Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4254

This is southwest of Tara.

Although the intensity of the war is slightly weaker than the terror dominated battlefield in the center of the plane and the place where the first apostle Kahn fell to the east of the plane, the air is still filled with danger and death.

Luke, the eighth apostle, is obviously not a dwarf who likes to care about others. The reason why those apostles who are more powerful than him fell into the war of civilization one by one, but he lived to the end. Luke did not just rely on luck.

It was a bony giant. Luke wouldn\'t have looked at him more if it weren\'t for the fluctuation of the breath of level 6 creatures on its surface.

The giant was rescued by Luke from a group of brain eaters. Naturally, he didn\'t save the giant with kindness, but Luke valued a large spaceship driven by those brain eaters.

It was a spaceship of a very different style from the civilization near Tara and Enze, which involved many principles and technologies that even Luke did not know.

Luke had been staring at the spaceship for a long time in the past, but he couldn\'t do it because of the alliance between the brain eaters and Tara.

When the last level 6 creature of the brain eater family was killed by a powerful sword monk in the immortal domain, Luke boldly led his group and the apostles who were willing to attach themselves to it to win the large spaceship.

It was also in the bottom prison of the large spaceship that Luke found each other\'s existence.

The giant called "big guy" by Luke is naturally naiweneryinke, the third son of the underworld God captured by level 7 brain eater kilaya at the end of the underworld war.

The once strong man in the underworld is now covered with scars and blood scabs.

Luke saved him. In return, naiweneryink, who had little power left, did his best to help Luke and his family destroy all the brain eaters on the spaceship.

It may be precisely because of this experience of fighting side by side. At this time, Luke and neveryink did not have the gap caused by the gap of life level, nor the special relationship between prisoners and rescuers.

Neville inke\'s innate hatred and the vent of his imprisonment career for tens of thousands of years led to the tragic end of those brain eaters on the spaceship.

Luke saw more than once that naiweneryinke used his thick fingers to pick out those dirty and ugly brain eaters from the brains of the parasitic bodies, and then swallowed them into his mouth regardless of each other\'s howling for mercy.

The burst of black and red plasma brought by chewing teeth is enough to make any sane creature sick.

But naiweneryinke didn\'t. He even felt a touch of comfort and comfort because he heard those despicable brain eaters begging for mercy in his belly.

Similarly, Luke was not frightened by Neville\'s atrocities. In fact, living in the land of Tara, Luke had seen more dark and disgusting things than this.

To become one of the nine apostles, in addition to his excellent equipment manufacturing and invention ability, Luke\'s psychological endurance is not poor.

Facing Luke\'s invitation, he lay beside the spaceship, quietly felt the howling of the dying brain eater in his belly, and turned his head to look over.

Because the brain eaters have always held it in closed custody, this guy doesn\'t know that his second brother is in the blue fist martial arts star domain next door.

Not even in the blue fist martial arts star domain, Luke just told it that he was in the Tara battlefield at this time.

For neveryink, his memory still stays at the end of the underworld war.

Although he did not want to believe that his eldest brother was dead, the fluctuation of terrorist rules from the center of the plane, as well as the unique smell of destruction rules of those immortal saints and Locke, made it not difficult for neveryink to guess the final outcome of the underworld.

Shaking his head, Neville inke refused Luke\'s invitation.

He plans to usher in the end of his life here. Although with his extremely weak level 6 strength at this time, I\'m afraid he can\'t even hurt a hair of the masters such as Locke on the central battlefield, he doesn\'t want to continue to live.

Nike\'s refusal made Luke shake his head and sigh.

If one more level-6 creature escorts them, they will have a greater chance of rushing out of the chaotic battlefield in Tara.

However, naiweneryinke had refused, and Luke did not continue to struggle with it.

Command the group to start the spacecraft as soon as possible. It doesn\'t want to stay in this extremely dangerous civilized battlefield for a moment.

Seeing Luke\'s spaceship take off slowly, he touched his calmed belly. Naiweneryink pulled out a black devil tree with a height of 60 meters in the nearby battlefield, so he resisted on his shoulder and walked slowly to the center of the plane.

Black magic tree is a special plant of Tara star. It can survive in Tara star with extremely bad regular environment and grow to a height of 60 meters. The body surface hardness of black magic tree is not inferior to that of alloy steel.

It\'s a pity that the world-class secret treasure of naiweneryinke, the yellow spring green halberd, was taken away by kilaya, a level 7 brain eater. Otherwise, the third son of the dark God wouldn\'t randomly pull up a big tree as a weapon.

It was also naiweneryinke who had just taken a few steps to the central battlefield of the plane, and a violent roar and element explosion sounded from above his head.

The spaceship, which had not yet flown too far, slowly fell to the continent below in a burst of smoke and fire.

At the same time, hundreds of streamers flew from all directions of the nearby battlefield to the falling direction of the spacecraft.

"Don\'t let them go!" A level five Sword Fairy in white robe stepped on the green sword and said to the friars around while flying in the direction of the spaceship.

If you look closely, you will find that the chest of these hundreds of sword repairmen is tattooed with the words "Shushan".

The appearance of hundreds of sword repairs is just an appetizer.

Tens of thousands of immortal friars gathered here from all directions, which also indicates the direction and final outcome of the Tara war.

Neville inke\'s step forward was a pause. After thinking for a moment, the big guy decided to help Luke and his people.

After all, Luke, the eighth apostle, should be the only one who has been kind to it in recent tens of thousands of years.

Holding a black devil tree, naiweneryinke, who rushed into the place where the spacecraft fell, is definitely a bully in the nearby battlefield.

After all, level 6 creatures are the ones at the top of the pyramid on the battlefield of civilization.

Although there are many great luojinxian and quasi saints in Xianyu civilization, they are not scattered to every local battlefield.

When two level-4 sword immortals of Shushan sword sect fell one after another, including the level-5 Xuanxian, who was also seriously injured by a tree root of naiweneryinke.

The famous Sword Fairy decisively crushed the jade amulet around his waist, "tell martial uncle Ziying that there is a golden fairy demon Chong here!"