Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4253

When Locke provided defense protection for Nu Wa saint in the rear, the leader of Tongtian cult in front also set up the immortal killing sword array in an instant.

The extremely turbulent tide of destructive power collided with the extremely fierce immortal killing sword Qi. The power impact and rule turbulence aroused for a time were far more than before.

Unlike Locke\'s simple defense, the leader of Tongtian cult chose to "fight violence with violence" in the face of the crazy move of the demon God cassoro.

In terms of killing nature, the immortal killing sword Qi is definitely one of the top power factors in the star world.

In those days, the leader of Tongtian cult, who was only a seven level life level, could cut off a finger of the Supreme God with the four swords of killing immortals. Now he has eight levels of strength, and the lethality of the leader of Tongtian cult is obviously more powerful.

And as the master of immortal civilization, although Locke has not yet found out how these immortal saints restore the master soul, through his understanding of Tongtian cult leader and Nvwa saint, Locke found that they also seem to have a certain way to restore the master soul like the bright Protoss.

Countless souls of the masters are also pouring out of the Tongtian cult.

These omnipotent souls were immediately transformed into extremely fierce immortal killing sword Qi by Tongtian cult leader.

In just a moment, the energy storm suffered by the demon God cassoro was reduced by one-third, including the blood of the demon God cassoro himself.

This collision between absolute power and power is obviously a rare spectacle in the star world.

Kakarok, a Super Saiyan who is also a corner of the battlefield, is also excited by the battlefield atmosphere.

Into a dark red energy beam, kakarot flew straight to the center where the demon God Casolo fought with the leader of Tongtian cult.

At the same time, there are also actions, as well as the phantom rier in the other triangle of the battlefield, the ancestor of Styx River and zhenyuanzi immortal.

In fact, for this almost desperate battle, the ancestor of Styx, who was born in the devil way, didn\'t want to get involved.

However, his grandson-in-law Locke was there, and Nvwa saint and Tongtian leader had always had a good relationship with him.

After only a little hesitation, the ancestor of Styx also rushed over.

Twelve industry fire red lotus provides strong defense and mobility for the ancestors of Styx river. The ancestors of Styx River are not as crazy as kakarot, so he did not rashly join the power vortex of the level 8 strong over there, but chose to approach the saints Locke and Nuwa.

The actions of the immortal zhenyuanzi and the phantom Riel were faster than those of the Styx ancestor, but they moved too slowly in this battlefield, so they were soon overtaken by the Styx ancestor.

In the collision between the infinite source of destruction and power, the blue-green eyes of the phantom Riel emit a glimmer of fluorescence.

It seemed that she saw something from the scene of destruction.


Affected by the destruction caused by the demon God cassoro, there is also the battlefield pattern in all aspects of the Tara star domain.

As the whole world is threatened by the collision of such rules and forces, the original will of Tara also feels a touch of uneasiness and palpitation.

If you observe carefully, you will find that the law flood flowing into cassoro\'s body from the navel of the plane is weaker than before.

On the one hand, raise one\'s life and civilization.

By observing the character and behavior style of Tara indigenous creatures, we can roughly see the original will and attitude of their living plane.

There is no doubt that the original will of Tara is not a selfless maternal will.

Even the chaotic will of hell did everything to find a way to survive on the eve of destruction.

Obviously, Tara\'s will, which is more \'normal\' than hell\'s will, will not be so easy to die.

The change of rules in all aspects and the fluctuation of element concentration are actually the will of Tara to change the current deadlock as much as possible and create a way for itself.

Unfortunately, Tara\'s will is too slow.

So slow that what it did could not keep up with the action of the demon God cassoro.

East of Tara, on the top of endless mountains.

Chaotic fighting and incomprehensible roars rise and fall here.

This is just one place in the grand Tara battlefield. I don\'t know how many Tara stars there are in such scuffles.

It was also in this chaotic situation that such a person stood quietly on the top of the mountain, as if the killing and passage of life around her could not affect her.

The throbbing of the will of the plane and the impact of the terror master in the center of the plane made the black robed Toupeng man standing on the top of the mountains finally stand up.

"Why? This shouldn\'t be the end of Tara." A clear voice came from the hood.

As the canopy fell, in addition to a soft and beautiful long silver hair, it also attracted people\'s attention. It was this humanoid woman who obviously had a better face. The left half of her face was composed of extremely terrible fine silver eyes.

With countless dense eyes, people can see that the woman\'s first feeling is "uneasiness" and "fear".

She is also the second apostle of Tara on the battlefield of Tara, who was offered a reward of 200 million yuan by the major gates and saints of the immortal domain, and has the title of "tearful eye".

Except for the identity of the second apostle, what the vast majority of the native creatures of Tara do not know is that she is also the contemporary guardian of Tara.

If the great immortal sect and Saint Daoting knew about it, I\'m afraid Hurd\'s reward would double or double.

Because taking a guardian will provide all the assistance and advantages for conquering one aspect, there is no need to repeat it.

It seemed that he was not angry that Tara was destroyed. The second apostle Hurd flew up in an instant and flew to the battlefield in the middle of Tara.


Different from the second apostle flying straight towards the center of the battle of domination, the other of the two apostles in Tara was focused on how to escape from this terrible world.

The impact of the dominant force from the center of the plane and the turbulence of terrorist rules made Luke, the eighth apostle with level 5 strength, tremble.

It is the only one of the nine apostles in Tara who has a life level below level 6.

The reason why he can be valued by the demon God cassoro and be an apostle to each other is due to his extremely exaggerated manufacturing ability and unrestrained creativity.

To put it bluntly, it is precisely because of the existence of the \'maker\' Luke.

In the past 200000 years, the amazing number of magic puppet legions and warships and airships encountered in the process of marching on Enze star domain have not shown much weakness on Tara.

Although all aspects of Luke\'s mechanical legions and armor forces are weaker than Enze continent.

But considering that he is the only one on Tara, and the grace continent has the wisdom of a whole human in heaven.

So it can be seen that this guy\'s ability is not weak.

"Hey, big guy, do you want to go with me!" Luke, who was only 1.5 meters tall, turned and rushed to a giant who was 100 meters away next to the warship.