Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4260

"So this is your choice, milt, hum!" As an existence fighting with milt for more than 200000 years, when milt turned into an infinite holy light and rushed to the leader of Tongtian cult, the expression of the demon God Casolo could not help calming down.

"I\'m afraid relying on your strength alone is not enough to completely erase the immortal saint."

"If you add me..." As the demon God cassoro lowered his head and whispered, bursts of gear rotation sounded.

Together with the gear behind Casolo, the body of the eighth level ruler of Tara gradually turned into boundless darkness and destruction.

"I didn\'t expect that I would die with you. I hope..." Before the second half of the sentence of the demon God cassoro was finished, the extremely empty soul of the master completely disappeared in the battlefield of Tara and turned into pure extinction and destruction energy particles.

Light and darkness, extinction and holy light are in themselves two opposing forces.

Therefore, even if it is not driven by the will of the demon God cassoro, when these destructive energies come into contact with milt\'s holy light power, far greater qualitative change and physical explosion will occur than before!

"Boom!" A shock wave of terrorist explosion and destruction that could penetrate the core of Tara broke out in the center of the battle of domination.

The saint Tongtian sect leader of the eighth level immortal region was swallowed up for the first time, so that when Locke and others who arrived later wanted to go in to rescue Tongtian sect leader, there was an extremely fierce turbulence and impact of rules. Even level 8 creatures like Locke could not go deep into the center of the explosion.

After all, in a sense, this is the terrorist scene of two level 8 creatures with different attributes exploding at close range. In terms of the energy level of the element in the center of the explosion, I\'m afraid it is better than the strongest shock wave coerced by the destruction of hell.

Together with the swallowing of the position of the leader of Tongtian cult, the zhunti saint and the zhenyuanzi immortal, the ancestor of earth immortals, who were originally in that battlefield, were blown up.

Thanks to milt, a strong man of the eighth level Vatican, who dared not dilute his strength in order to kill the leader of Tongtian, it was only that zhunti saint and Zhen Yuanzi, who were in the same battlefield, picked up their lives.

If they are swallowed up by this terrible tide, they may not escape the disaster of falling.

Nevertheless, zhunti sage and zhenyuanzi immortal swept out by the shock wave of the terrorist explosion were extremely depressed at this time.

In particular, zhunti saint, a Buddhist saint, was not as exaggerated in defense as Zhen Yuanzi. Before, he rushed to the battlefield closest to Casolo because his senior brother fell.

At this time, he was hurt by the self explosion of the level eight master. It is no exaggeration to say that the Buddhist saint was left with one breath at this time.

In terms of the abundance of the dominant soul, it is impossible to say that Locke\'s cheap daughter, blood curse eye Montana, is better than the present zhunti saint.

Like a black coke, when zhunti saint was blown out to dominate the center of the battlefield, there was only a trace of life left of him, which almost made people think that he also fell.

Nu Wa sage, who is good at life Avenue, hurried to zhunti sage and zhenyuanzi immortal.

She wants to save the leader of Tongtian cult, but at the moment, even Locke can\'t go in the center of the explosion, let alone her.

At this time, for Nu Wa sage, one can be saved.

Even if the immortal civilization wins the final victory, the price of this war is unbearable.

"Knight Locke, I hope you can save my senior brother!" Just before he could control Yuanzi immortal, Nu Wa turned his head and begged Locke.

The look on his face gradually changed from the sudden shock of such strange things to dignified. Locke couldn\'t help thinking of the killing and robbery of Taoist Zu Hongjun, the leader of Tongtian cult, when he was in Zixiao palace.

The last time the leader of Tongtian sect killed and robbed was caused by milt, but it was finally resolved by Locke.

Is the way of fate so inevitable that the leader of Tongtian sect avoided the last disaster, but could not escape this one?

Locke himself is not good at the avenue of destiny. Although he sometimes predicts some dangers, these predictions are basically reminders from the ancient tree of the moon in paradise lost.

Locke never believed in the word fate.

He more respected that man can conquer nature. As for fate, it was just the sigh and helplessness of weak people who could not resist the general trend.

But at the moment, Locke had a faint chill on his back.

He didn\'t know what kind of state Hongjun\'s existence had reached, but at the moment, Locke was a little confused when he saw the leader of Tongtian fall in front of him, but it was more a feeling of weakness and helplessness that he had not experienced for a long time, or even experienced for more than 100000 years.

"No, I don\'t believe in fate!" Leaving this firm word, Locke turned into a destructive storm and rushed straight to the center of the tide gathering in front of him.

Did the leader of Tongtian cult really fall?

Not necessarily in Locke\'s view!

The super vitality of dominant creatures allows them to adapt to all extreme environments in the star world.

Including when hell was destroyed, Locke also spent hundreds of years in such destruction space.

Even if the leader of Tongtian cult is dying, he will not fall so soon.

What Locke needs to do now is to find him on the eve of the depletion of the master soul of Tongtian cult.

Although as Locke continued to go deep into the center of the explosion, Locke\'s faith continued to decline.

The consumption of a large number of dominant souls indicates that this is a worse environment than that on the eve of hell\'s destruction.

In the deeper center of the explosion, Locke is also deterred by the extreme space.

Locke, who is extremely sensitive to power, knows that if he steps there, he will not last long even if he has an eternal soul as a support.

There is the real place of death, and the defense of Tongtian leader is lower than Locke. He experienced the first wave of the most violent rule impact.

Even though Locke did not want to believe his ending at this time, the result seemed to be beyond doubt.

At this moment, in addition to the extremely violent element tides and regular turbulence impacting Locke\'s body, Locke\'s source of destruction is also slowly absorbing the destructive power contained in this space.

This is a more pure destructive force than when hell was destroyed. After all, it indicates the fall of three level 8 creatures and The of Tara is about to be destroyed.

"The world is going to be destroyed." Styx looked up at the sky.

As a dominant life, Styx ancestors clearly felt the disintegration of the rules of the giant planet and the arrival of the complete riot of elements.

"No." Some people are not willing to accept this outcome.

Nuwa sage turned into a white light across the sky and appeared at the highest place in the sky of Tara.

The five color divine stone immediately appeared in the hands of Nu Wa saint. The leader of Tongtian cult has not been rescued. Locke is still in the middle of the explosion. How can she accept the destruction of Tara!