

As the guardian of Tara, she is also trying her best to save her mother plane from being destroyed.

Two bright white lights appeared from the sky. The sage Lao Tzu and Yuanshi Tianzun, who hurried from the world of blue boxing and martial arts, tore the space directly regardless of the loss of the dominant soul, and finally arrived here at the first time.

The magnificent scene of destruction and the tide of terrorist elements in front of him made the emperor of the beginning of the Yuan Dynasty and the sage Lao Tzu sink in their hearts.

"What the hell happened here?" Yuanshi Tianzun asked in a deep voice.


It took several years to adapt to the destruction of the center, and Locke, who gradually approached here, finally found the traces of the leader of Tongtian cult.

It\'s a broken sword called Zhu Xian.

Next to Zhuxian broken sword, there is another world-class secret treasure called trapped immortal sword, which is gray and seems to have suffered a lot of impact.

In addition, there are two obscure spatial fluctuations here.

Locke can\'t find out where the two spaces are connected, but observing the size of the spatial fluctuation, it\'s not difficult to guess that the two spaces must mark the whereabouts of the other two swords.

In the storm of destruction, Locke\'s original will coagulated slightly.

It is also an unacceptable fact for Locke to witness the disappearance of Tongtian cult leader.

But soon, the throbbing of the ancient tree of the soul in the paradise lost made Locke find something.

"Isn\'t it?" Locke\'s will was surprised.


The official account of Knight\'s journey: D I love beans.