Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4255

Changes in the war on Tara have also caused unexpected changes, as well as milt, the eighth level Vatican strongman who has just arrived outside Tara.

The chaotic plane rules and waves, as well as milt\'s own ultra-high attainments in the field of space, did not attract the attention of the in-plane creatures when he arrived outside Tara and hid in sub space.

The main energy of Locke and others at this time is also on the demon God kasoro who is in a crazy situation in front of him.

"In this way, the destruction of Tara and the end of the war in Tara are faster than expected."

"No, it can\'t end so soon!"

"Including the self explosion of the demon God cassoro, it may not be able to pull those immortal saints into the water."

"If you add me..."

The pensive color of his face gradually turned firm, and then milt flew to the dominant battlefield in the middle of Tara.


Above the umbilicus of the plane.

Maybe Locke and others failed to find the abnormality of the surrounding regular environment, but as the local master of Tara, Casolo felt a difference from the obscure spatial fluctuations nearby.

It was a breath of disgust familiar to him. Cassoro did not expect that he would fight side by side with his old opponent at the end of his life.

A sneer flashed through his dark, repressed black eyes. In order to cooperate with milt, Casolo increased his impact and release of dominance.

The muddy yellow barrier comes from the land book of zhenyuanzi immortal, the black lotus petal is defended by Locke\'s destruction Black Lotus, and the crimson energy position comes from the ancestor of Styx river.

In the face of the regardless of loss impact of the demon God cassoro, in addition to the destruction master Locke, zhenyuanzi immortal and Styx ancestors all had a very difficult time.

What milt said outside the throne is not wrong. According to the fighting method of the demon God cassoro, whether he can drag Locke and others into the water in less than 200 years is another matter. I\'m afraid he will consume himself first.

And for 200 years, some overestimated cassoro\'s strength.

In fact, with the remaining amount and consumption of Casolo\'s omnipotent soul at this time, it is questionable whether he can last another 50 years.

This kind of eight level master with the heart of death should be the most difficult existence in the star world.

Locke and others don\'t want to consume the omnipotent soul with Casolo, because the more omnipotent souls they lose, in a way, it is also like Casolo\'s intention.

The immortal killing four swords and the God killing gun constantly hit Casolo\'s body.

Every impact, as well as the creation of every injury, is killing Casolo\'s life.

Nu Wa sage and others are doing everything at the moment to hurt Casolo as much as possible. If there is no accident, Casolo will not only be difficult to detonate the navel of the plane, but also fall early without the loss of the dominant soul.

But accidents always happen so suddenly.

"Be careful!" The first to discover the changes in the surrounding space is the Nu Wa saint who owns the map of the country, a world-class secret treasure.

The phantom Riel, who is not far away from Locke, warned at the same time as the Nu Wa saint.

It was also the first time that the two women\'s voice had just fallen, and an incomparably bright power of holy light had appeared beside Locke and the leader of Tongtian cult.

Locke is no stranger to this giant hammer that exudes the power of holy light.

"Boom!" A violent shock and rule turbulence swept Tara inside and outside again.

Because the power of the holy light is inherently in conflict with the original will of Tara, this repentance hammer that coerces the eighth level creature milt to strike with all his strength not only adds a lot of injuries to Locke and the leader of Tongtian cult in the center of the battlefield, but also causes great damage to Tara itself.

After all, below this dominating battlefield is the navel of Tara\'s plane.

The pain chanting from the plane will weakens the power of blessing the rules on the body of hundreds of millions of Tara creatures and the demon God cassoro.

Especially the demon God cassoro, the source of law surging from below the plane has been thin enough to be invisible.

Without the blessing of plane will, this guy will fall faster.

However, at this time, the demon God cassoro did not mind the loss of those original rule blessings.

The emergence of milt, the eighth level Vatican strongman, undoubtedly shared the great pressure of cassoro.

Moreover, milt\'s sudden attack also brought a lot of damage to Locke and Tongtian leader in the middle of the battlefield.

The leader of Tongtian sect was in the worst situation at this time. Because he was unprepared for milt\'s appearance, the truncated leader\'s back was directly hit with a blood hole by the holy light hammer.

The bloody injury made the leader of Tongtian pale, but the expression of the leader\'s face didn\'t change much.

The consumption of a large number of masters of the omnipotent soul makes the injury on the back of Tongtian cult leader recover quickly at a speed that creatures below level 7 can\'t understand.

In the blink of an eye, the state of Tongtian cult leader returned to the peak again.

It seems that the picture of milt hitting the Catholic leader just now is just an illusion.

However, only the individuals who are the same masters know how many masters\' souls Tongtian cult leader spent to recover these injuries.

However, in the anxious and fierce battlefield at the moment, it is obvious that it is not the focus to care about the loss of the dominant soul.

As milt\'s sneak target, Locke\'s situation is better than that of Tongtian leader, but it\'s only a little better.

In addition to taking care of himself, Locke also distracted himself from providing some shelter to the nearby ancestors of the Styx River, Nu Wa saint, phantom rier, etc., so that the twelve products destroyed heilian. At that moment, the defense area expanded several times.

The expansion of defense area inevitably means that the average strength of defense will decrease a lot. This is the balance law of the star world.

Therefore, although he had twelve pieces of destruction Black Lotus and close fitting bone armor, Locke was also hurt.

"Some regret lending the curse armor to Nu Wa Saint before." Locke muttered.

Although he was badly hurt, Locke\'s strength over the leader of Tongtian cult is that he can not only have the soul of the master to recover from his injury, but also transfer the life energy in the lost paradise to recover.

A trace of life fluorescence appears on Locke\'s body surface. Although these life forces are much worse than the immediate recovery effect of the dominant soul, at least this thing belongs to renewable resources.

As long as there is a new life in the paradise lost and it is always in a vibrant state, Locke can have waves of leeks to cut.

As for the excessive allocation of life energy, resulting in the decline of the overall activity of Paradise Lost and the loss to plants such as golden apple trees, it will take a long time to recuperate and repair.

Locke and Tongtian leader, who recovered in an instant, continued to kill milt and Casolo respectively.

The leader of Tongtian cult is still the demon God Casolo trapped by the immortal sword array.

Locke flew to milt. This is the third time Locke fought milt, and this time, it is likely to be the last war between them.