Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4250

Kakarot disdains to take action. No one knows the idea of phantom Riel. Zhenyuanzi immortal and Nuwa sage are not very good at attack.

Just as the Buddha zhunti saint was considering whether to complete the last blow against the fatalist Kahn by himself, a blood red rule suddenly appeared around him.

As the ancestor of the Styx River, he is not as cold and arrogant as kakarot, nor as coy as zhenyuanzi immortal and Nuwa saint.

The sword wound penetrating the abdomen of fatalist Strauss Kahn is the pen of the ancestors of Styx.

Anyway, countless wounds have been added to Strauss Kahn, and the ancestor of Styx is not bad for this last one.

Yuan Tu and a Bi, two world-class treasures, express the extremely sharp spirit of killing. At the moment, the twelve product industry fire red lotus is also around the ancestors of Styx River, providing a surge of industry fire power blessing.

Like a volcanic column rising into the sky, Styx ancestors stabbed Strauss Kahn\'s chest.

After hundreds of years of fighting, Styx ancestors and others have found out the weaknesses and strengths of the fatalist Strauss Kahn.

The strength of Strauss Kahn lies in his amazing physique and strength, but this strength and physique appear weak and listless when facing the stronger kakarot.

As for Strauss Kahn\'s weakness, his chest is one.

It seems to contain a special crystal similar to the heart or divine personality, and it is also the source of more than 70% of Strauss Kahn\'s strength.

With a ready blow from the ancestors of the Styx River, Strauss Kahn\'s heavy eyelids fell slightly.

With an unparalleled exaggerated giant physique, his only strength is obviously not enough to support him to block the attack of Styx ancestors.

"Boom!" A loud noise, accompanied by an extremely turbulent and intense fluctuation of dominant power, appeared in the southeast of Tara.

The tide of dominating power and terrorist elements raging around swept a large area around the battlefield in an instant.

However, fortunately, at the beginning of the battle of domination, both Tara creatures and immortal legions knew that here and in the middle of the plane were dangerous places they could not set foot in.

The terrorist turbulence and rule impact caused by the fall of the master did not cause more casualties in the nearby battlefield, but the ugly and dark land of Tara was full of holes and ravines after this round of baptism.

The center of the plane.

Feeling the breath of level seven master Kahn gradually dissipated, the demon God cassoro did not show any emotional sadness because of the body of his powerful men.

This is a ruthless level 8 creature with the desire to destroy and devour. I\'m afraid the only thing that can really interest it in the whole star world is destruction and killing.

In other words, this is a more pure destruction master than Locke.

Fortunately, Locke did not grow into an existence like it.

With the fall of the first apostle Strauss Kahn, there was an obvious commotion and chaos in the Legion of apostles and slave creatures on the battlefield of Tara.

Today, seven of the nine apostles of Tara have died.

Only the second apostle Hurd and the eighth apostle Luke remained.

These two apostles, both under the command of the demon God cassoro, are not very good at fighting.

Hurd\'s means are deception and prophecy. Her highest record was the silent curse that killed a level 6 creature.

Luke\'s means was to make more than half of the fortifications and war equipment on Tara, which was supervised by this guy.

When chaos swept across Tara, the demon God Casolo was also entangled by two masters of the same level. Hundreds of millions of Tara creatures and those slave creatures had to consider their own future.

Some intelligent and sensible guys have raised their hands for the first time and surrendered to the Xianyu Legion in the Tara battlefield.

And surrender is also divided into eyesight, price and luck.

If you surrender to the demon Legion under the command of Buddhism and Locke, you can probably save one life.

Buddhism pays attention to putting down the butcher\'s knife and becoming a Buddha. Most Buddhists will give you a chance to convert as long as they are not the top apostles above level 4 who kill countless Buddhists.

The elves under Locke\'s command are not that kind of bloodthirsty existence, especially if they are lucky enough to meet the destruction Angel Legion led by the wing angel safiros, it\'s uncertain that these unlucky people who surrender will have better treatment.

But if you encounter the demon clan, Taoist friars and the demons and demon legions under Locke, the outcome of these apostles and slave creatures will not change much.

The demon clan doesn\'t mind filling their belly by the way. The demons harvest their souls, and the demons enjoy blood and killing. Those Taoist disciples won\'t talk about justice with these exotic creatures because of the hatred brought by the war.

Although the battle of level 8 master is not over yet, the war on Tara has gradually stabilized.

The body of the fatalist Strauss Kahn and other booty were collected. Styx ancestors and others were not in a hurry to divide up the benefits of the dominant war, but turned around and flew to the battlefield where Locke and others were located.

Among the masters who flew to help in the war, the one who rushed in the front row was kakarot with a strong breath.


The border of grace.

The fate of Strauss Kahn\'s body fell, which made milt frown slightly.

Because there has never been a saint in the fairy kingdom to help, the fall of Strauss Kahn and the collapse of Tara are faster than the Holy See originally expected.

This was beyond the Holy See\'s plan, but what immediately changed milt\'s face was the sharp pain in his heart.

"Milch... No!" Milt\'s eyes were reddish, and the power of the terrible holy light directly shattered the meteorite fragments and two broken planes floating in the nearby stars.

The two leaders of the Vatican share the same heart and brotherhood, and jointly created today\'s prosperous era of grace mainland.

Although no intuitive war reports and information came, the faint pain in my heart undoubtedly proved something.

A dazzling holy light suddenly crossed the boundless interstellar and flew in the direction of the blue fist Wudao star domain and even the immortal domain.

Only when they arrived at the border of the blue fist martial arts star domain, the beam of holy light, which was extremely fierce and even determined to breathe, stopped.

"Milch didn\'t use the tower of hope traction to call me over, just didn\'t want me to get there."

"No matter what exists in the depths of the immortal region, for the grace mainland holy see at this time, it is no longer necessary to continue the war." Milt whispered in the light.

A holy light edict, followed by faith means, conveys the minds of all the powerful Vaticans in the grace star domain and the blue fist Wudao star domain.

The information received by the powerful Vatican in the blue fist Wudao star domain is to evacuate the Wudao star domain as soon as possible and return to the land of grace.

The local Vatican people in the grace star region received the news that they gathered their believers and the people of the Vatican, ready to give up the grace star region and flee to a more distant extraterritorial void.