Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4259

At the time of the fall of Buddhist saints, zhunti saints and hundreds of millions of Buddhist disciples who were far away in the battlefield of Tara were also touched.

In fact, the cultivation system and civilization of Buddhism are somewhat similar to the bright Protoss on the road of faith.

When a Lord God of the bright Protoss falls, all angels and believers who believe in the LORD God will be sensed at the first time.

As the younger martial brother of the saints, the Buddhist JunTi saints can be said to support each other along the way. From the unpopular ordinary friars in Xihe niuzhou in those years, they have grown step by step to today\'s Buddhist supreme and famous sage level power in Xianyu.

I\'m afraid only the two of them tasted the bitterness and suffering they experienced during this period.

Don\'t say that compared with Taoist saints, these two Buddhist saints are stingy and calculating at some times.

It is not that they are naturally stingy, but their past experience and their relatively shallow foundation make them have to be stingy.

Then the sage also wanted to pack the innate treasure or the acquired treasure to his disciples for self-defense like the leader of Tongtian cult or the first emperor of the Yuan Dynasty, but the problem was that he didn\'t.

Including during the Fiesta disaster, the two saints did not plan all kinds of things, and even forced those disciples of the two religions to go to the Western Paradise to participate in Buddhism.

It is also because compared with Taoism occupying the two most fertile continents in the world, Buddhism has lived in the barren Xiniu Hezhou for a long time. Therefore, both the success rate of disciples and the discovery rate of talents are far lower than that of Taoism.

The two Buddhist saints worked hard all their lives and spent hundreds of thousands of years to create the prosperity of Buddhism today.

It is no exaggeration to say that if we separate Buddhism as a civilization, the status of the two saints in Buddhism and their contribution to Buddhism are no less than Douglas, the seventh level wizard in the wizard world, and even better.

After all, before Douglas became famous, there were five or six level casters in the wizard world earlier than he was born. Douglas also broke through himself under the shadow of his predecessors and led the wizard civilization to move forward to the large world.

However, the two sages of Buddhism started from scratch, even initiated the immortal civilization of Taoism, created a special branch of Buddhism, and led Buddhism to prosperity.

When the sage fell, the Ten Thousand Buddhas wept.

Millions of Buddhists are now on the battlefield of Tara star field. They can\'t help but stop their movements and put their hands together to silently say "Amitabha" in order to attract the saints.

Countless Buddha lights are generated from the body surface of these Buddhist monks. A combination of pure belief power and Buddha Dharma light brings another different scenery to the war-torn Tara region.

Driven by the power of faith and shrouded in the special Buddha light, I do not know how many indigenous creatures with low strength in the Tara star region were infected by it and converted to Buddhism.

"Senior brother..." His face is an indelible sadness, which leads to the great grief brought by the fall of the saint, and makes zhunti Saint forget the injury of his body and the excessive consumption of the dominant soul.

Just like a rising golden morning star over Tara, the sage zhunti, whose momentum had accumulated to a certain extent, attacked angrily. This time, he rushed straight to the location of the demon God Casolo.

Although Buddhism often emphasizes not to violate the precepts of anger, the Buddha also has three points of anger.

The war of civilization itself is a bloody war caused by resources and interests. Although the saint fell into the hands of Dugu crazy devil, it is not enough to count these accounts on all the people who are enemies of Xianyu in this war.

Although This war was initially provoked by Xianyu civilization, but now is obviously not the time to preach justice and evil.

The outbreak of zhunti saints undoubtedly reduced the pressure on Tongtian cult leader and zhenyuanzi immortal.

The demon God cassoro has reached the end of the crossbow. Under the siege of the three saints, this guy\'s impact decreases again and again. At this time, he has basically lost the opportunity to detonate the navel of the plane and fall together with the other saints.

The lacquered black eyes contain a trace of loneliness and a trace of helpless anger. The demon God Casolo in the awake state seems to have foreseen his end.

"Hum hum, is there a saint in the immortal region who fell?" Also concerned about the battlefield situation is milt, the eighth level Vatican strongman surrounded by Locke and others.

Milt, who realized the true meaning of "erasing everything is also purification", felt a certain joy and heartfelt from the deep sadness of countless Buddhas on the battlefield.

As one of the few beings in the star world who pursue absolute justice, milt hates any form and excuse of invasion.

Compared with the absolute evil of Tara civilization, Xianyu civilization brings destruction to those subordinate occupation planes and oppression of the bottom creatures. Although it is not as exaggerated as Tara, the powerful strength and unprecedented volume of Xianyu civilization are there.

Let such a powerful civilization expand and develop wantonly, they will cause more suffering and trouble to many civilizations in the star world in the future than Tara.

Needless to say, milt also has a deep blood feud with the death of tens of millions of Vatican legions in Xianyu and the fall of milch.

It seems that milt suddenly understood his value and significance from what he learned from the falling of saints introduced by Buddhism.

He wants to stop the external expansion and development of Xianyu civilization!

A pair of eyes immediately became ancient, which made Locke on the opposite battlefield suddenly feel uneasy.

Locke has seen this look more than once.

The eighth level creature Piacenza, the ancient crocodile king, the eldest son of the underworld God ingrichebo, and the seventh level peak thunder element dominate the meteorite. Their eyes are similar when they are about to fall.

But the problem now is that milt\'s master soul is obviously abundant, far from being beaten to death!

"Isn\'t it?" Locke\'s heart tightened, and then the nearby phantom Riel also sent an alarm.

He hurried to greet the old ancestor of the Styx River and the sage Nuwa. Locke, who had been attacking with all his strength, hurriedly opened the twelve products to destroy heilian for defense.

The state changes of Locke and others are in milt\'s eyes.

He took a look at Locke and his entourage under the protection of heilian. He also took a look at Tongtian cult leader who fought with the four swords of killing immortals, but didn\'t have much defense means.

What decision milt will make is clear at a glance.

The calm face gradually showed a look of relief. Milt immediately disintegrated into a dazzling holy light and rushed to the position of the leader of Tongtian cult.

"Run!" Locke\'s voice had just reached the ears of the leader of Tongtian cult. When the saint of the eighth level immortal region turned his head, he saw that the whole world was full of boundless white light.