Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4248

Milt did not care about the anxious battle of Tara and the outcome of the first apostle Kahn.

The only thing that makes milt extremely concerned and concerned is that over the past 400 years, the Vatican Legion that has gone deep into the chaos and emptiness of the fairy kingdom has continued to send good reports of war.

But since 40 years ago, the news about the tens of millions of Vatican legions has been completely interrupted.

Although on such civilized battlefields, the 40 year information vacuum period is nothing, perhaps those holy see legions are in a fierce battle and have no time to send war reports to the rear in time?

Although this explanation is pale and far fetched, milt, a strong man of the eighth level Vatican, can only comfort himself.

In fact, with the elite and strict discipline of the Holy See corps, it is a basic requirement for every Holy See corps to convey war reports to the headquarters of Enze mainland every ten years.

With the violation of this basic regulation, something must have happened.

Milt would rather believe that the Vatican Legion was caught in a fierce battle with the monks stationed in Xianyu than guess the worst result.

"It\'s too abrupt and risky to directly attack the hinterland of one party\'s top civilization."

"Those masters of the immortal realm have no help. They must rely on them in the parent star realm." Milt mused.

"But if the Vatican Legion encounters factors that cannot be defeated, why doesn\'t milch use the traction of the tower of hope to send me to the battlefield to help the Vatican Legion?" Milton strange way.

In the center of the grace continent, a little bright blue light shines, but this giant tower with infinite holy light and faith has never been inspired.

"Unless..." Milt seemed to be aware of something and suddenly looked deep into the immortal domain.

"Unless milch thinks that even if I go there, I can\'t save the end!"

"But what the hell is that?" Milt\'s eyes became more and more dignified.


Deep in the immortal realm.

Outside the wasteland world, a fierce, but also can be called a devastating war, took place here.

With the guidance of the Heaven Road alliance Morro, the time for these Vatican legions to arrive outside the boundless world is faster than expected.

They deliberately avoided several medium-sized cultivation worlds in Xianyu. When the army arrived outside the flood world, even the Jade Emperor and queen mother, who led millions of heavenly soldiers and generals outside the flood world, were somewhat unexpected.

If you only rely on the Jade Emperor and queen mother, the cauliflower is really cold.

But fortunately, they are not the protagonists in this war.

The Vatican army\'s war strategy of directly attacking Huanglong is faster than the bright Protoss in those days.

However, after all, it is only a large world civilization, not the top civilization like the bright Protoss.

After the bright Protoss reached the depths of the immortal realm, the level 8 Eternal Lord found that there was a top existence in the depths of the immortal realm that they could not fight against.

But for the Vatican legion, they can only break into black one way.

And unlike the light Protoss, they do not exist like the Supreme God to tell them the truth.

The extremely terrible elements and energy tides gather outside the wasteland world, which is a means to collect the rules and energy of the whole world.

As an eight level master, including the desperate spider mother who was at the peak of that year, she could never achieve Hongjun\'s means.

Because in addition to the overriding life level and law control means, Hongjun\'s ability is also applied to the power of his guardian.

Just a blow!

In the view of immortal friars, Taoist Zu Hongjun just waved his right hand forward, but for tens of millions of Vatican legions outside the boundless world, it was an irresistible terrorist energy storm and sudden drop of element tide.

The power of countless fairies directly dispersed tens of millions of Vatican legions.

Because of the Holy See\'s doctrine and style of conduct, these holy see legions were not equipped with slave creatures.

Wizard civilization can easily pull up hundreds of millions or more combat legions, because slave creatures account for a large proportion of these civilization legions.

One thing the Holy See Legion and the light protoss have in common is that they have no slave creatures.

Without slaves, it means that tens of millions of Holy See elite legions will have no qualified cannon fodder and front row replacement ghosts.

In just a moment, tens of millions of Vatican legions were directly blown by the power of terrible fairies, and the remaining Vatican legions that were dispersed were also seriously killed and injured.

Sure enough, it is reasonable for level 9 creatures to have many shackles in the star world. If such terror is allowed to have unscrupulous vent power, even if the star world is vast, they will poke a hole one day.

It is also thanks to the fact that the Vatican Legion is more elite and cohesive than ordinary combat legions.

Otherwise, Tao Zu Hongjun\'s blow was not as simple as easily erasing thousands of creatures.

Although it has just experienced a great terror that can not be understood and resisted, the remaining legions of the Holy See, led by their respective military leaders and strong men above level 4, are still cheering up and forming a group.

Beyond the boundless world, millions of heavenly soldiers and generals, as well as more local friars and demon families in the immortal region, spontaneously rushed to the Holy See army after the attack of Taoist Zu Hongjun.

Among these immortal armies, the most dazzling is not the giant level 6 biological giant spirit God of Tianting.

Nor are they two hermits who have never appeared in the wasteland, but have reached the quasi holy level.

But the blue dragon, the silver white tiger, the red rosefinch and the blue basalt!

The four holy beasts have quasi holy peak strength, and with the blessing of the local rules of the wilderness, each of them has the combat power of the desperate at the peak.

The four holy beasts were killed in four directions towards the depths of the Vatican army.

Everywhere we went, there was a bloody storm.

The Holy See leader milch looked very bad at this time. He tried to withdraw all the legions on the battlefield with the tower of hope. However, due to the turbulent rules and the chaotic elements on the surrounding battlefield, it was difficult for the tower of hope to complete the positioning of the Holy See Legion.

What\'s more, the tower of hope can\'t help the Vatican army retreat at this time. I\'m afraid it\'s not just caused by environmental factors, but by the terrorist existence in the starry sky!

We can\'t withdraw, but we can ask for help from Enze mainland through the tower of hope.

This sinister situation makes it easy for milch to guess that it is the intentional arrangement of the middle-aged man with a long sword in the starry sky.

Milch naturally could not let more Vatican legions come to die, and he had vaguely sensed that the nearby space was locked, and finally determined where his initial anxiety came from.

"You can\'t die. My sword Qi should be able to break through the weak points in the space of the nearby battlefield. You should lead the Vatican army to evacuate as much as possible. I\'ll break the rear." Blind old man Alan came to milch through the chaotic and violent tide of fairy power and said in a deep voice.