Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4249

"No, I should say that."

"Haven\'t you found out yet? He\'s actually locked me." Milch shook his head slightly and sighed to the blind old man Alan.

Outside the chaotic battlefield of the desolate world, Tao Zu Hongjun came step by step to the depths of the Vatican army.

As early as the first time Hongjun appeared, kiraya, a level 7 brain eater, smeared oil on the soles of his feet and fled to the depths of the star world.

The two seventh level masters of the Holy See did not consider fleeing alone, either because they were determined to join the Holy See army or because they were locked by Hongjun.

Milch\'s sigh caused a silence from the blind old man Alan.

Due to his blindness, old man Allen could not see the surging tide wrapped by Hongjun in the nearby star sky, but all the warning signs and tips from the heart of the sword were telling old man Allen that this was definitely the strongest enemy he had ever contacted in his life.

There is a qualitative gap between the existence of the demon God Casolo of Tara, the leader of Tongtian cult, the destruction master Locke and the Hongjun at this time.

"I will release all the power of the holy light and break a gap as much as possible."

"You lead the most elite undead army to break through. You can escape as much as you can." Milch said.

There was no time to communicate more with the blind old man Alan. At this time, the Holy See Lord milch suddenly released the dazzling power of holy light.

Because Hongjun has appeared not far in front of them.

In fact, observing the fluctuation of the holy light power on milch at this time, we can find that his state at the moment is very similar to the martial devil Dugu crazy in the blue fist world.

Both of them force themselves to achieve the ability of short-term cross-level combat by burning the soul of the master.

However, milch\'s pressure was better than that of Dugu crazy devil.

And his practice of facing level nine creatures with a body of level seven can also be called tragic and decisive.

Not to mention the fierce collision in the depths of the Vatican army, at this time, on the edge of the Vatican army, it is also a weak point in the space confined by Hongjun. Here, there is also a collision and confrontation between dominant creatures about to occur.

"You haven\'t died yet. Your racial talents and characteristics are rare, and you can absorb and borrow the power of fallen masters." Desperate spider mother appeared in the starry sky. At this time, she was forced to the corner opposite. It was kiraya, a level 7 brain eater.

Behind kilaya, a light blue grid seal barrier blocked kilaya\'s retreat.

This light blue seal barrier is the work of Taoist ancestors. Rao is the seventh level master. It is not easy to break this barrier, not to mention those bottom combat legions on the battlefield.

Level 7 brain eater kilaya\'s face is slightly white at this time, but because it parasitizes the body with ice blue skin, he can\'t see anything different at the moment.

Kilaya is no stranger to the desperate spider mother.

It is no exaggeration to say that in the brain eater space war tens of thousands of years ago, two of the three seventh level parasites in kilaya fell due to the mother of the desperate spider.

For this terrible existence that makes his body into the dominant corpse fluid, kilaya has some pre heaven fear, as if he were like a sinister insect that met the natural enemy.

"Originally, Daozu said I didn\'t have to do it, but since I met you, I have reason to take care of it." Said the desperate spider mother.

Her words undoubtedly put kilaya to death.

Although he hasn\'t started yet, kilaya is not even the opponent of the unfathomable woman in front of him.

And the power and authority of the other party confirmed that he was an eight level master.

"Around my life, I can provide you with clues to a top civilization relic, including my dominant body, from that relic!" Kilaya tried to buy off the desperate spider mother in front of her.

"No interest." The desperate spider mother shook her head slightly, followed by a white spider web field, which spread in all directions centered on the desperate spider mother.

At the same time, facing the domination of the desperate spider mother and the space confinement of Daozu Hongjun, kilaya\'s breakthrough difficulty is even more difficult than those holy see legions.

"No!" Kilaya roared. This guy with great ambition and wild hope didn\'t want to fall here so easily.


When the war outside the boundless world is in full swing, and countless creatures\' blood and corpses are scattered all over the starry battlefield, the battle of Tara finally ushers in a turning change!

On the lacquered black earth full of decadent and strange chaotic elements, a giant with a height of more than 1000 meters could not help bending his knees and half kneeling down.

Countless blood seeped through the giant\'s body surface, and there were two extremely heavy wounds on the giant\'s chest and abdomen.

One of them is an exaggerated invagination wound. I don\'t know how terrible it is, which directly breaks the hardest spine of the giant\'s chest.

The other is the penetrating wound in his abdomen. A trace of burning crimson flame is constantly eroding the giant\'s body and spirit, including the dominant blood flowing on the giant at this time, which is also caused by the splitting of this special sword.

The first apostle of Tara, Kahn, who has the title of "fatalist", finally became the first dominant creature to fall in this unprecedented war.

Around Strauss Kahn, a total of six dominant creatures surrounded him.

Among these masters, the most dazzling and powerful is Locke\'s number one horse, kakarot.

However, kakarot only pursues fighting with the strong. In the face of the doomed Strauss Kahn at this time, kakarot disdains to give the other party a final blow.

The closest master to kakarot is the phantom Riel.

The level-7 female demon with all kinds of strange means and incredible abilities also stopped her hand not long ago. The actual damage she caused to the fatalist Kahn is actually very limited. Riel\'s real role is that she uses the magic field to put an end to Kahn\'s idea of breaking through or forcibly pulling a lord to die together.

Nuwa sage and zhenyuanzi immortal are also quietly staring at Strauss Kahn at the moment.

In the process of killing Strauss Kahn, the two immortal domain masters did not provide much frontal attack, but there were a lot of supplementary defense and auxiliary blessings.

It is impolite to say that Strauss Kahn, as a dominant power, faced a bleak ending in just a few hundred years, which is inseparable from the perfect cooperation of these masters who besieged it.

There are output, defense, outbreak, sneak attack, nanny and other auxiliary means. These six masters attack at the same time, not to mention killing a fatalist Kahn who has entered the level 7 realm for a short time. Even for the upper level 8 creatures, they can fight back and forth.

In fact, these masters are also paying attention to solve the war here as soon as possible and go to Tongtian sect leader to help.