Heimarian Odyssey

Chapter 4246

Above the infinite fighter and the ship, a middle-aged monk in black stood in front of the Holy See\'s Lord milch.

If Locke has any old enemies in the immortal realm, the giant mosquito monster who has fought with him is one, and the other guy is Moruo, the once strong leader of Tiandao alliance in the world of heavenly demons.

Locke\'s first destructive lotus seed was first obtained from this guy, which directly prompted Locke to embark on the road of destruction.

For Moro, Locke was a lifelong enemy who robbed him of his opportunities.

Just because Locke made friends with too many immortal saints, and later his own strength also broke through, the gap between Morro and Locke became larger and larger.

Today\'s Moro is just a small miscellaneous fish in the early days of quasi saint.

After hundreds of thousands of years of hard cultivation, the strength of Moruo did not rise but fell.

Except that most saints and Taoists in Xianyu don\'t like him because of his bad relationship with Locke.

Another reason is that five thousand years ago, at the beginning of Xianyu\'s conquest of Tara, the Baimei immortal of Shushan sword school put him together.

The old grudge between immortal Baimei and Moruo has existed for a long time. The grudge between them can even rise to the contradiction between Tianmo world and Tianshu world.

Since the immortal demon disaster with Guangming Protoss, immortal Baimei and his Shushan sword sect have had a smooth journey.

Not only did immortal Baimei cultivate himself to the peak of quasi saint, but also many great Luo Jinxian friars have emerged in Shushan sword sect.

Contrary to the development of Baimei immortal and Shushan sword sect, Moruo and his Tiandao alliance have been unlucky for more than 100000 years.

Not only was the top position of Tiandao League in the world of heavenly demons taken away by Hehuan sect, but even in terms of personal realm, Hehuan sect entered the middle stage of quasi sainthood not long ago after its lack of Yin.

Mo Luo doesn\'t know the relationship between immortal Baimei and tianduanyin. It\'s just that thousands of years ago, the suppression from the righteous immortal Baimei and the fall of the evil tianduanyin made Mo Luo completely unable to mix in the civilization of the immortal region.

No matter where he went to the immortal realm, everyone shouted and fought for his existence.

In particular, this guy did not embark on the golden period of the external development of Xianyu civilization for nearly 100000 years. More and more quasi saints and Da Luo Jinxian friars in Xianyu appeared, which gradually ignored his past demon giant.

It was also when Morro was most frustrated that he happened to meet kiraya, a level 7 brain eater in the Tara domain. Or he was just unlucky enough to be caught by kilaya.

It can be said that he is to protect his life from being parasitized by brain eaters.

It can also be said that he is to avenge the good and evil in the immortal domain, so that he has now become the anti bone boy with the highest personal strength and realm of the civilization in the immortal domain.

"Are you sure there is no other Saint level combat power in Xianyu?" Milch couldn\'t help asking. This was the third time he asked Morro the same question.

"No, all the saints in the immortal region have sent out to the Tara star region and the blue fist martial arts star region. As far as I know, there has been no new saint breakthrough in the immortal region in recent years." Muro answered cautiously.

"Then you tell me that there is a master\'s corpse in Xianyu. Where does it come from?" Milch then asked.

"It is said that it was a demon giant that fell from the wasteland in ancient times. It was called the demon ancestor."

"As for how he fell, the common saying is that he was killed by the Taoist ancestor, but whether the Taoist ancestor exists or not is also an unknown conclusion in the boundless world."

"It is said that in ancient times, the Taoist ancestor preached three times, but unfortunately I hadn\'t set foot on the road of practice at that time, so I couldn\'t determine whether it was true." Replied Morro.

This is the difference between having a heel and not having a heel. Other core disciples of the Taoist court of saints, or the demon master Kunpeng, zhenyuanzi immortal, Styx Laozu and others, must know the taboo of Daozu Hongjun.

Even they have heard Hongjun preach in person. They are one of the 3000 mortals in Zixiao palace. They can barely have a relationship with Hongjun.

However, although Moruo is a quasi saint in the immortal domain, it is more than a little worse than those old quasi saints.

Monroe\'s real fame should be after the apocalypse.

At that time, the Dragon Han disaster and the Lich disaster had already ended, and the three sermons in Zixiao palace earlier did not know what year and month it was. In the case that monks in the wilderness generally like to live in seclusion, how can he hear the taboo of Taoist ancestors in the demon world.

If he didn\'t get a destroyed lotus seed and some inheritance of the demon ancestor Luo, it\'s still a question whether this guy can finally enter the quasi holy realm.

No wonder this guy gradually fell into the disadvantage in the confrontation with Baimei immortal.

In addition to his bad luck for nearly 100000 years, Baimei immortal relies on the sage Lao Tzu. There is a great difference between the two, whether it is the inheritance of Kung Fu or the elixir.

"Daozu..." When he bowed his head and pondered these two words, the uneasiness and hidden dangers of the Vatican Lord milch were deeper.

Unfortunately, since leaving the blue fist martial arts star domain and reaching the chaotic void where the immortal civilization is located, milch\'s holy light divination has lost its effectiveness.

Just like the environment they are facing in the chaotic void at this time, it is dark everywhere, full of unknown and crisis.

It seemed that he saw the faint worry on milch\'s face. On the other side, kilaya, a level 7 brain eater, smiled and said with relief, "even if there is any hidden strength in the depths of the immortal domain, it is mostly the same as the guardian of the plane."

"With the help of our three masters, even if he has the blessing of local rules, it can\'t be good."

"Needless to say, master, you still have the traction of the tower of hope." Kilaya smiled.

The traction of the tower of hope is one of the most famous means of cards in Enze mainland. In that year, the eighth level creature milt failed to raid the leader of Tongtian cult. He left the battlefield directly with the world-class secret treasure of the tower of hope.

In addition to being able to instantly withdraw the Vatican Legion to the land of grace, the tower of hope is also a two-way transmission equipment, that is, another Vatican eighth level leader milt can also use this equipment to achieve instant cross satellite support.

The relief from kilaya did not make Mirch relax much.

In fact, no matter kilaya or Muro who has betrayed the immortal domain, milch has no good feelings for these two guys.

If there were no other allies, the Holy See would not join hands with such an existence.

He could not help looking into the depths of the chaotic void. He informed Alan, a blind old man in another part of the Vatican army, and milch reminded the other party to be ready to deal with abnormalities at any time.


It was also when the Vatican army went deep into the chaotic void that the two people in the Zixiao palace talked about Taoism and put down their tea cups at the same time.

"Does Daozu need my help?" Asked the desperate spider mother with great interest.

"Should... No." The Taoist ancestor looked into the depths of the star domain and pondered.

Then a white light came out of Zixiao palace and went straight to the wasteland below.

The four sacred beasts of green dragon, white tiger, rosefinch and Xuanwu suppress the four poles. At the same time, incomparable rules and energy elements emerge.

These majestic rules and energy directly condense a light cyan energy shield outside the boundless world.

Countless creatures could not help looking up. They did not know what had happened.

The queen mother of the Jade Emperor, who sits in the middle heaven, soon heard the oral instructions of the Taoist ancestor in her mind.


It may be that I haven\'t had five watch for a long time. I feel a little unbearable today.