Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4247

"According to the report, a plane was found ahead. Observed by the detector, it was a low-level world." In front of the Vatican army, a Vatican level Four strongman appeared in front of the Pope milch and reported.

From the blue fist Wudao star domain through the chaotic void to the immortal domain, it is naturally impossible for the Holy See Legion to reach beyond the boundless world from the beginning.

The desolate world is located in the depths of the immortal realm. Therefore, even if these Vatican legions are directly inserted into the hinterland of the immortal realm, it will take some time to reach outside the desolate world.

The appearance of a complete low-level plane of one party\'s rules relaxed the uneasiness of the seventh level leader of the holy see a little.

The unknown will bring fear. After discovering the first attack target, milch\'s steadfast psychology makes him feel certain.

"Is there any abnormality in this low-level world?" Asked milch, who was soon in shape.

"I haven\'t found the particularity of this low-level plane yet, but the other party seems to have found our arrival. There have been many immortal friars outside the ruling plane." The Vatican\'s fourth level strongman replied.

The Holy See\'s Legion marched from the blue fist martial arts star domain to the immortal domain. Even if those local monks in the immortal domain were not aware of the crisis and wanted to come to expound, the original Tianzun and others could find a way to send the news back.

So milch was not surprised to hear that the monks who stayed in the immortal region had made a defensive posture.

He even said that the other party\'s attitude of being in a tight array made milch, who was always uneasy, relax.

Nodding, milch ordered "attack!"


The main battlefield of Tara, outside Tara.

Outside the dark and ugly giant planet, Locke stood on his back under the star beast, overlooking the battlefield below.

Because the tyrant was very disgusted with the dangerous rule environment of Tara, this guy was not in the front line of the battlefield, so he temporarily ran to serve as Locke\'s mount.

As for Locke\'s original mount, the bereaved Tyrannosaurus, who led a destruction legion, has been killed into Tara together with the winged angel safiros and others.

As the Tara space war officially entered the decisive stage, the legions originally dispatched by Locke also returned one after another.

Now, in addition to the part of the devil\'s Legion led by the white eyed Witch and the gluttonous devil mstan, who is still helping the demon family under the saint Nuwa to attack a medium-sized plane, all the other combat legions under Locke have been put into the Tara battlefield.

Naturally, there is no need to mention those ferocious and fierce demons. To Locke\'s surprise, the hundreds of thousands of destruction Angel legions led by the wing angel safiros are also very enthusiastic about the war on Tara.

In safiros\' own words, it is "the corruption, darkness and chaos I feel from this huge world. The faith in my heart guides me to purify it."

Although he has separated from the light Protoss, safiros and his angel subordinates have not got rid of some of their temperament and values developed in the light Protoss.

This is a group of angels with a bottom line. In addition, the battlefield of Tara contains a lot of destructive power, and Locke let them go.

Tens of millions of legions under his command joined the war in Tara, which brought tens of billions of magic coins to Locke.

When this decisive battle is over, Locke\'s resource income will be higher.

But none of these benefits moved him more than the other information he had just learned.

"What, the Vatican army is heading for Xianyu?" Locke looked at Nu Wa saint in front of him in surprise.

He thought that with the Holy See\'s advantage in the star domain of blue boxing and martial arts, he would give priority to helping the remnant of blue boxing and martial arts to recover the country. Unexpectedly, the other party directly killed the hinterland of Xianyu.

If the general large-scale plane is hit by this disaster, it will definitely dispatch the main Legion for help at the first time.

But Xianyu civilization is an exception, because in the center of the ruling plane, there is a ceiling that can be called the peak of the star world.

"My elder martial brother Yuanshi Tianzun has given up his retreat plan and plans to stick to the blue fist Wudao world and Wudao star domain."

"Now he is still waiting for the news from the depths of the immortal domain." Nu Wa said the sage.

At the smell, Locke nodded.

"It seems that the war will end soon. I just don\'t know when the Holy See Legion will meet Daozu in Xianyu." Locke said.

"Knight Locke, aren\'t you going to take part in the battle of Tara yourself?"

"Senior brother zhunti\'s old wound has not healed. There has always been a gap between Styx River and zhenyuanzi. We only rely on us. Even if we can suppress the seventh level apostle Kahn, it will take some effort to kill him." Asked the nunwa sage.

"Of course I will, but it\'s enough for the seventh level apostle Kahn to have kakarot and phantom Riel to help."

"I\'d better besiege Casolo with the leader of Tongtian cult." Locke said.

In fact, not long ago, Locke reached an agreement with the leader of Tongtian.

Locke didn\'t take any of the demon God Casolo\'s private wealth and weapons. He only took Casolo\'s body after the war.

It\'s useless for the leader of Tongtian to ask for the corpse of a level 8 creature. Therefore, the leader of Tongtian didn\'t even consider the deal, so he nodded and agreed directly.

After receiving Locke\'s answer, Nu Wa saint\'s face was obviously happy.

Compared with the unparalleled war between Locke and the demon God cassoro, it is obvious that the encirclement and killing of the seventh level apostle Kahn will be the first dust settled master war on Tara.

Nu Wa sage did not continue to stay beside Locke. Soon Shi ran left her and went to the demon army to coordinate and dispatch.

After seeing the Nvwa Saint leave, Locke looked into the deep starry sky where the immortal domain was located.

Unfortunately, even with Locke\'s level 8 knight, it is basically impossible to cross such a long distance of time and space to observe what happened in Xianyu at this time.

It was a pity for Locke that he couldn\'t watch a level 9 strong shot from a close distance.

However, Locke is not too depressed. Anyway, the desperate spider mother is there. Even if Locke can\'t see the real-time battle picture, it\'s good to watch the first-hand playback in the future.

I just don\'t know whether Locke can go further according to Hongjun\'s means and the use of rule power.

As for the desperate spider mother, I think she will eventually get more benefits and feelings.


Five hundred years later.

At the border of grace star domain, his eyes looked back to the depths of Tara and fairy domain. Somehow, milt, the eighth level strong man of the Holy See, was as uneasy as milch in those years.

Five hundred years is not a long time for dominant creatures and a huge civilization war.

But in these five hundred years, many things have happened.

For example, with the help of some Vatican legions, the remnant of blue boxing martial arts recovered two-thirds of the martial arts star domain, but they still couldn\'t win the blue boxing martial arts world.

Another example is the dominant life bodies such as Locke, Tongtian leader and Nu Wa saint in the Tara battlefield. 300 years ago, they officially launched a dominant war in Tara.

With the blessing of the local plane rules, level 8 demon God Casolo defeated two with one in a short time, and did not show much decline.

However, another seven level master of Tara showed signs of falling in just 300 years when he was besieged by six masters of the same level.